Journal Papers
2024 2023 2022 2021 20202019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
2009 2008 2007 2006
Data-driven phase-field analysis of static recrystallization in aluminum alloy
Kota Matsumoto, Eisuke Miyoshi, Masato Ito, Yoshiki Mori, Kishu Akiba, Nobuhiro Kitahara, Kenichi Yaguchi, Akinori Yamanaka*
Computational Materials Science, Vol. 251 (2025), 113749.
Evaluation of Solute Segregation in SUS316L Stainless Steel under Rapid Solidification using a Non-Equilibrium Multiphase Field Model
Masahito Segawa, Shoichiro Nakamura and Akinori Yamanaka*
Computational Materials Science, Vol. 250 (2025) 113697
非逐次データ同化によるフェーズフィールドき裂進展シミュレーションのパラメータ推定 − 数値実験による検証 −
佐々木健吾, 末木咲衣, 山中晃徳*
塑性と加工, (2025), 印刷中
Parameter Estimation for Phase-field Crack Propagation Simulation using Non-sequential Data Assimilation − Validation by Numerical Experiments −
Kengo Sasaki, Sae Sueki and Akinori Yamanaka*
Journal of The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, (2025), in print. (in Japanese)
Evaluating inclination-dependent anisotropic grain boundary energies: Bayesian data assimilation approach using molecular dynamics and phase-field simulations
Tomoo Fujiwara, Eisuke Miyoshi*, and Akinori Yamanaka
Computational Materials Science, Vol. 248 (2025), 113605.
Integrating Machine Learning with Advanced Processing and Characterization for Polycrystalline Materials: A Methodology Review and Application to Iron-based Superconductors
Akiyasu Yamamoto, Akinori Yamanaka, Kazumasa Iida, Yusuke Shimada, Satoshi Hata
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM), Vol. 26 (2025), 2436347.
Morphological evolution of splashing drop revealed by interpretation of explainable artificial intelligence
Jingzu Yee, Shunsuke Kumagai, Daichi Igarashi, Pradipto, Akinori Yamanaka, Yoshiyuki Tagawa*
Flow 4 (2024) E33
High-Fidelity Phase-Field Simulation of Solid-State Sintering Enabled by Bayesian Data Assimilation Using In Situ Electron Tomography Data
Akimitsu Ishii, Akinori Yamanaka*, Mizumo Yoshinaga, Shunsuke Sato, Midori Ikeuchi, Hikaru Saito, Satoshi Hata, and Akiyasu Yamamoto
Acta Materialia, Vol. 278 (2024), 120251
瀬川正仁, 山中晃徳*
日本金属学会誌, 第88巻, 9号 (2024) pp. 181-189. (公式転載論文)
Super-strength permanent magnets with iron-based superconductors by data- & researcher-driven process design
Akiyasu Yamamoto*, Shinnosuke Tokuta, Akimitsu Ishii, Akinori Yamanaka, Yusuke Shimada, Mark D. Ainslie
NPG Asia Materials, Vol. 16 (2024) 29.
Inverse Estimation of Material Model Parameters Using Digital Image Correlation and Ensemble-based Four-dimensional Variational Methods
Sae Sueki, Akimitsu Ishii and Akinori Yamanaka*
Materials Transactions, Vol. 65 (2024), 907-913. (Official reprint of JSTP paper)
Data Assimilation to Determine the Electrohydrodynamic Force of Plasma Actuators
Yutaka Kaneko, Akinori Yamanaka, Hiroyuki Nishida*
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 372 (2024) 115320.
Morphological features of a splashing drop extracted using exlainable AI
Jingzu Yee*, Daichi Igarashi, Shun Miyatake, Akinori Yamanaka, Yoshiyuki Tagawa
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 146 (2024) 070906.
Data assimilation for phase-field simulations of the formation of eutectic alloy microstructures
Yusuke Seguchi, Masayuki Okugawa*, Chuanqi Zhu, Akinori Yamanaka, Yuichiro Koziumi*
Computational Materials Science, Vol. 237 (2024), 112910.
Inverse identification of plastic anisotropy through multiple non-conventional mechanical experiments
Y. Zhang*, A. Yamanaka, S. Cooreman, T. Kuwabara, S. Coppieters
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 285 (2023) 112534.
