
Publication - 2005

1. Anti-cyanobacterial fatty acids released from Myriophyllum spicatum

Satoshi NAKAI, M. Hosomi

Hydrobiologia (2005) 543 (1) 71-78
2. Cu(?) complexation capacity in throughfall and its influence to environment.

Hong Hou, T. Tkamatsu, M. Kosikawa, M. Hosomi

Water, Air & Soil pollution (2005) 162 (1-4) 229-245
3. An X-ray Flourescence Method for rapid screening of As, Cr, Cu and Pb concentration in waste wood from constructin and demolition processes.

Watanabe, Y., Y. Kurata, Y. Ono, M. Takada, S. Nakai, M. Hosomi

Journal of Environmental Chemistry (2005) 15 (1) 145-152<
4. Photodegaradation of pentachlorphenol and its degradation pathways predicted using density functional theory

J. Suegara, Lee, Byung-D., Maria P.Espino, S. Nakai, M.Hosomi

Chemosphere (2005) 61 (3) 341-346
5. ダイオキシン類に類似した含硫黄複素環化合物


環境化学 (2005) 15 (2) 239-246
6. Remediation of dioxins-contaminated soil by successive ethanol washing-photodegradation

Lee, Byung-D., S. Okutsu, S. Nakai, M. Hosomi

Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan (2005) 38 (5) 360-365
7. PCB含有蛍光灯安定器と室内環境:PCBのにおいから


においかおり環境学会誌 (2005) 36 (6) 323-330
8. Elucidation of degradation mechanism of dioxins during mechanochemical treatment

Yugo NOMURA, Satoshi NAKAI, M. Hosomi

Environmental Science and Technology (2005) 39 (10) 3799-3804
9. ダイオキシン類汚染土壌の対策技術とそのコストに対する想い


土壌環境センター技術ニュース (2005) No.10:1(巻頭言)
10. Migration of silver, indium, tin, antimony, and bismuth and variations in their chemical fractions on addition to uncontaminated soils

Hong Hou, T. Tkamatsu, M. Kosikawa and M. Hosomi

Soil Science (2005) 170 (8) 624-639
11. 建設廃木材中の金属−外観によるスクリーニング及び表面と内部の濃度分布−

渡辺洋一, 倉田泰人, 小野雄策, 細見正明

環境科学会誌(2005) 18 (5) 469-480
12. PCB汚染物と処理技術


産業と環境 (2005) 134 (11) 77-80
13. 飼料イネを用いた窒素除去とバイオマス生産

周 勝,高田 誠,中井智司,細見正明

水環境学会誌(2005) 28 (11) 697-703
14. Trace metals in bulk precipitation and throughfall (under Japanese cedar, Japanese red pine, Japanese cypress, and bamboo-leafed oak) in a suburban area of Japan

Hong Hou, T. Takamatsu, M. Kosikawa, M. Hosomi

Atmospheric environment (2005) 39 (20) 3583-3595
15. 真空加熱分離法によるPCB使用電気機器からのPCB分離における処理条件の影響

齋藤 哲,大林宏至,中井智司,細見正明

廃棄物学会論文誌 (2005) 16 (6) 481-491