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Multi-phase-field model for grain growth (Steinbach's model)¶

This python code was developed by Yamanaka research group of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in August 2019.


Let us consider an example: polycrystalline grain growth in a system containing six crystal grains (give crystal grains in a mother phase (grain)). This notebook shows two-dimensional multi-phase-field simulation of polycrystalline growth using the multi-phase-field model proposed by Professor Ingo Steinbach.

For details of the model, please see reference (I. Steinbach and F. Pezzolla, "A generalized field method for multiphase transformations using interface fields," Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol. 134 (1999), pp. 385-393.).


1. Order parameter¶

Phase-field variable Ï•i (i = 1, 2, ..., N) is defined as Ï•i=1 inside i-th grain and Ï•i=0 outside of the grain. The phase-field variable Ï•i smoothly changes from 0 to 1 in an "diffuse" interfacial region (grain boundary). N is the total number of crystal grains at the initial condition. In this source code, we use N = 6.

The phase-field variable must satisfies the following constraint: N∑i=1ϕi=1

2. Total free energy¶

The total Gibbs free energy of the system is defined by G=∫V[gchem+gdoub+ggrad+λ(N∑iϕi−1)]dV where λ is the Lagrange multiplier in the last term which is introduced into the total free energy so that the sum of the phase-field variable is 1. gchem, gdoub, and ggrad are the chemical free energy, the double-obstacle potential energy and the gradient energy densities, respectively. Note that the double-well potential energy is not used, but the double-obstacle potential is used for this multi-phase-field model. These energy densities are defined as follows: gchem=N∑iϕigi gdoub=N∑iN∑j=i+1Wijϕiϕj ggrad=N∑iN∑j=i+1(−a2ij2∇ϕi⋅∇ϕj) where gi is Gibbs free energy density of i-th grain. Here, gi is assumed to be constant.

Wij and aij are the height of double-obstacle potential energy and the gradient energy coefficient, respectively, which are given by Wij=4σijδ aij=2π√2δσij where σij is the grain boundary energy between i-th and j-th grains. δ is the thickness of grain boundary (please see Appendix in the handout for the derivations). Note that in this source code, the diagonal components of σij is assumed to be zero.

3. Time evolution equation¶

The time evolution of the phase-field variables (that describes the grain boundary migration) is given by assuming that the total free energy of the system G decreases monotonically with time. ∂ϕi∂t=−2NN∑j=1Mϕij(δGδϕi−δGδϕj) where the functional derivative is expressed by: δGδϕ=∂g∂ϕ−∇⋅∂g∂(∇ϕ) Therefore, δGδϕi=N∑j=1(12a2ij∇2ϕj)+N∑j=1Wijϕj+gi+λ Mϕij is the mobility of phase-field variables and is given by: Mϕij=π28δMij Here, Mij is the mobility of grain boundary between i-th and j-th grains. The diagonal components of Mij is assumed to be zero.

The final form of the time evolution equation of the phase-field variables is given by the following equation: ∂ϕi∂t=−2NN∑j=1Mϕij(N∑k=1(12(a2ik−a2jk)∇2ϕk+(Wik−Wjk)ϕk)+gi−gj) where the term gi−gj corresponds to the driving force of the migration of grain boundary between i-th and j-th grains.

For stable computation, the driving force term is replaced by gi−gj=−8π√ϕiϕjΔGij where ΔGij is the magnitude of the driving force. In this code, the driving force only at the grain boundary between mother phase and other grains is non-zero value. The grain ID of the mother grain is defined as 0 in this program.

import libraries¶

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

set parameters and physical values¶

In [2]:
nx = 64 # number of computational grids along x direction
ny = nx # number of computational grids along y direction
number_of_grain = 6 # total number of grains: N
dx, dy = 0.5e-6, 0.5e-6 # spacing of computational grids [m]
dt = 0.05 # time increment [s]
nsteps = 500# total number of time-steps
pi = np.pi 
sigma = 1.0 # grain boundary energy [J/m2]
delta = 6.0 * dx # thickness of diffuse interface
eee = 3.0e+6 # magnitude of driving force

calculate phase-field parameters (a,W and Mϕ)¶

In [3]:
aaa = 2.0 / pi * np.sqrt(2.0*delta*sigma) # gradient energy coefficient
www = 4.0 * sigma/delta # height of double-obstacle potential
pmobi = pi*pi/(8.*delta)*3.0e-13 # mobility of phase-field 

