A graduate student and an assistant professor from the Universiti Kuala Lumpur have been staying in our lab for three weeks using Sakura Exchange Program in Science of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

7,8 November

Mr. Kubo (M2) presented at MARS Spectral CT workshop

Mr. Kubo visits the University of Otago for international cooperative research for two month.

The paper of Mr. Kasahara was accepted in the Advanced Medical Engineering

16-20 Sep.

Dr. Saito presented at MICCAI2018 @ Granada, Spain

22 Aug. - 4 Sep.

Dr. Saito and Mr. Nakayama (M2) visited the Children’s National Medical Center (Washington DC, USA) for the international cooperative research.

3 Aug. - 29 Sep.

Mr. Lu (M1) visited the Auckland Bioengineering Institute (the University of Auckland, New Zealand) for the international cooperative research.

Mr. Kanamori (M2), Tozawa (M1) and Wakabayashi (M1) presented at CARS2018 @ Berlin.

Two students of ESIEE Paris have come for the purpose of three months research stay.