末木咲衣, 石井秋光, 山中晃徳*
塑性と加工, 第64巻 (2023), pp. 195-201.
DMC-TPE: Tree-Structured Parzen Estimator-Based Efficient Data Assimilation Method for Phase-Field Simulation of Solid-State Sintering
Akimitsu Ishii*, Akiyasu Yamamoto, Akinori Yamanaka
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods (STAM-M), Vol. 3 (2023), 2239133.
Application of Bayesian Optimization to the Synthesis Process of BaFe2(As,P)2 Polycrystalline Bulk Superconducting Materials
Akimitsu Ishii, Shinjiro Kikuchi, Akinori Yamanaka, Akiyasu Yamamoto*
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 996 (2023), 171613.
Inverse characterization of a material model using an ensemble-based four-dimensional variational method
Sae Sueki, Akimitsu Ishii, Sam Coppieters, Akinori Yamanaka*
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 279 (2023), 112350.
Big-volume SliceGAN for improving a synthetic 3D microstructure image of additive-manufactured TYPE 316L steel
Keiya Sugiura, Toshio Ogawa, Yoshitaka Adachi*, Fei Sun, Asuka Suzuki, Akinori Yamanaka, Nobuo Nakada, Takuya Ishimoto, Yuichiro Koizumi, Takayoshi Nakano
Journal of Imaging, Vol. 9 (2023), 90.
Phase-field Modeling of Solid-state Sintering with Interfacial Anisotropy
Akimitsu Ishii*, Kyoyu Kondo, Akiyasu Yamamoto, Akinori Yamanaka
Materials Today Communications, Vol. 35 (2023), 106061
Multi-Phase-Field Simulation of Non-Equilibrium Solidification in 316L Stainless Steel under Rapid Cooling Condition
Masahito Segawa, Akinori Yamanaka*
Materials Transactions, Vol. 64 (2023), 1160-1168.
Modulated structure formation in dislocation cells in 316L stainless steel fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
Fei Sun*, Toshio Ogawa, Yoshitaka Adachi, Kazuhisa Sato, Shunya Takagi, Goro Miyamoto, Asuka Suzuki, Akinori Yamanaka, Nobuo Nakata, Yuichiro Koizumi
Materials Transactions, (2023), advanced publication.
Phase-field modeling and simulation of solid-state phase transformations in steels
Akinori Yamanaka*
ISIJ International, Vol. 63, No. 3 (2023), pp. 395-406. (Review Article)
Validating a mean-field theory via large-scale phase-field simulations for abnormal grain growth induced by nonuniform grain boundary properties
Eisuke Miyoshi*, Munekazu Ohno, Yasushi Shibuta, Akinori Yamanaka, Tomohiro Takaki
Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 57 (2022) 16690-16709.
Three-dimensional microstructure and critical current properties of ultrafine grain Ba(Fe,Co)2As2 bulk superconductors
Yusuke Shimada*, Shinnosuke Tokuta, Akinori Yamanaka, Akiyasu Yamamoto, Toyohiko J Konno
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 923 (2022), 166358. -
Bayesian texture optimization using deep neural network-based numerical material test
Ryunosuke Kamijyo, Akimitsu Ishii, Sam Coppieters and Akinori Yamanaka*
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 223 (2022/6), 107285.
BOXVIA: Bayesian optimization executable and visualizable application
Akimitsu Ishii*, Ryunosuke Kamijyo, Akinori Yamanaka, and Akiyasu Yamamoto
SoftwareX, Vol. 18 (2022/6), 101019.
Image features of a splashing drop on a solid surface extracted using a feedforward neural network
Jingzu Yee, Akinori Yamanaka, and Yoshiyuki Tagawa*
Physics of Fluids, Vol. 34 (2022), 013317.
Efficient estimation of material parameters using DMC-BO: Application to phase-field simulation of solid-state sintering
Akimitsu Ishii, Akinori Yamanaka*, Eisuke Miyoshi and Akiyasu Yamamoto
Materials Today Communications, Vol. 30 (2022/03), 103089. -
Novel estimation method for anisotropic grain boundary properties based on Bayesian data assimilation and phase-field simulation
Eisuke Miyoshi*, Munekazu Ohno, Yasushi Shibuta, Akinori Yamanaka, and Tomohiro Takaki
Materials & Design, Vol. 210 (2021/09), 110089. -
Estimation of solid-state sintering and material parameters using phase-field modeling and ensemble four-dimensional variational method
Akimitsu Ishii, Akinori Yamanaka*, Yuki Okada, and Akiyasu Yamamoto
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 29 (2021/7), 065012.