declair arrays for the phase-field parameters (aij,Wij and Mϕij)¶

In [4]:
wij = np.zeros((number_of_grain,number_of_grain)) # array for the height of double-obstacle potential
aij = np.zeros((number_of_grain,number_of_grain)) # array for the gradient energy coefficient
mij = np.zeros((number_of_grain,number_of_grain)) # array for the mobility of phase-field 

declair arrays for the phase-field variables, grain ID, and number of grain¶

In [5]:
phi = np.zeros((number_of_grain,nx,ny)) # phase-field variable at time t
phi_new = np.zeros((number_of_grain,nx,ny)) # phase-field variable at time t+dt
mf = np.zeros((15,nx,ny),dtype = int) # array for saving the grain IDs at the computational grid [i, j] 
nf = np.zeros((nx,ny),dtype = int) # array for saving the number of grains at the computational grid [i, j] 

declair arrays for dirving force ΔGij and grain boundary (only for visualization)¶

In [6]:
eij = np.zeros((number_of_grain,number_of_grain)) # arrays for saving the magnitude of driving foce of grain boundary migration
gb = np.zeros((nx,ny)) # array for visuallizing the grain boundary

calculate the phase-field parameters (aij,Wij and Mϕij) and the driving force ΔGij¶

Remind that the diagonal terms of the parameters aij, Wij and MÏ•ij are assumed to be zero.

In [7]:
for i in range(0,number_of_grain):
    for j in range(0,number_of_grain):
        wij[i,j] = www
        aij[i,j] = aaa
        mij[i,j] = pmobi
        eij[i,j] = 0.0
        if i == j:
            wij[i,j] = 0.0
            aij[i,j] = 0.0
            mij[i,j] = 0.0
        if i == 0 or j == 0:
            eij[i,j] = eee
        if i < j:
            eij[i,j] = -eij[i,j]

define the function which updates the grain ID (array: nf) and the number of grains (array: mf)¶

In [8]:
def update_nfmf(phi,mf,nf):
    for m in range(ny):
        for l in range(nx):
            l_p = l + 1
            l_m = l - 1
            m_p = m + 1
            m_m = m - 1
            if l_p > nx-1:
                l_p = l_p - nx
            if l_m < 0:
                l_m = l_m + nx
            if m_p > ny-1:
                m_p = m_p - ny
            if m_m < 0:
                m_m = m_m + ny
            n = 0
            for i in range(number_of_grain):
                if phi[i,l,m] > 0.0 or (phi[i,l,m] == 0.0 and phi[i,l_p,m] > 0.0 or phi[i,l_m,m] > 0.0 or phi[i,l,m_p] > 0.0 or phi[i,l,m_m] > 0.0):
                    n += 1
                    mf[n-1,l,m] = i
            nf[l,m] = n

define the function which updates the phase-field variables ϕi by Allen-Cahn equation¶

The time evolution equation is discretized by simple finite difference method in this program. The 1st-order Euler method is used for time-integration. The 2nd-order central finite difference method is used for spatial derivatives. The discretized time evolution equation is given as: ϕt+Δti,j=ϕti,j−2NN∑j=1Mϕij(N∑k=1(12(a2ik−a2jk)Pk+(Wik−Wjk)ϕk)+8π√ϕiϕjΔGij) where ∇2ϕk=Pk=ϕti+1,j−2ϕti,j+ϕti−1,j(Δx)2+ϕti,j+1−2ϕti,j+ϕti,j−1(Δy)2

