About Nakaba -研究業績(論文・総説・著書・外部資金)-

 プロフィール研究紹介/ 研究業績(論文・総説・著書・外部資金学会発表等

研究業績 (論文・総説・著書・外部資金)

 1)原著論文  2)総説  3)著書  4)外部資金  5)国際会議における発表 (a: ポスターb: 口頭
6)国内学会・シンポジウムにおける発表 (a: ポスターb: 口頭c: シンポジウム


 1) 原著論文(76件)(査読有り)

1. Md Hasnat Rahman, Shahanara Begum, Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Satoshi Nakaba, Ryo Funada (2022) The effects of watering on cambial activity in the stems of evergreen hardwood (Samanea saman) during the pre-monsoon season in subtropical Bangladesh. Journal of Wood Science 68: 47

2. 森 惇哉、塚田健太郎、井上涼平、野澤陽子、山岸祐介、安江 恒、半 智史、船田 良 (2022) オオヤマレンゲの未成熟種子を用いた組織培養による植物体再生に関する研究. 木材学会誌(印刷中)

3. Tomohito Hatano, Satoshi Nakaba, Yoshiki Horikawa, Ryo Funada (2022) A combination of scanning electron microscopy and broad argon ion beam milling provides intact structure of secondary tissues in woody plants. Scientific Reports 12: 9152

4. Kei Takahashi, Akari Ohta, Hiroyuki Sase, Naoto Murao, Keiichi Takada, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Satoshi Nakaba, Makoto Watanabe, Takeshi Izuta (2022) Seasonal variations in the amount of black carbon particles deposited on the leaf surfaces of nine Japanese urban greening tree species and their related factors. International Journal of Phytoremediation (in press)

5. Megumi Ohse, Rika Irohara, Etsushi Iizuka, Izumi Arakawa, Peter Kitin, Ryo Funada, Satoshi Nakaba (2022) Sequent periderm formation and changes in the cellular contents of phloem parenchyma during rhytidome development in Cryptomeria japonica. Journal of Wood Science 68: 19

6. 根本圭也、半 智史、船田 良、Jin Gook Kim、乃万 了、伴 琢也(2022)ラビットアイブルーベリーの新梢成長と花芽分化の関係. 園芸学研究 21: 43-48

7. Tatsuki Kurei, Yuto Hioki, Ryota Kose, Satoshi Nakaba, Ryo Funada, Yoshiki Horikawa (2022) Effects of orientation and degree of polymerization on tensile properties in the cellulose sheets using hierarchical structure of wood. Cellulose 29: 2885-2898

8. Etsushi Iizuka, Megumi Ohse, Izumi Arakawa, Peter Kitin, Ryo Funada, Satoshi Nakaba (2021) Spatial and temporal patterns of wound periderm development in Cryptomeria japonica bark. IAWA journal 42: 486-496

9. Peter Kitin, John C. Hermanson, Hisashi Abe, Satoshi Nakaba, Ryo Funada (2021) Light microscopy of wood using sanded surface instead of slides. IAWA Journal 42: 322-335

10. Makoto Kobayashi, Elizaveta Susloparova, Ikutaro Tsuyama, Takuya Shimase, Satoshi Nakaba, Naoki Takahashi, Toshiya Yoshida (2021) Influence of soil properties on the heartwood colour of Juglans mandshurica var. sachalinensis in a cool temperate forest. Journal of Wood Science 67: 49

11. Yusuke Yamagishi, Kayo Kudo, Joto Yoshimoto, Satoshi Nakaba, Eri Nabeshima, Ugai Watanabe, Ryo Funada (2021) Tracheary elements from calli of Japanese horse chestnut (Aesculus turbinata) from perforation-like structures. Planta 253: 99

12. Tatsuki Kurei, Rino Tsushima, Yoko Okahisa, Satoshi Nakaba, Ryo Funada, Yoshiki Horikawa (2020) Creation and structural evaluation of the three-dimensional cellulosic material, “white-colored bamboo”. Holzforschung 75: 180-186

13. Kana Iwami, Satoshi Noma, Takuya Ban, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Izumi Arakawa, Peter Kitin, Ryo Funada, Satoshi Nakaba (2020) Pathways of extra- and intercellular diffusion of colored substances in the blackened xylem of Diospyros kaki. Journal of Wood Science 66: 47

14. Peter Kitin, Satoshi Nakaba, Christopher G Hunt, Sierin Lim, Ryo Funada (2020) Direct fluorescence imaging of lignocellulosic and suberized cell walls in roots and stems. AoB Plants 12: plaa032

15. Seiya Hirano, Yusuke Yamagishi, Satoshi Nakaba, Shinya Kajita, Ryo Funada, Yoshiki Horikawa (2020) Artificially lignified cell wall catalyzed by peroxidase selectively localized on a network of microfibrils from cultured cells. Planta 251: 104

16. Yoshiki Horikawa, Rino Tsushima, Keiichi Noguchi, Satoshi Nakaba, Ryo Funada (2020) Development of white-colored wood by optimized alcoholysis and bleaching with maintaining natural hierarchical structure. Journal of Wood Science 66: 37

17. Md Hasnat Rahman, Kayo Kudo, Yusuke Yamagishi, Yusuke Nakamura, Satoshi Nakaba, Shahanara Begum, Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Izumi Arakawa, Peter Kitin, Ryo Funada (2020) Winter-spring temperature pattern is closely related to the onset of cambial reactivation in stems of the evergreen conifer Chamaecyparis pisifera. Scientific Reports 10: 14341

18. 船田 良、保坂路人、山岸祐介、塚田健太郎、Md Hasnat Rahman、田端雅進、半 智史(2020)漆生産量の異なるウルシにおける樹皮の組織構造の解剖学的解析. 日本林学会誌 101: 305-310

19. Tomoaki Murakami, Keiichi Noguchi, Masayoshi Tasaki, Yukiko Sassa, Satoshi Nakaba, Taro Yamashita, Konen Obayashi, Yukio Ando, Takeshi Kanno, Masao Hamamura, Kazufumi Kawasako (2020) Needle-shaped amyloid deposition in rat mammary gland: evidence of a novel amyloid fibril protein. Amyloid 27: 25-35

20. Shahanara Begum, Osamu Furusawa, Masaki Shibagaki, Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Joto Yoshimoto, Md Hasnat Rahman, Yuzou Sano, Ryo Funada (2019) Localization of actin filaments and cortical microtubules in wood-forming tissues of conifers. IAWA Journal 40: 703-720

21. Kenichi Yamane, Satoshi Nakaba, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Katsushi Kuroda, Yuzou Sano, I. Wuled Lenggoro, Takeshi Izuta, Ryo Funada (2019) Visualization and localization of submicron-sized ammonium sulfate particles on needles of Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) and Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) and leaves of Japanese beech (Fagus crenata) and Japanese chinquapin (Castanopsis sieboldii) after artificial exposure. Forests 10: 1151

22. 近藤里沙子、堀川祥生、半 智史、安藤恵介、吉田 誠(2019)Polyporalesに属する木材腐朽菌により腐朽された材のX線回折法およびフーリエ変換赤外分光法による分析.木材保存 45: 268-279

23. Md Hasnat Rahman, Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Satoshi Nakaba, Peter Kitin, Kayo Kudo, Yusuke Yamagishi, Shahanara Begum, Sri Nugroho Marsoem, Ryo Funada (2019) Changes in cambial activity are related to precipitation patterns in four tropical hardwood species in Indonesia. American Journal of Botany 106: 760-771

24. Takashi Baba, Satoshi Nakaba, Satoshi Noma, Ryo Funada, Takuya Ban (2019) The relationship between individual root anatomy and fine root system development in blueberry seedlings: dominance of diarch roots in initial root systems. Plant Root 13: 1-8

25. 塚田健太郎、山岸祐介、鍋嶋絵里、保坂路人、岡田健汰、Md Hasnat Rahman、半 智史、田端雅進、船田 良(2019)ウルシの未成熟胚を用いた組織培養による植物体再生に関する研究. 木材学会誌 65: 125-130