Quantitative three-dimensional phase-field modeling of dendritic solidification coupled with local ensemble transform Kalman filter
Kazuki Takahashi, and Akinori Yamanaka*
Computational Materials Science, Vol. 190 (2021/04), 110296.
Estimation of Texture-dependent Stress-Strain Curve and r-value of Aluminum Alloy Sheet Using Deep Learning
Kohta Koenuma, Akinori Yamanaka*, Ikumu Watanabe, and Toshihiko Kuwabara
Materials Transactions, Vol. 61 (2020/12), pp. 2276-2283. J-STAGE
(This paper is official reprint of J. JSTP, Vol. 61, No. 709 (2020), pp. 48-55.)
Data Assimilation for Three-dimensional Phase-field Simulation of Dendritic Solidification using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
Akinori Yamanaka*, and Kazuki Takahashi
Materials Today Communications, Vol. 25 (2020/12), 101331. Elsevier
Multi-phase-field modelling of electromigration-induced void migration in interconnect lines having bamboo structures
Akimitsu Ishii, and Akinori Yamanaka*
Computational Materials Science, Vol. 184 (2020/11) 109848.Elsevier
Deep neural network approach to estimate biaxial stress-strain curves of sheet metals
Akinori Yamanaka*, Ryunosuke Kamijyo, Kohta Koenuma, Ikumu Watanabe and Toshihiko Kuwabara
Materials & Design, Vol. 195 (2020/10), 108970. Available online (DNN-NMT project: GitHub)
Grain boundary mobilities in polycrystal
Jin Zhang, Wolfgang Ludwig, Yubin Zhang, Hans Henrik B. Sorensen, David J. Rowenhorst, Akinori Yamanaka, Peter W. Voorhees, Henning F. Poulsen*
Acta Materialia, Vol. 191 (2020/6), pp. 211-220. Elsevier
肥沼康太, 山中晃徳*, 渡邊育夢, 桑原利彦
塑性と加工, 61巻, 709号, (2020/2), pp. 48-55. (J. JSTP, Vol. 61, No. 709 (2020), pp. 48-55.)
Solidification analysis by non-equilibrium phase field model using thermodynamics data estimated by machine learning
Sukeharu Nomoto*, Hiroshi Wakameda, Masahito Segawa, Akinori Yamanaka, Toshiyuki Koyama
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 27 (2019/10), p. 084008(15pp) IOP Publishing
Ensemble Kalman filter-based data assimilation for three-dimensional multi-phase-field model: Estimation of anisotropic grain boundary properties
Akinori Yamanaka*, Yuri Maeda and Kengo Sasaki
Materials & Design, Vol. 165, (2019/3), p. 107577. Elsevier
Voxel Coarsening Approach on Image-based Finite Element Modeling of Representative Volume Element
Ikumu Watanabe*, and Akinori Yamanaka
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 150 (2019/1), pp. 314-321. Elsevier -
Prediction of static recrystallization nucleation sites in tensile deformed single crystal
pure iron through a combination of in-situ EBSD and CP-FEM
Zichao Luo*, Masahiko Yoshino, Motoki Terano, and Akinori Yamanaka
Metals, Vol. 8, No. 10, (2018/10), p. 858. MDPI
Phase-field modeling for pH-dependent general and pitting corrosion of iron
Chisa Tsuyuki, Akinori Yamanaka*, Yasushi Ogimoto
Scientific Reports, Vol. 8 (2018/08), 12777. Springer Nature
Phase-field simulation of ferrite growth stagnation during austenite-to-ferrite transformation in Fe-X-Y and Fe-C-Mn alloys
Takahiko Kohtake*, Akinori Yamanaka, Yoshihiro Suwa
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 49 (2018/7), pp. 5023-5034. Springer
Microstructure-based multiscale approach to obtain mechanical property of duplex stainless steel according to ICME concept
M. Oba*, Sukeharu Nomoto, Kazuki Mori, Akinori Yamanaka
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1063 (2018/7), 012188. IOP Publishing