In [9]:
def update_phasefield(phi,phi_new,mf,nf,eij):
    for m in range(ny):
        for l in range(nx):
            l_p = l + 1
            l_m = l - 1
            m_p = m + 1
            m_m = m - 1
            if l_p > nx-1: 
                l_p = l_p - nx
            if l_m < 0:
                l_m = l_m + nx
            if m_p > ny-1:
                m_p = m_p - ny
            if m_m < 0:
                m_m = m_m + ny
            for n1 in range(nf[l,m]):
                i = mf[n1,l,m]
                dpi = 0.0
                for n2 in range(nf[l,m]):
                    j = mf[n2,l,m]
                    ppp = 0.0
                    for n3 in range(nf[l,m]):
                        k = mf[n3,l,m]
                        ppp += (wij[i,k]-wij[j,k])*phi[k,l,m]+0.5*(aij[i,k]**2 - aij[j,k]**2)*(phi[k,l_p,m]+phi[k,l_m,m]+phi[k,l,m_p]+phi[k,l,m_m]-4.0*phi[k,l,m])/dx/dx
#                    dpi = dpi - 2.0 * mij[i,j] / float(nf[l,m]) * ppp
                        phii_phij = phi[i,l,m]*phi[j,l,m]
                        dpi = dpi - 2.0 * mij[i,j] / float(nf[l,m]) * (ppp - 8./pi*np.sqrt(phii_phij)*eij[i,j])
                phi_new[i,l,m] = phi[i,l,m] + dpi *dt

    phi_new = np.where(phi_new <= 0.0,0.0,phi_new)
    phi_new = np.where(phi_new >= 1.0,1.0,phi_new)

    for m in range(ny):
        for l in range(nx):
            a = np.sum(phi_new[:,l,m])
            phi[:,l,m] = phi_new[:,l,m] / a

set initial distribution of phase-field variables¶

The initial distribution of crystal grains (region of Ï•i=1) is determined randomly.

The initial profile of the phase-field variables is calculated using the equilibrium profile: ϕ=12[1−sin√2Wa(r−r0)] where r0 denotes the initial position of the interface.

In [11]:
phi = np.zeros((number_of_grain,nx,ny))
phi_new = np.zeros((number_of_grain,nx,ny))
mf = np.zeros((15,nx,ny),dtype = int)
nf = np.zeros((nx,ny),dtype = int)

phi[0,:,:] = 1.0
nf[:,:] = 1
r_nuclei = 3.*dx # radius of the initial grains

for i in range(1,number_of_grain):
    x_nuclei = int(rand()*nx)
    y_nuclei = int(rand()*ny)
    for m in range(ny):
        for l in range(nx):
            if l > nx-1: 
                l = l - nx
            if l < 0:
                l = l + nx
            if m > ny-1:
                m = m - ny
            if m < 0:
                m = m + ny
            r = np.sqrt( (l *dx-x_nuclei*dx)**2 +(m*dy-y_nuclei*dy)**2 ) - r_nuclei
            tmp = np.sqrt(2.*www)/aaa*r
            phi_tmp = 0.5*(1.-np.sin(tmp))
            if tmp >= pi/2.:
            if tmp <= -pi/2.:
                nf[l,m] = nf[l,m] -1
            if phi_tmp > 0: 
                nf_tmp = nf[l,m]+1
                nf[l,m] = nf_tmp
                mf[nf_tmp,l,m] = i
                phi[i,l,m] = phi_tmp            
                phi[0,l,m] = phi[0,l,m]-phi[i,l,m]

for m in range(0,ny):
    for l in range(0,nx):
        gb[l,m] = np.sum(phi[:,l,m]*phi[:,l,m])

plt.subplot(1,3, 1)
plt.imshow(phi[1,:,:], cmap='bwr')
plt.title('phase field 1')
plt.subplot(1,3, 2)
plt.imshow(gb, cmap="gray")
plt.title('grain boundary')
plt.subplot(1,3, 3)
plt.imshow(nf, cmap='bwr')
plt.title('number of grains')

calculate time evolution of phase-field variables (simulate grain growth behavior) in 2D¶

In order to further simulate the grain growth, run this script for many times. Finally, the system will be a single crystal.

In [12]:
for nstep in range(1,nsteps+1):
    if nstep % 50 == 0:
        print('nstep = ', nstep)
        for m in range(0,ny):
            for l in range(0,nx):
                gb[l,m] = np.sum(phi[:,l,m]*phi[:,l,m])

        plt.subplot(1,3, 1)        
        plt.imshow(phi[1,:,:], cmap='bwr')
        plt.title('phase field 1')
        plt.subplot(1,3, 2)        
        plt.imshow(gb, cmap='gray')
        plt.title('grain boundary')
        plt.subplot(1,3, 3)        
        plt.imshow(nf, cmap='bwr')
        plt.title('number of grains')
nstep =  50
nstep =  100
nstep =  150
nstep =  200
nstep =  250
nstep =  300
nstep =  350
nstep =  400
nstep =  450
nstep =  500
In [ ]: