Recent selected publications

  1. Akira Kojima, Tetsuya Tomita, Shigeyoshi Tsuji, Yuho Kadono, Kurisu Tada, Taiki Nozaki, Masashi Tamaki, Yoshinobu Koyama, Hiroaki Dobashi, Tadashi Okano, Satoshi Kawaai, Tatsuya Atsumi, Naoto Tamura, Yoshifuji Matsumoto, Hitoshi Goto, Yoshinori Taniguchi, Yukitaka Ueki, Michiaki Takagi, Kiyoshi Matsui, Kohei Hagimori , Akinobu Shimizu
    Bone marrow edema detection for diagnostic support of axial spondyloarthritis using MRI
    Int J CARS , (2024)
  2. Morio Hara, Kaho Shimada, Ryusuke Nakaoka, Akinobu Shimizu
    Design and evaluation of deep learning based inverse filter for a computer aided hot spot detection support system of bone scintigrams
    Medical Imaging Technology 42(1), 29-38, (2024)
  3. Naoki Tsuchiya, Koichiro Kimura, Ukihide Tateishi, Tadashi Watabe, Koji Hatano, Motohide Uemura, Norio Nonomura, Akinobu Shimizu
    Detection support of lesions in patients with prostate cancer using 18 F-PSMA 1007 PET/CT
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , (2024)
  4. Kaho Shimada, Hiromitsu Daisaki, Shigeaki Higashiyama, Joji Kawabe, Ryusuke Nakaoka, Akinobu Shimizu
    Simulation of Postmarket Fine-tuning of a Computer-aided Detection System for Bone Scintigrams and Its Performance analysis
    Advanced Biomedical Engineering , vol.12, pp.51-63, (2023)
  5. Yusuke Takateyama, Takahito Haruishi, Masahiro Hashimoto, Yoshito Otake, Toshiaki Akashi, Akinobu Shimizu
    Attention Induction for a CT volume classification of COVID-19
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , (2022)
  6. Masaya Tanaka, Atsushi Saito, Kosuke Shido, Yasuhiro Fujisawa, Kenshi Yamasaki, Manabu Fujimoto, Kohei Murao, Youichirou Ninomiya, Shin’ichi Satoh, Akinobu Shimizu
    Classification of large‑scale image database of various skin diseases using deep learning
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , (2021)
  7. Masahiro Ogino, Zisheng Li, and Akinobu Shimizu
    Augmented Radiology: Feature Space Transfer Model for Prostate Cancer Stage Prediction
    IEEE Access , (2021)
  8. Akinobu Shimizu, Hayato Wakabayashi, Takumi Kanamori, Atsushi Saito, Kazuhiro Nishikawa, Hiromitsu Daisaki, Shigeaki Higashiyama, Joji Kawabe
    Automated measurement of bone scan index from a whole-body bone scintigram
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 15, 389–400, (2019)
  9. Masahiro Ishikawa, Chisato Okamoto, Kazuma Shinoda, Chika Iwamoto, Kenoki Ohuchida, Makoto Hashizume, Akinobu Shimizu, and Naoki Kobayashi
    Detection of pancreatic tumor cell nuclei via a hyperspectral analysis of pathological slides based on stain spectra
    Biomedical Optics Express 10(9), 4568-4588, (2019)
  10. Mauricio Kugler, Yushi Goto, Yuki Tamura, Naoki Kawamura, Hirokazu Kobayashi, Tatsuya Yokota, Chika Iwamoto, Kenoki Ohuchida, Makoto Hashizume, Akinobu Shimizu, Hidekata Hontani
    Robust 3D image reconstruction of pancreatic cancer tumors from histopathological images with different stains and its quantitative performance evaluation
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 14, 2047-2055, (2019)
  11. Atsushi Saito, Masaki Tsujikawa, Tetsuya Takakuwa, Shigehito Yamada, Akinobu Shimizu
    Level set distribution model of nested structures using logarithmic transformation
    Medical Image Analysis 56, 1–10, (2019)
  12. Shouhei Hanaoka, Yukihiro Nomura, Tomomi Takenaga, Masaki Murata, Takahiro Nakao, Soichiro Miki, Takeharu Yoshikawa, Naoto Hayashi, Osamu Abe, Akinobu Shimizu
    HoTPiG: a novel graph-based 3-D image feature set and its applications to computer-assisted detection of cerebral aneurysms and lung nodules
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 14, 2095-2107, (2019)
  13. Koyo Nakayama, Atsushi Saito, Elijah Biggs, Marius George Linguraru, Akinobu Shimizu
    Liver segmentation from low-radiation-dose pediatric computed tomography using patient-specific, statistical modeling
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 14, 2057-2068, (2019)
  14. Saadia Binte Alam, Manabu Nii, Akinobu Shimizu and Syoji Kobashi
    Spatiotemporal statistical shape model for temporal shape change analysis of adult brain
    Current Medical Imaging Reviews 15(1), (2019)
  15. Motoki Katsube, Shigehito Yamada, Yutaka Yamaguchi, Tetsuya Takakuwa, Akira Yamamoto, Hirohiko Imai, Atsushi Saito, Akinobu Shimizu, Shigehiko Suzuki
    Critical growth processes for the midfacial morphogenesis in the early prenatal period
    The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 56(8), 1026–1037, (2019)
  16. Kiyoyuki Chinzei, Akinobu Shimizu, Kensaku Mori, Kanako Harada, Hideaki Takeda, Makoto Hashizume, Mayumi Ishizuka, Nobumasa Kato, Ryuzo Kawamori, Shunei Kyo, Kyosuke Nagata, Takashi Yamane, Ichiro Sakuma, Kazuhiko Ohe, Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Regulatory science on AI-based medical devices and systems
    Advanced Biomedical Engineering 7, 118–123, (2018)
  17. Rosdiana Shahril, Atsushi Saito, Akinobu Shimizu, Sabariah Baharun
    Bleeding classification of enhanced wireless capsule endoscopy images using deep convolutional neural network
    Journal of Information Science and Engineering 36(1), 91-108, (2018)
  18. Kazuki Kasahara, Atsushi Saito, Tetsuya Takakuwa, Shigehito Yamada, Hiroshi Matsuzoe, Hidekata Hontani, Akinobu Shimizu
    A spatiotemporal statistical shape model of the brain surface during human embryonic development
    Advanced Biomedical Engineering 7, 146–155, (2018)
  19. Masashi Kishimoto, Atsushi Saito, Tetsuya Takakuwa, Shigehito Yamada, Hiroshi Matsuzoe, Hidekata Hontani, Akinobu Shimizu
    A spatiotemporal statistical model for eyeballs of human embryos
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E100-D(7), 1505–1515, (2017)
  20. Atsushi Saito, Shigeru Nawano, Akinobu Shimizu
    Fast approximation for joint optimization of segmentation, shape, and location priors, and its application in gallbladder segmentation
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 12(5), 743–756, (2017)
  21. Shouhei Hanaoka, Yoshiyasu Nakano, Mitsutaka Nemoto, Yukihiro Nomura, Tomomi Takenaga, Soichiro Miki, Takeharu Yoshikawa, Naoto Hayashi, Yoshitaka Masutani, Akinobu Shimizu
    Automatic detection of vertebral number abnormalities in body CT images
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 12(5), 719–732, (2017)
  22. Shouhei Hanaoka, Yoshitaka Masutani, Mitsutaka Nemoto, Yukihiro Nomura, Soichiro Miki, Takeharu Yoshikawa, Naoto Hayashi, Kuni Ohtomo, Akinobu Shimizu
    Landmark-guided diffeomorphic demons algorithm and its application to automatic segmentation of the whole spine and pelvis in CT images
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 12(3), 413–430, (2016)
  23. Atsushi Saito, Seiji Yamamoto, Shigeru Nawano, Akinobu Shimizu
    Automated liver segmentation from a postmortem CT scan based on a statistical shape model
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 12(2), 205–221, (2016)
  24. Shouhei Hanaoka, Akinobu Shimizu, Mitsutaka Nemoto, Yukihiro Nomura, Soichiro Miki, Takeharu Yoshikawa, Naoto Hayashi, Kuni Ohtomo, Yoshitaka Masutani
    Automatic detection of over 100 anatomical landmarks in medical CT images: a framework with independent detectors and combinatorial optimization