Influence of hardening functions on earing prediction in cup drawing of AA3104 aluminum alloy sheet
H. Fukumasu*, Toshihiko Kuwabara, Hideo Takizawa, Akinori Yamanaka
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1063 (2018/7), 012114. IOP Publishing
Data assimilation for Phase-field Models based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter
Kengo Sasaki*, Akinori Yamanaka, Shin-ichi Ito, Hiromichi Nagao
Computational Materials Science, Vol. 141, (2018/01), pp. 141-152. Elsevier -
Multi-phase-field Simulation of Cyclic Phase Transformation in Fe-C-Mn and Fe-C-Mn-Si alloys
Masahito Segawa*, Akinori Yamanaka, Sukeharu Nomoto
Computational Materials Science, Vol. 136, (2017/08), pp. 67-75. Elsevier -
Phase field crystal simulation of grain boundary motion, grain rotation and dislocation reactions in a BCC bicrystal
Akinori Yamanaka*, Kevin McReynolds, Peter W. Voorhees
Acta Materialia, Vol. 133, (2017/07), pp.160-171. Elsevier -
Analysis of γ→α Transformation in Fe-C-Mn Ternary Alloy by Multiphase-field Simulation Coupled with CALPHAD Database
Takahiko Kohtake*, Masahito Segawa, Akinori Yamanaka
Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 468, (2017/6), pp. 63-67. Elsevier -
Microstructure-based Multiscale Analysis of Hot Rolling of Duplex Stainless Steel Using Various Simulation Software
Sukeharu Nomoto*, Mototeru Oba, Kazuki Mori, Akinori Yamanaka
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, Vol.6 (2017/3), pp. 69-82. Springer -
Numerical Biaxial Tensile Test of Aluminum Alloy Sheets using Crystal Plasticity Model Implemented in Commercial FEM software
Shohei Ochiai*, Akinori Yamanaka, Toshihiko Kuwabara
Key Engineering Materials, 725 (2016/12), pp. 255-260. Trans Tech. Pub. -
Data assimilation for massive autonomous systems based on second-order adjoint method
Shin-ichi Ito*, Hiromichi Nagao, Akinori Yamanaka, Yuhki Tsukada, Toshiyuki Koyama, Masayuki Kano and Junya Inoue
Physical Review E, 94, (2016/10), 043307. APS -
Numerical biaxial tensile test for sheet metal forming simulation of aluminium alloy sheets based on the homogenized crystal plasticity finite element method
Akinori Yamanaka*, Yoshiaki Ishii, Tomoyuki Hakoyama, Philip Eyckens, T. Kuwabara
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 734, (2016/8), 032005. IOP Publishing -
山中晃徳, 橋本圭右, 川口順平, 櫻井健夫, 桑原利彦
軽金属, 第65巻, 第11号, (2015/11), pp. 561-567. J-Stage -
Control of γ lamella precipitation in Ti-39 at.% Al single crystals by nanogroove-induced dislocation bands
Dai-Xiu Wei, Yuichiro Koizumi*, Akinori Yamanaka, Masahiko Yoshino, Yungping Li, Akihiko Chiba
Acta Materialia, 96, (2015/9), pp.352-365. Elsevier -
橋本圭右, 山中晃徳, 川口順平, 櫻井健夫, 桑原利彦
軽金属, 第65巻, 第5号, (2015/6), pp. 196-203. J-Stage -
Prediction of 3D Microstructure and Plastic Deformation Behavior in Dual-phase Steel using Multi-phase-field and Crystal Plasticity FFT Methods
Akinori Yamanaka*
Key Engineering Materials, 651-653, (2015/7), pp. 570-574. Trans Tech. Pub. -
Multi-Phase-Field Simulation of Flow Stress and Microstructural Evolution during Deformation-induced Ferrite Transformation in a Fe-C Alloy.
Akinori Yamanaka* and Tomohiro Takaki.
ISIJ International, 54, (2014/12), pp.2917-2925. J-Stage -
吉野雅彦*, 永松明浩, 李振星, 山中晃徳, 山本貴富貴
日本機械学会論文集, 第80巻, 第817号, (2014/9), p. MN0272. J-stage -
Nanoplastic Deformation on Ti-39 at.% Al Single Crystals for Manipulation of Every Single Gamma Lamella.
