20232022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 & BEFORE


Tagawa Y., Three-dimentional Stress Field in Complex Flow, Active Mattar Complex Flow,2024, Tokyo.

Tagawa Y., Rapid focused jet of liquids, emulsions, and sands, IUTAM Symposium on
Rapid granular flows and turbulent particle suspensions
, (2024), Mumbai (India).


Tagawa Y., Optical stress field measurement for fluids/soft materials: BOS and photoelastic measurement, The 12th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow, (2023), Tokyo (Japan). [Plenary lecture]

Tagawa Y., Splashing of impacting micron-sized droplets,Droplets 2023,(2023), Beijing (China). [Keynote lecture]

Tagawa Y., High-speed measurement of optical stress field measurement for fluids and soft materials: BOS and Photoelastic methods, (2023), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (Saudi Arabia). [Invited lecture]

Tagawa Y., On-demand Painting of Highly-viscous Liquids, 11th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, (2023), (Singapore). [Invited lecture]

Hosokawa A., Ren Z., Pradipt P., Kobayashi, U. K., Tagawa Y., A beaker jumps by vapor bubble actuation., IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics and Interface Phenomena of Bubbles and Droplets at Multiple Scales, (2023), Tokyo (Japan).

Yokoyama Y., Ichihara S., Maruoka H., Tagawa Y., Stress field in a soft substrate during droplet impact, IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics and Interface Phenomena of Bubbles and Droplets at Multiple Scales, (2023), Tokyo (Japan).

Tagawa Y., Kusuno H., Stress field measurement around a surfactant-laden rising bubble at intermediate Reynolds numbers, IUTAM Symposium, (2023), Tokyo (Japan).

Sekiguchi S., Kobayasi U. K., Kurashina Y., Morikawa K., Tagawa Y., Visualization of stress field in channel wall using unsteady photoelastic method, The 12th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow, (2023), Tokyo (Japan).

Worby W. K., Nakamine K., Yokoyama Y., Bando Y., Kawaguchi M., Kusuno H., Tagawa Y., Measurement of the stress-optic coefficient of birefringent fluids by rheo-optical measurement utilizing a rheometer, The 12th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow, (2023), Tokyo (Japan).

Worby W. K., Nakamine K., Yokoyama Y., Bando Y., Kawaguchi M., Kusuno H., Tagawa Y., Calibration of stress-optic coefficients for visualizations of fluid stress fields, APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Tagawa Y., Kento N., Worby W. K., Yokoyama Y., Three-dimensional stress measurement of a laminar flow in a rectangular channel using integrated photoelasticity., APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Kawaguchi M., Worby W. K., Suzuki R., Nagatsu Y., Tagawa Y., Stress field visualization of Saffman-Taylor instability in Hele-Shaw cell., APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Yokoyama Y., Ichihara S., Tagawa Y., Unsteady stress field measurement during droplet impact on soft materials using photoelastic tomography, APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Kobayashi M., Worby W. K., Kawaguchi M., Tagawa Y., Stress Field Mesurement in Jeffery-Hammel Flow, APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Hosokawa A., Kobayashi K., Tagawa Y., Making A Beaker Jump By Vapor Bubble Actuation, APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Kamamoto K., Hosokawa A., Tagawa Y., Viscoelastic bungee jetting induced by an impulsive force, APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Ichihara S., Kurashina Y., Tagawa Y., Spatio-temporal measurement of underwater ultrasound field using non-contact technique, APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Pradipt P., Tagawa Y., Role of friction in granular Plateau-Rayleigh instability, APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Kusuno H., Tagawa Y., How does the flow structure of a gradually contaminating bubble evolve, APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Watanabe H., Yamagata K., Yokoyama Y., Kusuno H., Tagawa Y., Effect of convergent-shaped vessel on the velocity of impact-induced focused liquid jets, APS DFD 2023,(2023), Washington D.C. (USA).

Tagawa Y., 3D stress-field measurement in multiphase flows, PoF25,(2023), Enschede (The Netherlands).

Yee J., Igarashi D., Miyatake S., Yamanaka A., Tagawa Y., Interpolated Prediction of the Morphology of a Splashing Drop from Physical Parameters using an Image-Based Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Droplets 2023,(2023), Beijing (China).

Miyatake S., Kumagai S., Yee J., Tagawa Y., Construction of an automated drop impact system for AI-baseddropimpactstudy, Droplets 2023,(2023), Beijing (China).

Tagawa Y., Ichihara S., Yokoyama Y., Integrated photoelasticity in gels for 3D stress field measurements,9IDMRCS,(2023),Chiba (Japan).

Kobayashi U. K.,The generation and dynamics of a granular jet induced by a sudden acceleration,9IDMRCS,(2023),Chiba (Japan).

Kawaguchi M., Suzuki R. X., Nagatsu Y., Tagawa Y., Photoelastic Measurement of Finger Growth in Saffman-Taylor Instability, 20th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, (2023), Delft (The Netherlands).

