- 2025.2.12Our paper (The 1st author: Mr. Kota Matsumoto (Alumni)) on the data assimulation of in-situ EBSD measurement and phase-field simulation of static recrystallization in aluminum alloy has been accepted for publication in Computational Materials Science (IF = 3.1).
アルミニウム合金における静的再結晶のその場EBSD観察およびフェーズフィールドシミュレーションのデータ同化に関する論文が Computational Materials Science (IF = 3.1)にアクセプトされました。
- 2025.1.25Our paper (The 1st author: Mr. Masahito Segawa (D3)) on the phase-field simulation of rapid solidification in SUS316L stainless steel has been accepted for publication in Computational Materials Science (IF = 3.1).
本研究室 大学院生の瀬川が筆頭著者の論文が Computational Materials Science (IF = 3.1)にアクセプトされました。フェーズフィールド法によるSUS316ステンレス鋼における急冷凝固過程の解析結果を報告しました。
- 2024.12.18Our paper (The 1st author: Mr. Tomoo Fujiwara (M2)) on the data assimilation using phase-field simulation and molecular dynamics has been accepted for publication in Computational Materials Science (IF = 3.1).
本研究室 大学院生の藤原が筆頭著者の論文が Computational Materials Science (IF = 3.1)にアクセプトされました。フェーズフィールド法と分子動力学法を組み合わせたデータ同化手法と粒界物性値推定方法を開発しました。
- 2024.8.1Our paper (The 1st author: Dr. Akimitu Ishii (Previous Ph.D. Student)) on the data assimilation for phase-field simulation of solid-state sintering has been accepted for publication in Acta Materialia (IF = 8.3).
本研究室OB(現在NIMS博士研究員)の石井が筆頭著者の論文がActa Materialia (IF = 8.3)にアクセプトされました。本研究室が知る限り、固相焼結のフェーズフィールドシミュレーションとその場STEM観察のデータ同化の世界初の研究成果です。
- 2024.5.24Our paper (The 1st author: Ms. Sueki Sae (M2)) on the material modeling using the data assimilation (En4DVar) has been published for publication in Materials Transactions. This paper is official reprint of JSTP paper.
末木(修士2年)が筆頭著者のデータ同化による材料モデリングに関する学術論文がMaterials Transaction誌(Advanced publication)に掲載されました。 - 2024.04.27Information of our experimental equipments is updated.
研究室所有の実験装置の情報をアップデートしました. - 2024.04.24Our recent work on data assimilation for material testing and modeling was reported in the conference proceeding of ESAFORM2024(reviewed).
材料モデリングやき裂進展シミュレーションへのデータ同化の応用事例について, 国際会議EAFORM2024プロシーディングス(査読有)が出版されました。 - 2023.03.12Suda (M2) was awarded by JSTP Students Award.
須田(修士2年)が日本塑性加工学会から学生奨励賞を受賞しました!賞状は3月12日に受領しました! - 2024.02.22Our paper (The 1st author: Mr. Yusuke Seguchi (M2), Osaka Univ.) has been accepted for publication in Computational Materials Science.
- 2023.11.25Our paper (The 1st author: Ms. Sueki Sae (M2)) has been published for publication in Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity.
- 2023.10.26Prof. Yamanaka was awarded by the Computational Mechanics Achievements Award from the Computational Mechanics Division, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME).
- 2023.07.16Our paper (The 1st author: Ms. Sueki Sae (M2)) has been accepted for publication in Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity.
- 2023.07.14Our paper (The 1st author: Dr. Akimitsu Ishii (NIMS)) has been accepted for publication in Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods (STAM-M).
- 2023.05.29Our paper (The 1st author: Ms. Sae Sueki (M2)) has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Solids and Structures (IF = 3.667).
- 2023.04.26Our paper (The 1st author: Dr. Akimitsu Ishii (NIMS)) has been published in Materials Today Communications (IF = 3.662).
- 2023.04.05The review paper written by Prof. Yamanaka has been published in ISIJ International (IF = 1.864).
- 2023.04.01Dr. Miyoshi moved to Osaka Metropolitan Univesity as Senior Lecturer.
- 2023.02.22Our paper (The 1st author: Masahito Segawa (D3)) has been accepted in Materials Transactions (IF: 1.377).
- 2022.11.10Our paper (Review) (The 1st author: Prof. Yamanaka) has been accepted in ISIJ International (IF: 1.864).
- 2022.11.1Sueki (M1) was awarded by JSCES Best Young Presentation Award.
- 2022.10.13Suda (M1) was awarded by JSTP Best Presentation Award.
- 2022.10.6Prof. Yamanaka gave Keynote presentation on "Bayesian Data Assimilation for Phase-Field Simulation of Microstructure Evolution", at the internatinal conference MMM10 in Baltimore, USA.
- 2022.07.24Our paper (The 1st author: Dr. Eisuke Miyoshi) has been accepted in Journal of Materials Science (IF: 4.220).
- 2022.07.19Our paper (The 1st author: Dr. Yusuke Shimada (Tohoku Univ.)) has been accepted in Journal of Alloys and Compounds (IF: 6.371).
- 2022.04.21Dr. Eisuke Miyoshi was awarded by JSME Young Engineers Award.