Wei Daixiu, Yuichiro Koizumi*, Hiroaki Nishiyama, Akinori Yamanaka, Masahiko Yoshino, Shinpei Miyamoto, Kyosuke Yoshimi and Akihiko Chiba.
Acta Materialia, 76 (2014/9) pp.331-341. Elsevier -
Multi-Phase-Field Analysis of Stress-Strain Curve and Ferrite Grain Formation during Dynamic Strain-induced Ferrite Transformation.
Akinori Yamanaka* and Tomohiro Takaki.
Key Engineering Materials, 626, (2014/8), pp. 81-84. Trans Tech Pub. -
Regularly-formed Three-dimensional Gold Nanodot Array with Controllable Optical Properties
Li Zhenxing, Masahiko Yoshino and Akinori Yamanaka
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 24, (2014/4), p.045011. IOP -
Multiscale Modeling of Hot-working with Dynamic Recrystallization by Coupling Microstructure Evolution and Macroscopic Mechanical Behavior .
Tomohiro Takaki*, Chihiro Yoshimoto, Akinori Yamanaka and Yoshihiro Tomita.
International Journal of Plasticity, Vol.52, (2014/1), pp.105-116. Elsevier -
Effects of Morphology of Nanodots on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Property.
Truong Duc Phuc, Masahiko Yoshino, Akinori Yamanaka and Takatoki Yamamoto.
International Journal of Automation Technology, 8, (2014), pp.74-82. Fuji Technology Press -
岡本成史, 山中晃徳, 下川辺隆史, 青木尊之
日本計算工学会論文集, Vol.2013, (2013), p.20130018. J-Stage -
Unexpected Selection of Growing Dendrites by Very-Large-Scale Phase-Field Simulation.
Tomohiro Takaki*, Takashi Shimokawabe, Munekazu Ohno, Akinori Yamanaka and Takayuki Aoki.
Journal of Crystal Growth, 382, (2013/11), pp.21-25. Elsevier -
Fabrication of Gold Nanodot Array on Plastic Films for Bio-sensing Applications.
Truong Duc Phuc*, Masahiko Yoshino, Akinori Yamanaka and Takatoki Yamamoto.
Procedia CIRP, 5, (2013), pp.47-52. Elsevier -
Optical Properties of Multilayer Ordered Gold Nanodot Array Fabricated by a Thermal Dewetting Method.
Zhenxing Li, Masahiko Yoshino* and Akinori Yamanaka.
Procedia CIRP, 5, (2013), pp.42-46. Elsevier -
Simulation of Microstructure Evolution and Deformation Behavior for Dual-phase Steel by Multi-phase-field Method and Elastoplastic Finite Element Method.
Akinori Yamanaka and Tomohiro Takaki.
International Journal of Automation Technology, 7, (2013), pp.16-23. Fuji Technology Press -
Multiphase Field Simulation of Austenite-to-Ferrite Transformation Accelerated by GPU Computing.
Akinori Yamanaka, Tomohiro Takaki, Takayuki Aoki and Takashi Shimokawabe.
Journal of Computational Science and Technology, 6, (2012/12), pp.182-197. J-STAGE -
保土田亮, 山中晃徳, 吉野雅彦.
日本機械学会論文集C編, 第78巻, 第796号, (2012/12), pp.3995-4004. J-STAGE -
Effects of Process Condition on Nano-dot Array Formation by Thermal Annealing.
Masahiko Yoshino*, Hiroki Osawa and Akinori Yamanaka.
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 14, (2012), pp.478-486. Elsevier -
Fabrication of Three Dimensional Ordered Nanodot Array Structures by a Thermal Dewetting Method.
Zhenxing Li, Masahiko Yoshino and Akinori Yamanaka.
Nanotechnology, 23, (2012/12), p.485303. IOP -
MPF-FDTD Simulations of Fabrication and Optical Analysis of Ordered Gold Nano-dots Array.
Akinori Yamanaka*, Zhenxing Li and Masahiko Yoshino.
Key Engineering Materials, 523-524, (2012/11), pp.621-626. Trans Tech Pub. -
A New Process to Fabricate Three Dimensional Ordered Nano Dot Array Structures by Nano Plastic Forming and Dewetting.
