Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Shinji Hasebe: "Estimation of active pharmaceutical ingredients content using locally weighted partial least squares and statistical wavelength selection", International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Vol.
421, No.2, pp. 269–274 (2011)
Hiroshi Nakagawa, Takahiro Tajima, Manabu Kano, Sanghong Kim, Shinji Hasebe, Tatsuya Suzuki, Hiroaki Nakagami: "Evaluation of infrared-reflection absorption spectroscopy measurement and locally weighted partial least-squares for rapid analysis of
residual drug substances in cleaning processes", Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 84, No. 8, pp. 3820–3826 (2012)
Sanghong Kim, Ryota Okajima, Manabu Kano, Shinji Hasebe: "Development of soft-sensor using locally weighted PLS with adaptive similarity measure", Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Vol. 124, pp. 43–49 (2013)
Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Shinji Hasebe, Akitoshi Takinami, Takeshi Seki: "Long-term industrial applications of inferential control based on just-in-time soft-sensors: economical impact and challenges", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,
Vol.52, No. 35, pp. 12346–12356 (2013)
Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Shinji Hasebe, "Input variable scaling for statistical modeling", Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 59-65 (2015)
Zhongchao Zheng, Tatsuru Seto, Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Toshiyuki Fujiwara, Masahiko Mizuta, Shinji Hasebe, "A first-principle model of 300 mm Czochralski single-crystal Si production process for predicting crystal radius and crystal growth rate", Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 492, No. 15, pp. 105-113 (2018)
Sanghong Kim, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Manabu Kano, Shinji Hasebe, "Estimation of active pharmaceutical ingredients content in blending process for drug products manufacturing", AIChE Annual Meeting, 445d, Salt Lake City, US, Nov. (2010)
Sanghong Kim, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Manabu Kano, Shinji Hasebe, "Active pharmaceutical ingredients content estimation using locally weighted partial least squares and statistical wavelength selection", IFPAC Annual Meeting, I-028, Baltimore, US, Jan.
Ryota Okajima, Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Shinji Hasebe, "Selection of similarity measure for locally weighted partial least squares regression", AIChE Annual Meeting, 669e, Minneapolis, US, Nov. (2011)
Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Shinji Hasebe, "Estimation of active pharmaceutical ingredient content using locally weighted partial least squares" Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations 2012/Chemical Process Control VIII,
Contributed paper #6, Savannah, US, Jan. (2012)
Manabu Kano, Sanghong Kim, Ryota Okajima, Shinji Hasebe, "Industrial applications of locally weighted PLS to realize maintenance-free high-performance virtual sensing", The 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS),
545 - 548, Jeju Island, Korea, Oct. (2012)
Sanghong Kim, Ryota Okajima, Manabu Kano, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Shinji Hasebe, "Soft-sensor using locally weighted PLS with adaptive similarity measure and its application to pharmaceutical process", 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering incorporating
15th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, MoP-T1-119, Seoul, Korea, Aug. (2013)
[Invited lecture] Sanghong Kim, Mulang Chen, Swanand Khare, Biao Huang, "Identification of non-linear time-varying process using recursive locally weighted partial least squares", 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering incorporating 15th Asian
Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, ThO-T414, Seoul, Korea, Aug. (2013)
Sanghong Kim, Kazuki Mishima, Manabu Kano, Shinji Hasebe, "Database management method based on density and nonlinearity for locally weighted linear regression model", AIChE Annual Meeting, 568k, Atlanta, US, Nov. (2014)
Ryosuke Yoshizaki, Manabu Kano, Sanghong Kim, “Optimization of nonlinear multi-stage process with characteristic changes through locally-weighted partial least squares”, 10th Asian control conference 2015, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, May (2015)
Zhongchao Zheng, Tatsuru Seto, Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano,Toshiyuki Fujiwara, Masahiko Mizuta, Shinji Hasebe, “Development of a first principle model of Czochralski process and its verification with real industrial data” Asian Pacific Confederation