26. Makoto Watanabe, Yu Kamimaki, Marino Mori, Shigeaki Okabe, Izumi Arakawa, Yoshiyuki Kinose, Satoshi Nakaba, Takeshi Izuta (2018) Mesophyll conductance to CO2 in leaves of Siebold’s beech (Fagus crenata) seedlings under elevated ozone. Journal of Plant Research 131: 907-914

27. Md Hasnat Rahman, Kayo Kudo, Shahanara Begum, Yusuke Yamagishi, Takahiro Muraishi, Satoshi Nakaba, Yuichiro Oribe, Chanhui Lee, Hyun-O Jin, Ryo Funada (2018) Effect of auxin-transport-inhibitor and defoliation on wood formation in locally-heated Abies homolepis. IAWA Journal 39: 353-371

28. Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Shahanara Begum, Md Hasnat Rahman, Kayo Kudo, Sri Nugroho Marsoem, Ryo Funada (2018) Stem gravitropism and tension wood formation in Acacia mangium seedlings inclined at various angles. Annals of Botany 122: 87-94

29. Kayo Kudo, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Katsushi Kuroda, Yusuke Yamagishi, Eri Nabeshima, Satoshi Nakaba, Koh Yasue, Katsuhiko Takata, Ryo Funada (2018) Formation of new networks of earlywood vessels in seedlings of the deciduous ring-porous hardwood Quercus serrata in springtime. Trees-structure and function 32: 725-734

30. Izumi Arakara, Ryo Funada, Satoshi Nakaba (2018) Changes in the morphology and functions of vacuoles during the death of ray parenchyma cells in Cryptomeria japonica. Journal of Wood Science 64: 177-185

31. Takashi Baba, Satoshi Nakaba, Satoshi Noma, Ryo Funada, Takuya Ban (2018) Heterorhizy and fine root architecture of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium virgatum) softwood-cuttings. Journal of Plant Research 131: 271-284

32. Akira Motai, Satoshi Nakaba, I. Wuled Lenggoro, Makoto Watanabe, Yoshiharu Wada, Takeshi Izuta (2017) Effects of submicron ammonium sulfate particles on the growth and yield of komatsuna (Brassica rapa L. var. perviridis). Atmospheric Environment 169: 278-286

33. Yusuke Yamagishi, Joto Yoshimoto, Suzuka Ide, Satoshi Nakaba, Eri Nabeshima, Ugai Watanabe, Ryo Funada (2017) Partial desiccation enhances induction of secondary xylem-like tracheary elements from calli of hybrid poplar (Populus sieboldii x P. grandidentata). Trees-structure and function 31: 1083-1089

34. Satoshi Nakaba, Hikaru Morimoto, Izumi Arakawa, Yusuke Yamagishi, Ryogo Nakada, Ryo Funada (2017) Responses of ray parenchyma cells to wounding differ between earlywood and latewood in the sapwood of Cryptomeria japonica. Trees-structure and function 31: 27-39

35. Md Hasnat Rahman, Shahanara Begum, Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Kayo Kudo, Eri Nabeshima, Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Yuichiro Oribe, Ryo Funada (2016) Relationship between the earlywood-to-latewood transition and changes in levels of stored starch around the cambium in locally heated stems of the evergreen conifer Chamaecyparis pisifera. Trees-structure and function 30: 1619-1631

36. Yoko Watanabe, Keita Wakabayashi, Satoshi Kitaoka, Takami Satomura, Norikazu Eguchi, Makoto Watanabe, Satoshi Nakaba, Kentaro Takagi, Yuzou Sano, Ryo Funada, Takayoshi Koike (2016) Response in tree growth and wood structure of Larix kaempferi, Kalopanax septemlobus and Betula platyphylla saplings to elevated CO2 concentration for 5 years exposure in a FACE system. Trees-structure and function 30: 1569-1579