Yee J., Igarashi D., Miyatake S., Yamanaka A., Tagawa Y., Critical morphological features of a splashing drop extracted through video classification using an explainable feedforward neural network (FNN), ASME-JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Division 2023, (2023), Osaka (Japan).

Worby W. K., Nakamine K., Yokoyama Y., Muto M., Tagawa Y., Measurement of stress-optic coefficients of birefringent fluids for measuring a three-dimensional stress field, ASME-JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Division 2023, (2023), Osaka (Japan).

Igarashi D., Yee J., Tagawa Y., Three-dimensional reconstruction of fluid stress field from flow birefringence using 3D physics informed convolutional encoderdecoder (3D-PICED), ASME-JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Division 2023, (2023), Osaka (Japan).

Watanabe H., Kusuno H., Yamagata K., Yokoyama Y., Tagawa Y., Effects of vessel geometry on the behavior of impact-induced focused liquid jets, ASME-JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Division 2023, (2023), Osaka (Japan).

Yamagata K., Sekiguchi S., Watanabe H., Yokoyama Y., Tagawa Y., High-speed focused jet for the development of impact-induced needle-free injector, ASME-JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Division 2023, (2023), Osaka (Japan).

Miyatake S., Yee J., Tagawa Y., Automation of drop impact experiment, ASME-JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Division 2023, (2023), Osaka (Japan).

Ichihara S., Tagawa Y., Non-contact measurement of ultrasonic acoustic field in water with cavitation bubble using background-oriented schlieren technique, 7th Cavitation and Multiphase flows Workshop, (2023), Crete (Greece).

Hosokawa A., Watanabe H., Kamamoto K., Kusuno H., Kobayashi U. K., Tagawa Y., Phase diagram of bungee-type behavior of impulsively-induced viscoelastic liquid jets , 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (2023), Hyogo (Japan).

Sekiguchi S., Kobayashi U. K., Kurashina Y., Morikawa K., Tagawa Y., Development of a stress field visualization method for dynamic fluids on channel walls, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (2023), Hyogo (Japan).

Kamamoto K., Watanabe H., Hosokawa A., Tagawa Y., On viscoelastic bungee jet induced by impact, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (2023), Hyogo (Japan).

Ichihara S., Kurashina Y., Tagawa Y., Non-Contact Measurement of Ultrasound Pressure Field using Background-Oriented Schlieren Technique, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (2023), Hyogo (Japan).

Yee J., Igarashi D., Miyatake S., Tagawa Y., Prediction of Deformation of a Drop during an Impact on a Solid Surface using an Encoder-Decoder, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (2023), Hyogo (Japan).

Kawaguchi M., Yagi H., Suzuki X R., Muto M., Nagatsu Y., Tagawa Y., Photoelastic measurement and numerical investigation on viscous fingering, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (2023), Hyogo (Japan).

Kusuno H., Tagawa Y., Polarization measurement of flow structure around a moving bubble/solid in a quiescent liquid, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (2023), Hyogo (Japan).


Igarashi D., Yee J., Yokoyama Y., Tagawa Y., Machine Learning-Based Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Stress Field from Flow Birefringence, 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2022), Indianapolis (USA).

Watanabe H., Kamamoto K., Yee J., Kobayashi K., Tagawa Y., Reproducible ejection of highly-viscos liquid jets, 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2022), Indianapolis (USA).

Miyatake S., Yee J., Tagawa Y., Evaluation of splashing threshold of impacting droplets based on automated experiments, 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2022), Indianapolis (USA).

Kawaguchi M., Yagi H., Nagatsu Y., Tagawa Y., Photoelastic measurement for viscous fingering in Hele-Shaw cell, 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2022), Indianapolis (USA).

Primkulov B., Matsuda A., Tagawa Y., Bush J., Droplet levitating over a movinf wall: stability of a lubricating air film, 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2022), Indianapolis (USA).

Yokoyama Y., Ichihara S., Mitchell B., Nassiri A., Kinsey B., Korkolis Y., Tagawa Y., Droplet impact on highly deformable substrate and three-dimensional stress fields measurement by photoelastic tomography, 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2022), Indianapolis (USA).

Tagawa Y., Nakamine K., Yokoyama Y., Muto M., Three-dimensional measurement of a flow in a rectangular channel using a photoelastic method, 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2022), Indianapolis (USA).

Mitchell B., Yokoyama Y., Nassiri A., Tagawa Y., Kinsey B., and Korkolis Y., Direct Determination of the Stress Components During Hertzian Contact on a Soft Solid Using Photoelastic Tomography, ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022), (2022), Columbus (USA).

Tagawa, Y., Kawaguchi, M., Ichihara, S., Yee, J., Shimazaki, T., Background-Oriented Schlieren technique using Fast Checkerboard Demodulation for extending measurement range of pressure of underwater shock waves, 20th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,(2022),Lisbon (Portugal).

Ishikawa, T., Nishida, H., Tagawa, Y., Design Optimization of Laser-Induced Bubble for Highly Efficient Generation of Microjets, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 2022 (2022), Toronto (Canada).

