Creation of Aptameric biology

Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B)

Planned Research C01

Planned Research C01

Dr. Kaori Tsukakoshi
Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Development of mouse model to investigate brain homeostasis using protein-function-enhancing aptamers
DNA aptamer is a DNA-based ligand that specifically binds to target molecules. Since the concept of aptamers was first proposed in 1990, aptamers that bind to various proteins have been developed. Aptamers have also been found to inhibit or enhance protein function due to their excellent binding specificity and binding affinity. We thought that the application of protein activity regulation by aptamers would allow us to analyze the phenotype of protein function in vivo without genetic modification. In this study, we aim to regulate brain homeostasis using protein-function-enhancing DNA aptamers. First, we attempt to develop aptamers that upregulate (i) enzymatic activity of KLK7 and (ii) CAPON-nNOS interaction. Transfer of the aptamers to the mouse brain would enable us to unveil the relationship between KLK7/CAPON-nNOS and brain homeostasis.
Development of mouse model to investigate brain homeostasis using protein-function-enhancing aptamers

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