最新レスポンシブHTMLテンプレート no.002 サンプルロゴ


Phase-field modeling in materials science

Data Assimilation methods for phase-field modeling (フェーズフィールドモデルのデータ同化)

Data assimilation based on Bayes' Theorem is a powerful computational method that combines experiment and numerical simulation to estimate phenomena that cannot be measured experimentally and parameters that are difficult to obtain. Data assimilation has been developed in the field of earth sciences such as meteorology and oceanography, and has been practically used in weather forecasting and typhoon forecasting. In our group, we are applying various data assimilation methods to various phase-field models and developing new data assimilation techniques.
データ同化(Data Assimilation)は, ベイズの定理に基づいて, 実験と数値シミュレーションを結びつけ, 実験では計測できない現象や求めることが難しいパラメータを推定できる強力な方法です. 気象学や海洋学などの地球科学分野で発展し, 気象予報や台風進路予報では, 実用化されています. 山中研究室では, 様々なデータ同化手法をフェーズフィールド法に適用するとともに, 新しいデータ同化計算技術の開発を行っています.

  • Inverse estimation of material model parameters in phase-field crack propagation model using Bayesian data assimilation
    Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 41 (2024/04), 1190-1195.

  • Material modeling by data assimilation of full-field strain measurement using digital image correlation and elasto-plastic finite element simulation
    Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, Vol. 64 (2023/11), 195-201.

  • Efficient estimation of material parameters using DMC-BO: Application to phase-field simulation of solid-state sintering
    (データ同化とベイズ最適化を組み合わせた効率的な非逐次データ同化手法(DMC-BO)の提案) (*特許出願済)
    Materials Today Communications, Vol. 30 (2022/03), 103089.

  • Estimation of solid-state sintering and material parameters using phase-field modeling and ensemble four-dimensional variational method
    Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 29 (2021/7), 065012.
  • Data assimilation for quantitative phase-field model of alloy solidification using local ensemble transform Kalman filter
    Computational Materials Science, Vol. 190, (2021/04), 110296.

  • Data assimilation for three-dimensional phase-field model of alloy solidification using local ensemble transform Kalman filter
    Materials Today Communications, Vol. 25 (2020/12), 101331.

  • Parameter estimation for three-dimensional multi-phase-field model of grain growth using ensemble Kalman filter
    Materials & Design, (2019/3), Vol. 165, p. 107577.

  • Parameter estimation for phase-field model of austenite-to-ferrite transformation using ensemble Kalman filter
    Computational Materials Science, Vol. 141, (2018/01), pp. 141-152.

  • Data assimilation for phase-field model of solidification in pure material using 2nd-order adjoint method (Collaboration work)
    Physical Review E, 94, (2016/10), 043307.

  • データ同化との融合によるフェーズフィールド法の進展
    軽金属, Vol. 69 (2019/12), pp. 591-601.
  • Machine learning (Deep learning & Bayesian optimization)

    Our group works on the application of machine learning methods to computational materials science and computational solid mechanics. In particular, we focus on applications of deep learning and Bayesian optimization using neural networks.
    計算材料科学や計算固体力学への機械学習の適用を進めています. 特に, ニューラルネットワークを用いた深層学習とベイズ最適化の応用を研究しています.

  • BOXVIA: Bayesian optimization executable and visualizable application
    SoftwareX, Vol. 18 (2022/6), 101019.

  • Bayesian texture optimization using deep neural network-based numerical material test
    (深層学習とベイズ最適化を用いて, 所望の力学特性を示す材料組織を最適設計するための手法の提案)
    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 223 (2022/6), 107285.

  • Estimation of biaxial stress-strain curve of aluminum alloy sheet using deep neural network
    Materials & Design, Vol. 195 (2020/10), 108970. (data is available from GitHub)

  • Estimation of uniaxial stress-strain curve and Lankford value of aluminum alloy sheet
    塑性と加工, 61巻, 709号, (2020/2), pp. 48-55.
    Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, Vol. 61, No. 709 (2020/2), pp. 48-55. (in Japanese)
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 61 (2020/12), pp. 2276-2283.
  • Phase-field crystal modeling

  • Grain boundary migration and grain rotation
    Acta Materialia, Vol. 133, (2017/07), pp.160-171.
  • Solid state phase transformations in steels

  • Cyclic austenite-to-ferrite transformation in Fe-C-Mn-Si alloy
    Computational Materials Science, Vol. 136, (2017/08), pp. 67-75.

  • Austenite-to-ferrite transformation in Fe-C-Mn alloy coupled with CALPHAD database
    Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 468, (2017/6), pp. 63-67.

  • Stagnation of asutenite-to-ferrite transformation in Fe-C-Mn alloy
    Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, (2018/07), in print,

  • Dynamic austenite-to-ferrite transformation
    ISIJ International, 54, (2014/12), pp.2917-2925.

  • Austenite-to-ferrite transformation in deformed-austenite phase
    ISIJ International, Vol.52, No.4, (2012/4), pp.659-668.

  • Austenite-to-ferrite transformation in Fe-C alloy
    Journal of Crystal Growth, (2008/4), Vol 310, pp 1337-1342.

  • Formation of Widmanstatten ferrite in Fe-C alloy
    Material Transactions, (2006/11), Vol.47, No.11, pp.2725-2731

  • Martensitic transformation with plastic accommodation
    Materials Science and Engineering A, (2008/7), Vol.491, pp.378-384.
    International Jornal of Mechanical Sciences, (2010/2), Vol.52, pp.245-250.
  • Electrochemistory

  • Corrosion in pure iron based on Bockris mechanism (pH-dependent corrosion)
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 8 (2018/08), 12777.

  • Electromigration
    Computational Materials Science, Vol. 184 (2020/6), 109848.

  • Crystal plasticity finite element method

    Numerical material test

  • Numerical biaxial tensile test of aluminum alloy sheet
    軽金属, 第65巻, 第11号, (2015/11), pp. 561-567.
    軽金属, 第65巻, 第5号, (2015/6), pp. 196-203.
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Proceedings of NUMISHEET2016), Vol. 734 (2016), p. 032005.