Muto, M., Worby, W. K. A., Nakamine, K., Yokoyama, Y., Tagawa, Y., Non-Contact And Non-Steady Rheo-Optical Measurement Of Hydrodynamic Stress Fields Inside A Cylindrical Tube, 20th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,(2022),Lisbon (Portugal).

Nakamine, K., Muto, M., Yokoyama, Y., Tagawa, Y., Three-Dimensional Measurement Of A Stress Field In A Rectangular Channel Flow Using A Photoelastic Method, 20th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,(2022),Lisbon (Portugal).

Ichihara, S., Shimazaki, T., Tagawa, Y., Background Oriented Schlieren Technique With Reconstruction Of Three-Dimensional Vector Fields For Pressure Measurement Of Laser Induced Underwater Shock Waves, 20th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,(2022),Lisbon (Portugal).

Yee J., Igarashi D., Yamanaka, A., Tagawa, Y., Features of a Splashing Drop on a Solid Surface and the Temporal Evolution extracted through Image-Sequence Classification using an Interpretable Feedforward Neural Network, AIAA Avitation Forum and Exposition,(2022),Chicago (USA).

Kaneko, Y., Nishida, H., Tagawa, Y., "Computational and Experimetnal Study on the Electrohydrodynamic and Thermal Effects of DBD Plasma Actuator", 33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, (2022), Online (Oita, Japan).


Riboux, G., Usawa, M., Fujita, Y., Tagawa, Y., Gordillo, J. M., "High speeds micron-sized droplets impact onto smooth substrate", 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2021), Phoenix (USA).

Shiozaki, H., Kakukawa, R., Kinefuchi, I., Ichiyanagi, M., Tagawa, Y., Takagi, S., "Development of microbubble-encapsulated-vesicles generation method usinf flow-focusing device", 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2021), Phoenix (USA).

Nagamatsu, K., Takeuchi, S., Tagawa, Y., Kajishima, T., "Numerical study of the interfacial fluctuation of a droplet levitating above o moving wall", 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2021), Phoenix (USA).

Iijima, R., Kamamoto, K., Tagawa, Y., "Ejection volume of highly viscous jet", International Conference on Advanced Imaging 2021, (2021), Online (Chiba).

Kamamoto, K., Onuki, H., Tagawa, Y., "Painting technology for highly viscous liquid using impact", International Conference on Advanced Imaging 2021, (2021), Online (Chiba).

Tagawa, Y., 2021, "Focused jets and cavitation caused by large acceleration”, Invited Seminar @ Cornel Fluids Seminars, Cornel University, Online (USA). [Invited seminar]

Kamamoto, K., Onuki, H., Tagawa, Y., 2021, "Highly viscous liquid microjet for on-demand automobile painting", The 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Onine (Milano).

Kaneko, Y., Emori, K., Shimazaki, T., Tagawa, Y., Nishida, H., 2021, "Investigation of density and flow velocity field of DBD plasma actuator in quiescent air using background oriented schlieren and particle-image-velocimetry method", The 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Onine (Milano).

Yamada, D., Franco-Gomez, A., Tagawa, Y., 2021, "Terminal extensional viscosity of dilute polymer solution using CaBER-DoS system", The 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Onine (Milano).

Muto, M., Tagawa, Y., 2021, "Development of unsteady hydrodynamic stress field measurement method using photoelastic technique", The 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Onine (Milano).

Yokoyama, Y., Tanaka, A., and Tagawa, Y., 2021, "Comparative experiments on the droplet impact of blood onto a glass substrate", Droplets 2021, Online (Germany)

Yee, J., Yamanaka, A., and Tagawa, Y., 2021, "Image features extraction for drop splashing on a solid surface using a feedforward neural network (FNN)", Droplets 2021, Online (Germany)

Tagawa, Y., Usawa, U., Fujita, Y., Riboux, G., and Gordillo, J., 2021, "High speeds of impacting micron-sized droplets suppress the splashing", Droplets 2021, Online (Germany)

Tagawa, Y., 2021, "Liquid jets and cavitation induced by an impulsive force", IJMF Spotlight V-Seminar Series, Online (England) [Virtual seminar]


Tagawa, Y., 2020, "Highly-viscous microjet generator: theory and applications", 31st 2020 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Online (Japan) [Keynote lecture]

Muto, M., and Tagawa, Y., 2020, "Measurement of Unsteady Stress Field of Extending Liquid Polymer", 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS DFD), Online (USA)

Kiyama, A., Rabbi, R., Speirs, N., Belden, J., Tagawa, Y., and Truscott, T., 2020, "Surface-seal changes with impact speed", 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS DFD), Online (USA)

Yee, J., and Tagawa, Y., 2020, "Image Classification for Splash Detection using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)", 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS DFD), Online (USA)

Hatakenaka, R., Harth, K., Roisman, I. V., Tropea, C., Lohse, D., and Tagawa, Y., 2020, "Bubble growth during ``magic carpet breakup`` of a drop on a heated substrate", 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS DFD), Online (USA)

Kamamoto, K., Onuki, H., and Tagawa, Y., 2020, "Drop-on-demand painting device for highly viscous fluid", 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS DFD), Online (USA)

Tagawa, Y., 2020, "Highly viscous high-speed microjet induced by impulsive forces", The 6th Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics by Science Council of Japan, Online (Japan)


Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Award lecture of Andrea Prosperetti Award", 10th International Conference of Multiphase Flow (ICMF2019), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). [Invited lecture]

Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Levitating droplet over a moving wall”, Invited Lecture @ the Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts (USA). [Invited lecture]

Yoda, M., Yee, A., Onuki, H., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Determining time scales for directed assembly of particles by shear flow and electric field", 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle (USA).

