
Publication - 2012

1. CH4 and N2O Emissions from Different Varieties of Forage Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Treating Liquid Cattle Waste
Shohei Riya, Sheng Zhou*, Yoichi Watanabe, Masaki Sagehashi, Akihiko Terada and Masaaki Hosomi
Science of the Total Environment (2012) 419 178-186
2. An Improved Capillary Electrophoresis Method with a New Buffer for the Determination of Major Cations in Soil Extracts
X. Liu;W. Shi;S. Zhou;M. Hosomi
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (2012) 43 (5) 788-798
3. Evaluation of permeation rates of soil fumigrants through plastic films by the cup method
Y. Kobara, Y. Yogo, A. Terada, M. Hosomi
Journal of Pesticide Science (2012) 37 (1) 1-9
4. Mechcanochemical degradation of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane by a planetary ball mill in the presence of CaO
Y. Nomura, K. Fujiwara, A. Terada, S. Nakai, M. Hosomi
Chemosphere (2012) 86 (3) 228-234
5. ガス透過膜を用いたバイオフィルムリアクターによるアゾ色素・窒素化合物の単一槽内除去
寺田昭彦, 川島祥子, 西川恵美, 周勝, 細見正明
用水と廃水 (2012) 54 (3) 213-222
6. The effect of surface charge property on Escherichia coli initial adhesion and subsequent biofilm formation
A. Terada, K. Okuyama, M. Nishikawa, S. Tsuneda, M. Hosomi
Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2012) 109 (7) 1745-1754
7. Utilization of recycled charcoal as a thermal source and adsorbent for the treatment of PCDD/Fs contaminated sediment
L. Zhao, H. Hou, K. Iwasaki, A. Terada, M. Hosomi
Journal of Hazardous Materials (2012) 225-226 182-189
8. In Situ Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium in a Paddy Soil Fertilized with Liquid Cattle Waste
Pedosphere (2012) 3, 006
9. Simultaneous Determination of Total Cyanide and Thiocyanate Ion in Soil by Flow Analysis
野口和宏, 福永和久, 今安英一郎, 埜村朋之, 山下信彦, 萩野芳章, 野々村誠, 細見正明
分析化学 (2012) 61 (12), 1079-1084
10. Mechanisms of Nitrogen Removal in Forage Rice Field Applied with Liquid Cattle Waste at High Nitrogen Loading
S Riya, S Zhou, M Sagehashi, A Terada, M Hosomi
KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU (2012) 38 (5), 290-298
11. Fate of Nitrogen in Seawater Area Around Natural Gas and Iodine Production Plants in Kujukuri Coastal Area
Kazuhiko TAKAHASHI, Yasuhiko OTANI, Hideo IIDA, Shinichi MATSUMOTO, Tadatomi SATO, Masaaki HOSOMI, Kyoko HATA, Kentaro NAGAO
Mizu Kankyo Gakkaishi/Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment (2012) 35 (7)
12. Preparation of Sulfo-Group-Bearing Mesoporous-Silica-Based Solid Acid Catalyst and Its Application to Direct Saccharification
S Li, EW Qian, H Masaaki, T Fukunaga
Journal of chemical engineering of Japan (2012) 45 (7), 484-492
13. Improved Capillary Electrophoresis Method with a New Buffer for the Determination of Major Cations in Soil Extracts
XH Liu, WM Shi, S Zhou, M Hosomi
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (2012) 43 (5), 788-798
14. Evaluation of anaerobic biodegradability of forage rice straw fertilized with livestock waste
S Zhou, H Iino, Y Nakashimada, M Hosomi
Water Science & Technology (2012) 66 (2), 438-444
15. In Situ Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium in a Paddy Soil Fertilized with Liquid Cattle Waste
Pedosphere (2012) 22 (3), 314-321
16. Catalytic Hydrothermal Saccharification of Rice Straw Using Mesoporous Silica-based Solid Acid Catalysts
S Li, EW Qian, T Shibata, M Hosomi
Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute (2012) 55 (4), 250-260
17. Polyphenols and fatty acids responsible for anti-cyanobacterial allelopathic effects of submerged macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum
S Nakai, G Zou, T Okuda, W Nishijima, M Hosomi, M Okada
Water Science & Technology (2012) 66 (5), 993-999
18. Assessing nitrification and denitrification in a paddy soil with different water dynamics and applied liquid cattle waste using the 15N isotopic technique
S Zhou, Y Sakiyama, S Riya, X Song, A Terada, M Hosomi
Science of the Total Environment (2012) 430, 93-100
19. Utilization of recycled charcoal as a thermal source and adsorbent for the treatment of PCDD/Fs contaminated sediment
L Zhao, H Hou, K Iwasaki, A Terada, M Hosomi
Journal of hazardous materials (2012) 225, 182-189
20. How to confront the risk of radioactivity
M Hosomi
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2012) 1-2
21. Formation pathways of polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in sediments contaminated with PCBs during the thermal desorption process
L Zhao, H Hou, K Shimoda, A Terada, M Hosomi
Chemosphere (2012) 88 (11), 1368-1374]
22. Comparison of methanotrophic bacteria, methane oxidation activity, and methane emission in rice fields fertilized with anaerobically digested slurry between a fodder rice and a normal rice variety
KT Win, R Nonaka, AT Win, Y Sasada, K Toyota, T Motobayashi, M Hosomi
Paddy and Water Environment (2012) 10 (4), 281-289
23. Short-term responses of nitrous oxide emissions and concentration profiles to fertilization and irrigation in greenhouse vegetable cultivation
S Riya, J MIN, S ZHOU, SHI Wei-Ming, M Hosomi
Pedosphere 22 (2012) (6), 764-775
24. カップ法による土壌くん蒸剤のプラスチックフィルム透過速度の評価
Journal of pesticide science (2012) 37 (1), 28-36