of Chemical Engineering 2015, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. (2015)
Sanghong Kim, Akihisa Yoshida, Shun Muroga, Yuta Hikima, Masahiro Ohshima, Shinji Hasebe, "Statistical Data Analysis for Understanding Physical-Chemical Phenomena", The 7th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes
(PSE Asia 2016), Tokyo, Japan, July 24-27 (2016)
Tatsuru Seto, Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Toshiyuki Fujiwara, Masahiko Mizuta, Shinji Hasebe, "Gray-box modeling of 300 mm Czochralski single-crystal Si production process", AIChE Annual Meeting, 659c, San Francisco, US, Nov. (2016)
Naoki Okayama, Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Shinji Hasebe, "Modified Joint-Y PLS model for Integrated Use of Data from Similar Plants”, The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (AdCONIP 2017), paper 144, Taipei, Taiwan,
May (2017)
Sanghong Kim, Yukio Matsuyama, Shinji Hasebe, "Robust parameter tuning method for locally weighted partial least squares and its application to twelve industrial processes" 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, T4.1.053, Barcelona, Spain, Oct. (2017)
Narutomo Ishikawa, Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Shinji Hasebe "Root cause analysis of estimation error of a soft-sensor", Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2018), poster 329, San Diego, US, July 1-5 (2018)
Shota Kato, Hironobu Yoshioka, Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Toshiyuki Fujiwara, Masahiko Mizuta, Shinji Hasebe, "Model predictive control of Czochralski process producing 300 mm single crystal silicon ingot", The 8th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes
(PSE Asia 2019), Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 13-16 (2019)
Yukio Matsuyama, Sanghong Kim, Shinji Hasebe, "Investigation of the effect of utilizing the process knowledge for sample selection in soft-sensor design", The 8th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes
(PSE Asia 2019), Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 13-16 (2019)
Shota Kato, Sanghong Kim, Manabu Kano, Toshiyuki Fujiwara, Masahiko Mizuta, Shinji Hasebe, "Method of estimating temperatures of heater and melt to improve prediction accuracy of gray-box model of 300 mm Czochralski single-crystal Si production process", 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019), N201, Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 23-27 (2019)
Yukio Matsuyama, Sanghong Kim, Shinji Hasebe, "Adaptive soft-sensor development based on sample classification with estimation error", 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019), N204, Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 23-27 (2019)
Norihiko Fukuoka, Sanghong Kim, Takuya Oishi, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, "Prediction of API Concentration Using NIRS Measured Off-line and In-line Instruments", The 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2021+), Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 19-23 (2022)
Masanori Oshima, Sanghong Kim, Yuri Shardt, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, "Effective Re-identification of Multivariate Process under Model Predictive Control Using Information from Plant-Model Mismatch Detection", The 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2021+), Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 19-23 (2022)
Shigeki Hasegawa, Shun Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Ikogi, Sanghong Kim, Miho Kageyama, Motoaki Kawase, "Development of Muliti-purpose Dynamic Physical Model of Fuel Cell System", The 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2021+), Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 19-23 (2022)
Shigeki Hasegawa, Yusuke Miyamoto, Yoshihiro Ikogi, Sanghong Kim, Miho Kageyama, Motoaki Kawase, "Model-Based Development of Fuel Cell Stack and System Controllers", The 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2021+), Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 19-23 (2022)
Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Soranasataporn Pattana, Osamu Tonomura, Sanghong Kim, "Numerical Investigation of the Shear Rate Variation in Cooling Crystallization", The 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2021+), Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 19-23 (2022)
【受賞講演】金尚弘,三嶋一毅,加納学,長谷部伸治:「Database Management Method Based on Strength of Nonlinearity for Locally Weighted Linear Regression」,化学工学会第51回秋季大会,オンライン,2020年9月
2019年10月2日:International Symposium on Computer Applications in Process Industry (iSCAPE-19)にて講演「Introduction to Soft-sensor and Its Application in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Processes」