- 2022.04.21Our paper (The 1st author: R. Kamijyo (M2)) has been published in International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (IF: 5.329).
- 2022.04.11Our paper (The 1st author: R. Kamijyo (M2)) has been accepted for International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (IF: 5.329).
- 2022.04.01A. Ishii (D3) received Ph.D. from TUAT and started his researcher career at NIMS-ICYS in Tsukuba, Japan.
- 2022.04.01Dr. S. Sawa (JSPS PD) has joined Yamanaka research group. Welcome!
- 2022.02.15Our paper (The 1st author: A. Ishii (D3)) published in SoftwareX (IF: 1.959) is now available online.
- 2022.02.15Our paper (The 1st author: A. Ishii (D3)) has been accepted for SoftwareX (IF: 1.959).
- 2021.12.23川嵜(学部4年)が第35回数値流体力学シンポジウムにおいて若手優秀講演表彰を受賞しました.
- 2021.12.23Our paper (The 1st author: A. Ishii (D3)) published in Material Today Communications is now available online.
- 2021.12.16Our paper (The 1st author: A. Ishii (D3)) has been accepted for Materials Today Communications (IF: 3.383).
- 2021.10.21BOXVIA is now released. The software can be download from GitHub. The tutorial can be found in YouTube.
- 2021.09.03Our paper (The 1st author: Dr. E. Miyoshi) has been accepted for Materials & Design (IF: 7.991).
- 2021.07.07Our paper (The 1st author: A. Ishii (D3)) has been accepted for Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering (IF: 2.248).
- 2021.06.03Professor Yamanaka was awarded by JSTP Medal for Scientific/Technological Achievement.
- 2021.06.03Our group (Koenuma et al.) was awarded by JSTP Best Paper Award.
- 2021.01.23Our paper (The 1st author: K. Takahashi (M2)) has been published in Computational Materials Science (IF: 2.863).
- 2021.01.08Our paper (The 1st author: K. Takahashi (M2)) has been accepted for Computational Materials Science (IF: 2.863).
- 2020.12.25Ishii (D2) won the research fellowship for young scientists from JSPS.
- 2020.11.06Our paper (The 1st author: K. Koenuma (M2)) is now available online from J-STAGE.
- 2020.11.02Dr. Eisuke Miyoshi has joined our group! Welcome!.
- 2020.09.22山中研究室の教育・研究内容を概説するページを開設しました.
- 2020.07.15DNN-NMT (Deep neural newtwork-based numerical material test framework) is now available on GitHub
- 2020.07.10Our paper (The 2nd and 3rd authors: R. Kamijyo (M1) & K. Koenuma (M2)) has been accepted for Materials & Design (IF: 6.289).
- 2020.07.09Our paper (The 1st author: K. Koenuma (M2)) has been accepted for Materials Transactions (Reprint of JSTP paper).
- 2020.06.11Our paper (The 1st author: A. Ishii (D2)) published in Computational Materials Science (IF: 2.668) is now available online.
- 2020.06.11Our paper (Student co-author: K. Takahashi (M2)) published in Materials Today Communications (IF: 1.859) is now available online.
- 2020.06.05Our paper (Student co-author: K. Takahashi (M2)) has been accepted for Materials Today Communications (IF: 1.859).
- 2020.05.28Our paper (The 1st author: A. Ishii (D2)) has been accepted for Computational Materials Science (IF: 2.668).
- 2019.04.07Our paper (the first author: Dr. J. Zhang (Northwestern University)) has been published in Acta Materialia (IF: 7.293).
- 2019.10.25Our paper (the first author: Dr. J. Zhang (Northwestern University)) has been accepted in Acta Materialia (IF: 7.293).
- 2020.02.25Ishii (D1) was awarded by JSME Young Fellow Award at CMD2020.
- 2020.02.25Our paper (The 1st author: K. Koenuma (M1)) has been published in Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity.
- 2019.12.23Review paper on data assimilation for phase-field model was published in Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals.
- 2019.12.19Yamanaka was awarded by The JACM Young Investigator Award from Japan Association of Computational Mechanics.
- 2019.12.18Ishii(D1), Ikuta (M1), Takahashi (M1) and Yamanaka attended APCOM019@Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2019.10.25Our paper (the first author: K. Koenuma (M1)) has been accepted in Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity.
- 2019.09.16Ishii (D1) was awarded by Phase-field Student Award (Best presentation award).
- 2019.08.01The website was renewed. The information will be further updated soon.
- 2019.07.31Koenuma (B4) was awarded by JSTP (Best presentation award).
- 2019.07.21Ishii(D1) and Yamanaka attended PF2019@Bochum, Germany.
- 2019.07.19Our paper has been published in Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering (2018 Impact Factor: 1.826).
- 2019.03.16Ishii(M1), Ikuta(B4), Koenuma(B4), Takahashi(B4), and Yamanaka attended TMS2019@Texas.
- 2019.01.24Our paper has been published in Materials & Design (2017 Impact Factor: 4.753).
- 2018.11.02Koenuma was awarded by MMM2018 (Best Poster Award).
- 2018.11.02Our paper has been published in Scientific Reports (2017 Impact Factor: 4.122).