37. Satoshi Nakaba, Kenichi Yamane, Mie Fukahori, Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Katsushi Kuroda, Yuzou Sano, I. Wuled Lenggoro, Takeshi Izuta, Ryo Funada (2016) Effect of epicuticular wax crystals on the localization of artificially deposited sub-micron carbon-based aerosols on needles of Cryptomeria japonica. Journal of Plant Research 129: 873-881

38. Satoshi Nakaba, Izumi Arakawa, Hikaru Morimoto, Nobumasa Bito, Takanori Imai, Ryogo Nakada, Ryo Funada (2016) Agatharesinol biosynthesis-related changes of ray parenchyma in sapwood sticks of Cryptomeria japonica during cell death. Planta 243: 1225-1236

39. Satoshi Nakaba, Asami Hirai, Kayo Kudo, Yusuke Yamagishi, Kenichi Yamane, Katsushi Kuroda, Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Peter Kitin, Ryo Funada (2016) Cavitation of intercellular spaces is critical to establishment of hydraulic properties of compression wood of Chamaecyparis obtusa seedlings. Annals of Botany 117: 457-463

40. Shahanara Begum, Kayo Kudo, Yugo Matsuoka, Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Eri Nabeshima, Md. Hasnat Rahman, Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Yuichiro Oribe, Hyun-O Jin, Ryo Funada (2016) Localized cooling of stems induces latewood formation and cambial dormancy during seasons of active cambium in conifers. Annals of Botany 117: 465-477

41. 馬場 隆士,Fraidoon Karimi,半 智史,船田 良,伴 琢也 (2016) ブルーベリー果実の重量, 形態および吸水特性が裂果感受性の品種間差に及ぼす影響. 園芸学研究 15: 179-187

42. 馬場 隆士,長谷川 莉代,半 智史,船田 良,伴 琢也 (2015) 吸水によるブルーベリー果実の裂果発生要因の解析と吸水経路の特定. 園芸学研究 14: 231-239

43. Yusuke Yamagishi, Hiromu Uchiyama, Takenao Sato, Kei Kitamura, Joto Yoshimoto, Satoshi Nakaba, Ugai Watanabe, Ryo Funada (2015) In vitro induction of the formation of tracheary elements from suspension-cultured cells of the conifer Cryptomeria japonica. Trees-structure and function 29: 1283-1289

44. Satoshi Nakaba, Naoki Takata, Makoto Yoshida, Ryo Funada (2015) Continuous expression of genes for xylem cysteine peptidases in long-lived ray parenchyma cells in Populus. Plant Biotechnology 32: 21-29

45. Keita Hoshino, Satoshi Nakaba, Hiroki Inoue, Kikuo Iwabuchi (2015) Structure and development of male pheromone gland of longicorn beetles and its phylogenetic relationships within the tribe Clytini. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 324: 68-76

46. Taiichiro Ookawa, Kazuya Inoue, Makoto Matsuoka, Takeshi Ebitani, Takeshi Takarada, Toshio Yamamoto, Tadamasa Ueda, Tadashi Yokoyama, Chisato Sugiyama, Satoshi Nakaba, Ryo Funada, Hiroshi Kato, Motoki Kanekatsu, Koki Toyota, Takashi Motobayashi, Mehran Vazirzanjani, Seishu Tojo, Tadashi Hirasawa (2014) Increased lodging resistance in long-culm, low-lignin gh2 rice for improved feed and bioenergy production. Scientific Reports 4: 6567

47. Masahiro Yamaguchi, Yoko Otani, Peiran Li, Hiroshi Nagao, I. Wuled Lenggoro, Atsushi Ishida, Kenichi Yazaki, Kyotaro Noguchi, Satoshi Nakaba, Kenichi Yamane, Katsushi Kuroda, Yuzou Sano, Ryo Funada, Takeshi Izuta (2014) Effects of long-term exposure to ammonium sulfate particles on growth and gas exchange rates of Fagus crenata, Castanopsis sieboldii, Larix kaempferi and Cryptomeria japonica seedlings. Atmospheric Environment (in press)

