最新レスポンシブHTMLテンプレート no.002 サンプルロゴ



PCoMS 3day seminar 2019 (Professional development Consortium for Computational Materials Science)

Assoc. Prof. Yamanaka will give a lecture on "Fundamental theory & Programming for Phase-field modeling" for PCoMS 3days seminar 2019 at August 23-25th, 2019 in Yamagata Japan. Sample source codes written by Python and the ipynb files for Jupyter Notebook will be disrtibuted to participants and students.

1. One-dimensional Allen-Cahn equation

Jupyter Notebook (html)
Source code (ipynb file)

2. Two-dimensional Allen-Cahn equation

Jupyter Notebook (html)
Source code (ipynb file)

3. One-dimensional multi-phase-field model for grain growth

Jupyter Notebook (html)
Source code (ipynb file)

4. Two-dimensional multi-phase-field model for grain growth

Jupyter Notebook (html)
Source code (ipynb file)

Appendix 1: Two-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation for spinodal decomposition

Jupyter Notebook (html)
Source code (ipynb file)

Appendix 2: Three-dimensional multi-phase-field model for grain growth

Source code (python)

Notes and Disclaimers (注意と免責事項)

This site is maintained by Yamanaka research group, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan.
You can use this site only if you agree to the following terms.

1. Copyright on each source code attributes to its developer.
2. We prohibit all uses or diversions of all contents in this website without permission or quoting this website.
3. We do not guarantee the accuracy of source code in this site.
4. It is your responsibility for the use of the source codes.

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