Takeuchi, S., Gu, J., Barral, A., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, "A non-Reynolds lubrication model and application to droplet levitation", 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle (USA).

Tagawa, Y., Franco-Gomez, A., Onuki, H., and Nagatsu, Y., 2019, "Viscous elastic fluid jets induced by sudden acceleration", 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle (USA).

Muto, M., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Development of experimental visualization method for unsteady hydrodynamic stress field by using photoelasticity of liquid polymer", 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle (USA).

Kiyama, A., Mansoor, M., Speirs, N., Tagawa, Y., and Truscott, T., 2019, "Gelatin cavity dynamics in the wake of high-speed solid sphere impact", 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle (USA).

Onuki, H., Kamamoto K., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Impact-induced jets of highly-viscous liquids using a simple structured syringe", 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle (USA).

Yokoyama, Y., Takeda, M., Onuki, H., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Influence of characteristic components of blood on blood splashing onto a solid wall", 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle (USA).

Muto, M., Miyazaki, Y., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Photoelastic measurement of polymer solutions for visualization of hydrodynamic stress field: view for application in medical diagnosis", The 15th Asian Symposium on Visualization (ASV15), Busan (Korea)

Shimazaki, T., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Detection of the large apparent displacement using Fast Checkerboard Demodulation method for Background-Oriented Schlieren technique", The 15th Asian Symposium on Visualization (ASV15), Busan (Korea)

Tagawa, Y., Matsuda, A., Komaya, S., and Sawaguchi, E., 2019, "Levitating droplet over a moving wall: mechanism and position control", Droplets 2019, Durham (UK).

Onuki, H., Kiyama, A., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, “Jet speed control using bubble-contained hydrogel”, IC-01, International Conference on Advanced Imaging 2019 (ICAI2019), Chiba (Japan).

Miyazaki, Y., Muto, M., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, ”High-speed Measurement of a Stress Field in Soft Materials Induced by Droplet Impact”, IC-03, International Conference on Advanced Imaging 2019 (ICAI2019), Chiba (Japan).

Ikeda, M., Onuki, H., Kiyama, A., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, ”On the surface vibration of an impact-induced liquid jet”, IC-02, International Conference on Advanced Imaging 2019 (ICAI2019), Chiba (Japan).

Rapet, J., Tagawa, Y., and Ohl, C.D., 2019, "Shear-waves from cavitation in soft solids", the DPG-Frühjahrstagung - Regensburg19, Regensburg (Germany)

Onuki, H., and Tagawa, Y., 2019, “Pinch-off of viscous liquid ligament”, IJ2-02, Imaging Conference JAPAN 2019 (ICJ2019), Chiba (Japan).

Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Laser-induced cavitation in water and soft solids: pressure wave, liquid jets, and bubble dynamics", Seminar @ Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing (China).
[Invited seminar]

Muto, M., 2019, "Deposition control of colloidal particle by laser-induced photo-thermal effect", 6th I2plus Workshop @ Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo (Japan). [Invited seminar]

Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Image-based stress measurement of liquids and soft materials", Seminar @ Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing (China). [Invited seminar]

Tagawa, Y., 2019, "Impact-induced liquid jets: Highly-viscous jets and cavitation", Seminar @ Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing (China). [Invited seminar]


Tagawa, Y., 2018, "Axisymmetric pressure field of laser-induced underwater shockwaves: non-contact high-speed measurement and analysis”, The 32nd International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics, Enschede (The Netherlands). [Keynote lecture]

Tagawa, Y., 2018, "Impact-induced cavitation and liquid jets”, Physics of Fluids for the 21st Century, Enschede (The Netherlands). [Invited lecture]

Tagawa, Y., 2018, "Highly focused liquid jets induced by an impact: Viscous jets and high-speed jets", Invited Lecture at University of New Hampshire, Durham (USA). [Invited lecture]

Onuki, H., Maeshima, M., Kurihara, C., Kiyama, A., and Tagawa, Y., 2018, "Control of impact-induced cavitation using bubble-contained PVA gel", 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta (USA).

Franco-Gomez, A., Nagatsu, Y., and Tagawa, Y., 2018, "Jet ejection of inelastic and elastic non-Newtonian fluids by laser-induced shockwave", 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta (USA).

