Prof. Shimizu gave a presentation about a lifetime multidisciplinary computational anatomy model in the 59th annual conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering.
Mr. Tozawa, Ms. Shinjo, Ms. Yamanaka and , Mr. Wakabayashi (M2) presented their researches at the Technical Committee on Medical Imaging (MI) held in Okinawa, Japan.
Prof. Shimizu gave a presentation about deep learning based computer-aided diagnosis of medical images in the Symposium of Japan College of Rheumatology at Fukuoka.
Prof. Shimizu gave a presentation about deep learning based computer-aided diagnosis of medical images in the meeting of the JSNMT at Toho University.
A paper of “VSBONE BSI”, developed by collaboration research with Osaka city Univ. and Nihon Medi-Physics, appeared in the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.
Prof. Shimizu gave a presentation about the risk of computer-aided diagnosis of medical images in the 14th Annual Congress of Japanese Society for Quality and Safety in Healthcare at Kyoto.
Former president of TUAT, emeritus professor Kobatake will be honored by The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon.
Prof. Shimizu gave a presentation in the 47th Autumn Scientific Congress of the JSRT at Osaka.
Ms. Shinjo (M2) presented at CLIP workshop in conjunction with MICCAI2019 @ Shenzhen.