    Medical Image Analysis 35, 192–214, (2016)
  25. Iwao Hasegawa, Akinobu Shimizu, Atsushi Saito, Hideto Suzuki, Hermann Vogel, Klaus Püschel, Axel Heinemann
    Evaluation of post-mortem lateral cerebral ventricle changes using sequential scans during post-mortem computed tomography
    International Journal of Legal Medicine 130(5), 1323–1328, (2016)
  26. Atsushi Saito, Shigeru Nawano and Akinobu Shimizu
    Joint optimization of segmentation and shape prior from level-set-based statistical shape model, and its application to the automated segmentation of abdominal organs
    Medical Image Analysis 28, 46–65, (2015)
  27. Shun Umetsu, Akinobu Shimizu, Hidefumi Watanabe, Hidefumi Kobatake, Shigeru Nawano
    An automated Segmentation Algorithm for CT Volumes of Livers with Atypical Shapes and Large Pathological Lesions
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E97-D(4), 951-963, (2014)
  28. Sho Tomoshige, Elco Oost, Akinobu Shimizu, Hidefumi Watanabe, Shigeru Nawano
    A conditional statistical shape model with integrated error estimation of the conditions; application to liver segmentation in non-contrast CT images
    Medical Image Analysis 18, 130-143, (2013)
  29. Atsushi Saito, Akinobu Shimizu, Hidefumi Watanabe, Seiji Yamamoto, Shigeru Nawano and Hidefumi Kobatake
    Statistical shape model of a liver for autopsy imaging
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 9(2), 269-281, (2013)
  30. Akinobu Shimizu, Takuya Narihira, Daisuke Furukawa, Hidefumi Kobatake, Shigeru Nawano and Kenji Shinozaki
    Ensemble learning based segmentation of metastatic liver tumours in contrast-enhanced computed tomography
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E96-D(4), 864-868, (2013)
  31. Keita Nakagomi, Akinobu Shimizu, Hidefumi Kobatake, Masahiro Yakami, Koji Fujimoto,Kaori Togashi
    Multi-shape graph cuts with neighbor prior constraints and its application to lung segmentation from a chest CT volume
    Medical Image Analysis 17, 62-77, (2012)
  32. Akinobu Shimizu, Takayuki Kitasaka, Shigeru Nawano, Kenji Shinozaki, Yoshio Tateno
    3D medical image processing algorithm competition in Japan
    Proc. of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2011, S1-2, (2011)
  33. Akinobu Shimizu, Tatsuya Kimoto, Hidefumi Kobatake, Shigeru Nawano, Kenji Shinozaki
    Automated pancreas segmentation from three-dimensional contrast-enhanced computed tomography
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 5(85), 85-98, (2009)
  34. Akinobu Shimizu, Takuya Narihira, Daisuke Furukawa, Hidefumi Kobatake, Shigeru Nawano and Kenji Shinozaki
    Ensemble segmentation using AdaBoost with application to liver lesion extraction from a CT volume
    Proc. of workshop in MICCAI2008, (2008)
  35. Ludvik Tesar , Akinobu Shimizu, Daniel Smutek, Hidefumi Kobatak, Shigeru Nawano
    Medical image analysis of 3D CT images based on extension of Haralick texture features
    Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 32(6), 513-520, (2008)
  36. Akinobu Shimizu, Rena Ohno, Takaya Ikegami, Hidefumi Kobatake, Shigeru Nawano, Daniel Smutek
    Segmentation of multiple organs in non-contrast 3D abdominal CT images
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2(3月4日), 135-142, (2007)
  37. Cong Yao, Takashige Wada, Akinobu Shimizu, Hidefumi Kobatake, Shigeru Nawano
    Probabilistic atlas-guided eigen-organ method for simultaneous bounding box estimation of multiple organs in volumetric CT Images
    Medical Imaging Technology 24(3), 191-200, (2006)