Dyett, B., Kiyama, A., Tagawa, Y., Lohse, D., and Zhang, X., 2018, “Growth dynamics of surface nanodroplets", 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta (USA).

Kiyama, A., Hayasaka, K., Nishida, H., and Tagawa, Y., 2018, "Acceleration-induced cavitation and surrounding pressure in a short liquid column", 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta (USA).

Tagawa, Y., Matsuda, A., and Sawaguchi, E., 2018, "Experimental study on pressure balance of a droplet levitating over a moving wall", 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta (USA).

Kiyama, A., Kurihara, C., Hayasaka, K., and Tagawa, Y., 2018, “On the acceleration-induced cloud cavitation in water and the gel”, 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vienna (Austria).

Onuki, H., and Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Mechanism of microjet ejection with highly viscousfluids”, 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vienna (Austria).

Yamamoto, S., Tagawa, Y., and Kameda, M., 2018, "Non-contact pressure measurement of underwater shock wave in a microtube using Background-Oriented Schlieren technique”, 19th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon (Portugal).

Hayasaka, K., Kawamoto, S., Kameda, M., and Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Smartphone background-oriented schlieren for locating gas-leak source in emergencies”, 19th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon (Portugal).

Miyazaki Y., Endo N., Kawamoto S., Kiyma A., and Tagawa Y., 2018, “High-speed measurement of stress fields in soft materials impacted by highly-focused microjets using photoelastic technique”, 19th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon (Portugal).

Matsuda, A., Komaya, S., Sawaguchi, E., and Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Viscous effect on droplet levitation over a moving wall”, 18th International symposium on Flow Visualization, Zurich(Switzerland).

Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Novel Microjet Generator for Supersonic and Highly Viscous Liquids”, The 121st Annual Conference of the Imaging Society of Japan (Commemoration Lecture of Konica Minolta Research Encouraging Grant 2016), Chiba (Japan)

Onuki, H., Maeshima, M., and Tagawa, Y., 2018, “The New System for Generating Microjets for Highly Viscous Ink”, IJ1-02, The 121st Annual Conference of the Imaging Society of Japan, Chiba (Japan).

Maeshima, M., Onuki, H., Kurihara, C., Kiyama, A., and Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Jet Velocity Control Method Using PVA Gel for a New Ink-jet Generator”, INP-15i, The 121st Annual Conference of the Imaging Society of Japan,
Chiba (Japan).

Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Full-field pressure measurement of underwater shock waves using Background Oriented Schlieren technique", Seminar @ Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Delft (The Netherlands). [Invited seminar]

Tagawa, Y., 2018, “High-speed and highly viscous microjets: fundamentals and medical/industrial applications”, Seminar @ Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth (Germany). [Invited seminar]

Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Full-field pressure measurement of underwater shock waves using Background Oriented Schlieren technique”, Seminar @ Universität der Bundeswehr München, Munich (Germany). [Invited seminar]

Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Focused liquid jets”, Seminar @ Technical University of Munich, Munich (Germany). [Invited seminar]

Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Enhancement of focused liquid jets by preformed bubbles”, Seminar @ Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg (Germany). [Invited seminar]

Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Yoshiyuki Tagawa Lab. - research overview”, Seminar @ Technische Universität Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt), Darmstadt, (Germany). [Invited seminar]

Tagawa, Y., 2018, “Multiphase flow for medical applications - microjets and droplets -”, 2nd Kyung Hee University - Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Bilateral Seminar @ Kyung Hee University, Seoul(Korea). [Invited seminar]


Tagawa, Y., "Highly focused liquid jets induced by an impulsive force: Viscous jets and high-speed jets", Invited lecture at Southampton University, Southampton (UK). [Invited lecture]

Tagawa, Y., "Highly focused liquid jets induced by an impulsive force: Viscous jets and high-speed jets", Invited lecture at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. [Invited lecture]

Kiyama, A., Miyazaki, Y., Pan, Z., Mansoor, M. M., Truscott, T. T., and Tagawa, Y., 2017, “High-speed impact of the focused micro liquid jet onto liquid pool”, 17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery and 2nd International Symposium on Image based Metrology, Hawaii (USA).

Yukisada, R., Kiyama, A., Zhang, X., and Tagawa, Y., 2017, “Enhancement of focused jets by using surface microbubbles”, 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver (USA).

Tagawa, Y., Kurihara, C., and Kiyama, A., 2017, “Pressure fluctuation caused by moderate acceleration”, 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver (USA).

Peters, I., and Tagawa, Y., 2017, “The collapse of a cavitation bubble in a corner”, 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver (USA).

Onuki, H., and Tagawa, Y., 2017, “Highly-viscous microjet induced by an impact”, 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver (USA).

Miyazaki, Y., Endo, N., Kawamoto, S., and Tagawa, Y., 2017, “Stress fields in soft material induced by injection of highly-focused microjets”, 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver (USA).

Li, Y., Tagawa, Y., Yee, A., and Yoda, M., 2017, “Observations of the initial stages of colloidal band formation”, 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver (USA).