Zhenxing Li, Akinori Yamanaka and Masahiko Yoshino.
Key Engineering Materials, 523-524, (2012/11), pp.627-632. Trans Tech Pub. -
High Throughput Method to Fabricate Ordered Nano Dot Array on Various Plastic Films.
Truong Duc Phuc, Akinori Yamanaka and Masahiko Yoshino.
Key Engineering Materials, 523-524, (2012/11), pp.633-638. Trans Tech Pub. -
Roller Nano-imprinting Process for Rapid Fabrication of Functional Surfaces.
Masahiko Yoshino, Ryo Hodota, Akinori Yamanaka and Willy Kurnia
Steel Research International, Metal Forming 2012 Special Edition, (2012), pp. 743-746 -
EBSD Analysis of Static Recrystallized Microstructure Formed by Nano Plastic Forming and Annealing.
Kohei Ibuki, Akinori Yamanaka and Masahiko Yoshino
Steel Research International, Metal Forming 2012 Special Edition, (2012), pp. 747-750 -
Simulation of Austenite-to-Ferrite Transformation in Deformed Austenite by Cyrstal Plasticity Finite Element Method and Multi-Phase-Field Method
Akinori Yamanaka, Tomohiro Takaki and Yoshihiro Tomita
ISIJ International, Vol.52, No.4, (2012/4), pp.659-668. (J-STAGE) -
Multiple-GPU Scalability of Phase-Feld Simulation for Dendritic Solidi?cation
Takayuki Aoki, Satoi Ogawa and Akinori Yamanaka
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.2, (2011/10) pp.639?642. (Atomic Energy Society of Japan) -
Rapid Fabrication of an Ordered Nano-dot Array by the Combination of Nano Plastic Forming and Annealing Methods
Masahiko Yoshino*, Hiroki Ohsawa and Akinori Yamanaka
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.21, (2011/11), p.125017. (IOP Science) -
Peta-scale Phase-Field Simulation for Dendritic Solidification on the TSUBAME 2.0 Supercomputer
T. Shimokawabe, T. Aoki, T. Takaki, A. Yamanaka, A. Nukada, T. Endo, N., Maruyama and S. Matsuoka
The SC11 Technical Papers (SC’11 Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Strage and Analysis), (2011), pp.1-11. (ACM Digital Library). -
Multi-Phase-Field Simulations of Dynamic Recrystallization during Transient Deformation
Tomohiro Takaki, Akinori Yamanaka and Yoshihiro Tomita
ISIJ International, Vol.51, (2011/10), No.10, pp.1717-1723. (J-STAGE) -
Optical Properties of Ordered Metal Nano-dots Array Fabricated by Nano Plastic Forming and Annealing
Akinori Yamanaka, Hiroki Osawa and Masahiko Yoshino
Steel Research International, Special Edition, pp.997-1000. -
Modification of Surface Properties by Roller Nano/Micro-Imprinting Processes
Masahiko Yoshino, Willy Kurnia, Akinori Yamanaka and Takashi Matsumura
Steel Research International, Special Issue on ICTP2011, pp.1008-1013. -
大澤裕樹, 山中晃徳, Willy Kurnia, 吉野雅彦
日本機械学会論文集C編, (2011/4), 第77巻, 第775号, pp.1143-1153. (J-STAGE) -
GPU-accelerated Phase-Field Simulation of Dendritic Solidification in a Binary Alloy
Akinori Yamanaka*, Takayuki Aoki, Satoi Ogawa and Tomohiro Takaki
Journal of Crystal Growth, (2011/3), Vol.318, pp.40-45. (Elsevier) -
山中 晃徳, 小川 慧, 青木 尊之, 高木 知弘
日本計算工学会論文集, (2010/6), Vol.2010, (2010), p.20100009. (J-STAGE) -
Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analysis of Deformation Behavior of a Single Crystal Copper by Nano Forming
Akinori Yamanaka, Tsuyoshi Kawanishi, Atsuki Oto and Masahiko Yoshino
Steel Research International, Vol.81, No.9, (2010), pp.1434-1437. -
マルチGPUによるフェーズフィールド相転移計算のスケーラビリティー ~ 40 GPUで 5 TFLOPSの実効性能 ~
小川 慧, 青木 尊之, 山中 晃徳
情報処理学会論文誌 コンピューティングシステム(ACS), (2010/6), Vol.3, No.2, pp.67-75. (情報処理学会) -
Elastoplastic Phase-Field Simulation of Martensitic Transformation with Plastic Deformation in Polycrystal.
