March 6-7, 2023

  • Mr. Matsumoto(M2) presented “Accuracy improvement of ensemble learning based dementia classification for brain SPECT volumes” at IEICE-MI@Okinawa

  • Mr. Takateyama(M2) presented “Computer-aided diagnosis of chest CT images for COVID-19 with lesion enhancement” at IEICE-MI@ Okinawa

  • Mr. Kawasaki(M2) presented “Synthesizing COVID-19 CT Images with Generative Adversarial Networks” at IEICE-MI@ Okinawa

  • Ms. Shimada(M2) presented “Performance analysis of a hot-spot detection support system of bone scintigrams by post-market training” at IEICE-MI@ Okinawa

February 14, 2023

“Simulation of Postmarket Fine-tuning of a Computer-aided Detection System for Bone Scintigrams and Its Performance analysis” appeared in the ABE.

January 10, 2023

Mr. Samarth Bhardwaj (M2) presented a novel super-resolution degraded by motion blur at IFMIA2023@Jeju island (Korea).