Kiyama, A., Pan, Z., Tagawa, Y., Jesse, D.D., Thomson, S., Hurd, R., and Truscott, T., 2017, “Cavitation onset of an accelerating liquid”, 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver (USA).

Kawamoto, S., and Tagawa, Y., 2017, “Behavior of a laser-induced bubble: effects of the volume variation of the liquid”, 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver (USA).

Fujita, Y., Tran, T., Tagawa, Y., Xie, Y., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2017, “High-speed micro-droplet impact on a super-heated surface”, 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver (USA).

Kameda, M., Hayasaka, K., Tagawa, Y., and Liu, T., 2017, “High-resolution background oriented schlieren technique for a laser-induced underwater shock wave”, 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves, Nagoya (Japan).

Sawaguchi, E., Hama, K., Saito, M., and Tagawa, Y., 2017, “Lubrication pressure generated inside an air film between a levitating droplet and a moving wall”, Droplets 2017, Los Angels (USA).


Ishihara, S., Tukiyama, H., Tagawa, Y., and Kameda, M., 2016, “Rupture sites of a liquid film between the bubble and the solid surface”, 1C-P05, The 31st International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics, Osaka (Japan).

Onuki, H., Oi, Y., and Tagawa, Y., 2016, “Numerical simulation of a highly-viscous microjet generated by an impulsive force”, The 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Firenze (Italy).

Tagawa, Y., Yamamoto, S., Hayasaka, K., and Kameda, M., 2016, “Structure of a laser-induced underwater shock wave”, The 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Firenze (Italy).

Kida, H., Tagawa, Y., Sato, R., and Kameda, M., 2016, “Collecting device of volatile organic compounds in water like a nose: thin liquid film containing odorant binding proteins”, The 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Firenze (Italy).

Hayasaka, K., Tagawa, Y., Liu, T., and Kameda, M., 2016, “Measurement of a laser-induced underwater shock wave by the optical-flow-based background-oriented schlieren technique”, The 18th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon (Portugal).

Kiyama, A., Kurihara, C., Hayasaka, K., and Tagawa, Y., 2016, “Effects of a water hammer and cavitation on the motion of a gas-liquid interface”, The 24th Internetional Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal (Canada).

Sawaguchi, E., Hama, K., Saito, M., and Tagawa, Y., 2016, “Pressure distribution on a levitating drop over a moving surface”, The 24th Internetional Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal (Canada).

Tagawa, Y., Yamamoto, S., Hayasaka, K., and Kameda, M., 2016, “Structure of a laser-induced shock wave in water”, The 24th Internetional Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanic, Montreal (Canada).

Ishii, M., Kawamoto, S., Iwami, K., and Tagawa, Y., 2016, “Optically-induced Focused Microjets Assisted by Plasmonic Heat Source”, The 14th International Conference of Near-Field Optics, Nanoparticles and related Techniques, Shizuoka (Japan).

Onuki, H., Oi, Y., and Tagawa, Y., 2016, “Generation of microjets of highly-viscous liquids”, The 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sevilla (Spain).

Kiyama, A., Katsuta, C., Kawamoto, S., Endo, N., Tanaka, A., and Tagawa, Y., 2016, “An application of the focused liquid jet: needle free drug injection system”, E39.00006, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Portland (USA).

Tagawa, Y., Yamamoto, S., Hayasaka, K., and Kameda, M., 2016, “The pressure impulse of a laser-induced underwater shock wave”, G5.00006, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Portland (USA).

Hatakenaka, R., and Tagawa, Y., 2016, “Droplet Impact on a Heated Surface under a Depressurized Environment”, KP1.00072, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Portland (USA).

Fujita, Y., Kiyama, A., and Tagawa, Y., 2016, “High-speed ethanol micro-droplet impact on a solid surface”, KP1.00092, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Portland (USA).

Endo, N., Kawamoto, S., and Tagawa, Y., 2016, “The injection of a highly focused microjet into a soft target”, KP1.00093, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Portland (USA).


Tagawa, Y., Onuki, H., and Oi, Y., 2015, “Generation of highly-viscous microjets”, M35.00009, 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston (USA).

Kiyama, A., Kurihara, C., and Tagawa, Y., 2015, “Experimental study on the onset of cavitation induced by an impact”, L36.00010, 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston (USA).

Kawamoto, S., Hayasaka, K., Noguchi, Y., and Tagawa, Y., 2015, “Volume of a laser-induced microjet”, KP2.00028, 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston (USA).

Onuki, H., Oi, Y., and Tagawa, Y., 2015, “A new device for generating thin jets of highly-viscous liquid”, KP2.00025, 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston (USA).

Hayasaka, K., and Tagawa, Y., 2015, “Ultra-high speed measurement of a laser-induced underwater shock wave”, KP2.00010, 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston (USA).

Sawaguchi, E., Hama, K., Saito, M., and Tagawa, Y., 2015, “Steady levitating droplets”, Droplets 2015, University of Twente, Enschede (The Netherlands).