A. Yamanaka*, T. Takaki and Y. Tomita
International Jornal of Mechanical Sciences, (2010/2), Vol.52, pp.245-250. (Elsevier) -
山中晃徳, 高木知弘, 冨田佳宏
日本機械学会論文集A編, (2009/12), 第75巻, 第760号, pp. 1794-1803. (CiNii) (JSME論文賞) -
Multi-Phase-Field Simulations for Dynamic Recrystallization
T. Takaki*, Y. Hisakuni, T. Hirouchi, A. Yamanaka and Y. Tomita
Computational Materials Science, (2009), Vol.45, pp.881-888. (Elsevier) -
Multi-Phase-Field Model to Simulate Microstructure Evolutions during Dynamic Recrystallization.
T. Takaki, T. Hirouchi, Y. Hisakuni, A. Yamanaka and Y. Tomita
Materials Transactions, (2008/11), Vol.49, pp. 2559-2565. (Japan Institute of Metals) -
Elastoplastic Phase-Field Simulation of Self- and Plastic Accommodations in Cubic - Tetragonal Martensitic Transformation
A. Yamanaka*, T. Takaki and Y. Tomita
Materials Science and Engineering A, (2008/7), Vol.491, pp.378-384. (Elsevier) -
Coupled Simulation of Microstructural Formation and Deformation Behavior of Ferrite-Pearlite Steel by Phase-Field Method and Homogenization Method
A. Yamanaka*, T. Takaki and Y. Tomita
Materials Science and Engineering A, (2008/5), Vol.480, pp.244-252. (Elsevier) -
Multi-Phase-Field Modeling of Diffusive Solid Phase Transition in Carbon Steel during Continuous Cooling Transformation
A. Yamanaka*, T. Takaki and Y. Tomita
Journal of Crystal Growth, (2008/4), Vol 310, pp 1337-1342. (Elsevier) -
Phase-Field Model during Static Recrystallization based on Crystal-Plasticity Theory.
T. Takaki*, Y. Yamanaka, Y. Higa and Y. Tomita
Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design, (2007/12), Vol.14, pp.75-84. (Springer) -
Phase-Field Modeling and Simulation of Nucleation and Growth of Recrystallized Grains.
Tomohiro Takaki, Akinori Yamanaka and Yoshihiro Tomita.
Materials Science Forum, (2007/10), Vols.558-559, pp.1195-1200. -
Phase-field Modeling of Morphological Change of Ferrite during Decomposition of Austenite in Fe-C Alloy.
Akinori Yamanaka, Tomohiro Takaki and Yoshihiro Tomita.
Key Engineering Materials, (2007/8), Vol.345-346, pp.935-938 -
Phase-field simulation during spherulite formation of polymer.
Tomohiro Takaki, M.Asanishi, Akinori Yamanaka and Yoshihiro Tomita.
Key Engineering Materials, (2007/8), Vol.345-346, pp.939-942 -
静的一次再結晶過程のPhase-field モデルと解析手順の構築
高木知弘, 山中晃徳, 比嘉吉一, 冨田佳宏
日本機械学会論文集A編, (2007/4), 第73巻, 728号, pp.482-489. (CiNii) -
山中晃徳, 高木知弘, 冨田佳宏
日本機械学会論文集A編, (2007/2), 73巻, 726号, pp. 209-215. (CiNii) -
Phase-field Simulation of Austenite to Ferrite transformation and Widmanstatten ferrite formation in Fe-C Alloy.
Akinori Yamanaka, Tomohiro Takaki and Yoshihiro Tomita.
Material Transactions, Special issue on Advances in Computational Materials Science and Engineering IV (2006/11), Vol.47, No.11, pp.2725-2731 (Japan Institute of Metals) -
山中晃徳, 高木知弘, 冨田佳宏
日本機械学会論文集A編, (2006/11), 第72巻, 723号, pp.1676-1683. (CiNii)
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