Onuki, H., Oi, Y., and Tagawa, Y., 2015, “A novel system for generating high-speed microjets of highly-viscous liquids”, Droplets 2015, University of Twente, Enschede (The Netherlands).

Kiyama, A., Tagawa, Y., Bouwhuis, W., van der Meer, D., and Lohse, D., 2015, “Numerical Study on a focused liquid jet accompanied by gas bubbles”, The 13th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, Tokyo (Japan)

Tagawa, Y., 2015, “Bubble path instability in various surfactant solutions”, IUTAM Symposium on Bubbly Flows, Oaxaca (Mexico).


Tagawa, Y., Yamamoto, Y., and Kameda, M., 2014, “Spatiotemporal evolution of a laser-induced shock wave measured by the background-oriented schlieren technique”, G29.00003, 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, Calfornia (USA).

Kiyama, A., and Tagawa, Y., 2014, “Study on a liquid jet with cavitation bubbles”, G36.00008, 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, Calfornia (USA).

Saito, M., Tagawa, Y., and Kameda, M., 2014, “Mechanism of the lift force acting on a levitating drop over a moving surface”, F2.00017, 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, Calfornia (USA).

Yamamoto, S., Tagawa, Y., and Kameda, M., 2014, “Angular variation of pressure at laser-induced shock front”, ISFV16-1324, The 16th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Okinawa (Japan).

Yamamoto, S., Tagawa, Y., and Kameda, M., 2014, “The evolution of a shock wave pressure induced by a laser pulse in a liquid filled thin tube using the background-oriented Schlieren technique", 2.11, International Symposium on Applications of laser techniques to fluid mechanics, Lisbon (Portugal).

Tagawa, Y., Takagi, S., and Matsumoto, Y., 2014, “On path instability of a rising bubble in dilute surfactant solution”, 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Copenhagen (Denmark).

Kiyama, A., Noguchi, Y., and Tagawa, Y., 2014, “A focused jet with cavitation bubbles”, 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Copenhagen (Denmark).


Tagawa, Y., Takagi, S., and Matsumoto, Y., 2013, “The effect of surfactants on path instability of a rising bubble”, H11.00002, 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA).

Yamamoto, S., Tagawa, Y., and Kameda, M., 2013, "Shock wave reflections in a liquid filled thin tube", 1A.00018, 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA).

Kiyama, A., Noguchi, Y., and Tagawa, Y., 2013, “A focused liquid jet using a pressure impulse”, 1A.00019, 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA).

Lhuissier, H., Tagawa, Y., Tran, T., and Sun. C., 2013, “Levitation of a drop over a moving surface”, L33.00002, 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA).

Tran, T., Tagawa, Y., Xie. Y., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2013, “Microdroplet impact on superheated surfaces: Vapor triggers splashing”, H34.00002, 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA).

Tagawa, Y., Oudalov, N., Ghalbzouri, A. El, Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2013, “Needle-free injection into skin and soft matter with highly focused microjets”, International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Jeju, Korea.

Tagawa Y., "Three-dimensional Voronoi analysis for clustering of bubbles and particles: Lagrangian behavior and morphology", International workshop on Numerical simulations of Particle/droplet/bubble-laden Multiphase flows

2012 & BEFORE

Tagawa, Y., Martinez-Mercado, J., Prakash, V.N., Calzavarini, E., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2012, “Three-dimensional Lagrangian Voronoi analysis for clustering of inertial particles in turbulence”, Proc. of European Fluid Mechanics Conference 9, TU11-0602, Rome (Italy).

Tagawa, Y., Oudalov, N., Visser, C.W., Peters, I.R., van der Meer, D., Sun, C., Prosperetti, A., and Lohse, D., 2012, “Supersonic controlled microjet”, Proc. of the 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, FM06-065, Beijing (China).

Tagawa, Y., Prakash,V.N., Calzavarini, E., Martinez-Mercado, J., Toschi, F., Lohse, D., and Sun, C., 2012, “Gravity and size effects on the acceleration statistics of bubbles in turbulence”, Proc. of Particles in complex flows, WG.1, Reykjavik (Iceland).

Tagawa, Y., Martinez-Mercado, J., Prakash, V.N., Calzavarini, E., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2011, “Three-dimensional Voronoi analysis for inertial particle clustering in turbulence”, Proc. of Particle in Turbulence (International Conference on Fundamentals, Experiments, Numerics and Applications), WG.3, Potsdam (Germany).

Tagawa, Y., Funakubo, A., Takagi, S., and Matsumoto, Y., 2010, "A single bubble path instability in dilute surfactant solution", Proc. of 7th International Conference of Multiphase Flow, No. 7.1.4, Tampa (USA).

Tagawa, Y., Ogasawara, T., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., 2009, “Surfactant effects on single bubble motion and bubbly flow structure”, Proc. of 6th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion, Paper No. MF-06, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1207, pp. 43-48, Xi’an (China).

Tagawa, Y., Funakubo, A., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., 2008, “New Types of a single bubble motions in dilute surfactant solution”, Proc. of XXII The International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2008, No. 11745, Adelaide (Australia).

Tagawa, Y., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., 2006, “3D wake structure of zigzagging or spiraling bubble by digital holography measurement”, Proc. of Applications to laser techniques to fluid mechanics 13th international symposium, No. 1336, pp. 1-9, Lisbon (Portugal).

Prakash, V.N., Tagawa, Y., Calzavarini, E., Martinez-Mercado, J., Toschi, F., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2012, “How gravity and size affect the acceleration statistics of bubbles in turbulence”, Proc. of European Fluid Mechanics Conference 9, TU5-0580, Rome (Italy).

Ogasawara. T., Tagawa. Y., Fujiwara, A., Takagi, S., and Matsumoto, Y., 2004, “Experimental Study on Bubbly Flow in a Vertical Channel”, Proc. of 5th International Conferences on Multiphase Flow, No.538, pp.1-13, Yokohama (Japan).

Ogasawara. T., Tagawa. Y., Fujiwara, A., Takagi, S., and Matsumoto, Y., 2004, “The Clustering Phenomena near the Wall in a Turbulent Bubbly Channel Flow”, Proc. of 3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modeling and Experimentation, jp20, Pisa (Italy).

Prakash, V.N., Martinez-Mercado, J., Tagawa, Y., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2011, “Light statistics of light particles in turbulence”, Proc. of Particle in Turbulence (International Conference on Fundamentals, Experiments, Numerics and Applications), WG.4, Potsdam (Germany).

Tagawa, Y., Oudalov, N., Visser, C.W., Peters, I.R., van der Meer, D., Sun, C., Prosperetti, A., and Lohse, D., 2012, “Highly-focused high-speed impact on soft material: Application for needle-free injection device”, Proc. of 65th Annual Meeting of the Divison of Fluid Dynamics, A.P.S., L11.00002, San Diego, (USA).

Tagawa, Y., Martinez-Mercado, J., Prakash, V.N., Calzavarini, E., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2011, “A Lagrangian clustering analysis of inertial particles in turbulence using three-dimensional Voronoi tessellation”, Proc. of 64th Annual Meeting of the Divison of Fluid Dynamics, A.P.S., E21.00007, Baltimore (USA).

Tagawa, Y., Sun, C., Mullin, T., van Wijngaarden, and L., Lohse, D., 2010, “The motion and the forces on a cylinder and a sphere in rotating shear flow”, Proc. of 63rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics A.P.S., QZ.00003, Long beach (USA).

Tagawa, Y., Kawaguchi, Y., Funakubo, A., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., 2007, "A single bubble path transition from spiral to zigzag in dilute surfactant solution", Proc. of 60th Annual Meeting of the Divison of Fluid Dynamics, A.P.S., BC.0004, (USA)

Tagawa, Y., Takagi, S., and Matsumoto. Y., 2007, “3D fluid structure around single bubble in surfactant solution", International Symposium on Computational Challenges in Thermal, Fluids and Energy Systems, No. 93, Tokyo, Japan

Peters, I.R., Tagawa, Y., van der Meer, D., Prosperetti, A., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2010, “Microjet formation in a capillary by laser-induced cavitation”, Proc. of 63rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics A.P.S., GQ.00007, Long beach (USA).

Oudalov, N., Tagawa, Y., Visser, C.W., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2011, “High-speed microdroplet generation using laser-induced vapor bubbles”, Proc. of 64th Annual Meeting of the Divison of Fluid Dynamics, A.P.S., R3.00003, Baltimore (USA).

Visser, C.W., Tagawa, Y., Oudalov, N., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2011, “High-speed microdroplet impact on smooth solid surfaces”, Proc. of 64th Annual Meeting of the Divison of Fluid Dynamics, A.P.S., H4.00002, Baltimore (USA).

Martinez-Mercado, J., Prakash, V.N., Tagawa, Y., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2010, “Light particles in turbulence: acceleration statistics”, Proc. of 63rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics A.P.S., AU.00005, Long beach (USA).

Prakash, V.N., Martinez-Mercado, J., Tagawa, Y., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2010, “Light particles in turbulence: velocity statistics”, Proc. of 63rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics A.P.S., AU.00006, Long beach (USA).

Prakash, V.N., Martinez-Mercado, J., Tagawa, Y., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2011, “Light statistics of light particles in turbulence”, Proc. of 64th Annual Meeting of the Divison of Fluid Dynamics, A.P.S., S18.00001, Baltimore (USA).

Prakash V.N., Tagawa, Y., Calzavarini, E., Martinez-Mercado, J., Toschi, F., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2012, “How gravity and size affect the acceleration statistics of bubbles in turbulence”, Proc. of 65th Annual Meeting of the Divison of Fluid Dynamics, A.P.S., A8.00006, San Diego (USA).

Visser, C.W., Tagawa, Y., Sun, C., and Lohse, D., 2012, “Droplet impact at very high velocity”, Proc. of 65th Annual Meeting of the Divison of Fluid Dynamics, A.P.S., H4.00008, San Diego (USA).