48. Kayo Kudo, Eri Nabeshima, Shahanara Begum, Yusuke Yamagishi, Satoshi Nakaba, Yuichiro Oribe, Koh Yasue, Ryo Funada (2014) The effects of localized heating and disbudding on cambial reactivation and formation of earlywood vessels in seedlings of the deciduous ring-porous hardwood, Quercus serrata, Annals of Botany 113: 1021-1027

49. Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Shahanara Begum, Sri Nugroho Marsoem, Jae-Heung Ko, Hyun-O Jin, Ryo Funada (2013) Gibberellin mediates the development of gelatinous fibers in the tension wood of inclined Acacia mangium seedlings, Annals of Botany 112: 1321-1329

50. Satoshi Nakaba, Yuzo Sano, Ryo Funada (2013) Disappearance of microtubules, nuclei and starch during cell death of ray parenchyma in Abies sachalinensis, IAWA Journal 34: 135-146

51. Yusuke Yamagishi, Joto Yoshimoto, Hiromu Uchiyama, Eri Nabeshima, Satoshi Nakaba, Ugai Watanabe, Ryo Funada (2013) In vitro induction of secondary xylem-like tracheary elements in calli of hybrid poplar (Populus sieboldii x P. grandidentata), Planta 237: 1179-1185

52. Yuji Nakada, Satoshi Nakaba, Hiroshi Matsunaga, Ryo Funada, Makoto Yoshida (2012) Visualization of the mycelia of wood rotting fungi by fluorescence in situ hybridization using a peptide nucleic acid probe, Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 77: 405-408

53. Kenichi Yamane, Satoshi Nakaba, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Katsushi Kuroda, Yuzo Sano, Wuled Lenggoro, Takeshi Izuta, Ryo Funada (2012) Visualization of artificially deposited submicron-sized aerosol particles on the surfaces of leaves and needles in trees, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 6: 275-280

54. Masahiro Yamaguchi, Yoko Otani, Kenta Takeda, Wuled Lenggoro, Atsushi Ishida, Kenichi Yazaki, Kentaro Noguchi, Hiroyuki Sase, Naoto Murao, Satoshi Nakaba, Kenichi Yamane, Katsushi Kuroda, Yuzo Sano, Ryo Funada, Takeshi Izuta (2012) Effects of long-term exposure to black carbon particles on growth and gas exchange rates of Fagus crenata, Castanopsis sieboldii, Larix kaempferi and Cryptomeria japonica seedlings, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 6: 259-267

55. Yusuke Yamagishi, Takenao Sato, Hiromu Uchiyama, Joto Yoshimoto, Remi Nakagawa, Satoshi Nakaba, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2012) Tracheary elements that resemble secondary xylem in calli derived from the conifers, Torreya nucifera and Cryptomeria japonica, Journal of Wood Science 58: 557-562

56. Shahanara Begum, Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Kenichi Yamane, Md. Azharul Islam, Yuichiro Oribe, Jae-Heung Ko, Hyun-O Jin, Ryo Funada (2012) A rapid decrease in temperature induces latewood formation in artificially reactivated cambium of conifer stems. Annals of Botany 110: 875-885

57. Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Yusuke Yamagishi, Satoshi Nakaba, Shiori Fukuhara, Shahanara Begum, Sri Nugroho Marsoem, Jae-Heung Ko, Hyun-O Jin, Ryo Funada (2012) Gibberellin is required for the formation of tension wood and stem gravitropism in Acacia mangium seedlings. Annals of Botany 110: 887-895

58. Kanna Sato-Izawa, Satoshi Nakaba, Katsunori Tamura, Yusuke Yamagishi, Yoshimi Nakano, Nobuyuki Nishikubo, Shinya Kawai, Shinya Kajita, Motoyuki Ashikari, Ryo Funada, Yoshihiro Katayama, Hidemi Kitano (2012) DWARF50 (D50), a rice (Oryza sativa L.) gene encoding inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase, is required for proper development of intercalary meristem. Plant Cell and Environment 35: 2031-2044

59. Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Sri Nugroho Marsoem, Koh Yasue, Takeshi Fujiwara, Toshiko Nakajima, Masanori Hayakawa, Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Hyun-O Jin, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2012) Radial variations in the anatomical characteristics and density of the wood of Acacia mangium of five different provenances in Indonesia. Journal of Wood Science 58: 185-194

60. Satoshi Nakaba, Shahanara Begum, Yusuke Yamagishi, Hyun-O Jin, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2012) Differences in the timing of cell death, differentiation and function among three different types of ray parenchyma cells in the hardwood Populus sieboldii x P. grandidentata. Trees-Structure and Function 26: 743-750

61. Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Yuzou Sano, Ryo Funada (2012) Temporally and spatially controlled death of parenchyma cells is involved in heartwood formation in pith regions of branches of Robinia pseudoacacia var. inermis. Journal of Wood Science 58: 69-76

62. Shahanara Begum, Masaki Shibagaki, Osamu Furusawa, Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Joto Yoshimoto, Hyun-O Jin, Yuzou Sano, Ryo Funada (2012) Cold stability of microtubules in wood-forming tissues of conifers during seasons of active and dormant cambium. Planta 235: 165-179

63. Satoshi Nakaba, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2011) Nuclear DNA fragmentation during cell death of short-lived ray tracheids in the conifer Pinus densiflora. Journal of Plant Research 124: 379-384

64. Kanna Sato, Sachiko Ito, Takeo Fujii, Ryu Suzuki, Sachi Takenouchi, Satoshi Nakaba, Ryo Funada, Yuzou Sano, Shinya Kajita, Hidemi Kitano, Yoshihiro Katayama (2010) The carbohydrate-binding module (CBM)-like sequence is a crucial for rice CWA1/BC1 function in proper assembly of secondary cell wall materials. Plant Signaling and Behavior 5: 1433-1436

65. Shahanara Begum, Satoshi Nakaba, Yuichiro Oribe, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2010) Changes in the localization and levels of starch and lipids in cambium and phloem during cambial reactivation by artificial heating of main stems of Cryptomeria japonica trees. Annals of Botany 106: 885-895

66. Kanna Sato, Ryu Suzuki, Nobuyuki Nishikubo, Sachi Takenouchi, Sachiko Ito, Yoshimi Nakano, Satoshi Nakaba, Yuzou Sano, Ryo Funada, Shinya Kajita, Hidemi Kitano, Yoshihiro Katayama (2010) Isolation of a novel cell wall architecture mutant of rice with defective Arabidopsis COBL4 ortholog BC1 required for regulated deposition of secondary cell wall components. Planta 232: 257-270

67. Zannatul Nasrin, Misato Yoshikawa, Yuki Nakamura, Shahanara Begum, Satoshi Nakaba, Mikiko Uesugi, Yuriko Osakabe, Tomonori Sonoki, Kanna Sato, Ryo Funada, Yosuke Iimura, Yoshihiro Katayama, Shinya Kajita (2010) Overexpression of a fungal laccase gene induces non-dehiscent anthers and morphological changes in flowers of transgenic tobacco. Journal of Wood Science 56: 460-469

68. 中田 裕治,久住 朝子,半 智史,片山 葉子,船田 良,福田 清春,吉田 誠(2010) 変性剤濃度勾配ゲル電気泳動法を利用した腐朽木材中に存在する真菌類の菌叢解析. 木材保存 36: 100-110

69. Shahanara Begum, Satoshi Nakaba, Yuichiro Oribe, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2010) Cambial sensitivity to rising temperatures by natural condition and artificial heating from late winter to early spring in the evergreen conifer Cryptomeria japonica. Trees-Structure and Function 24: 43-52

70. Satoshi Nakaba, Joto Yoshimoto, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2008) Morphological changes in the cytoskeleton, nuclei and vacuoles during the cell death of short-lived ray tracheids in the conifer Pinus densiflora. Journal of Wood Science 54: 509-514

71. Satoshi Nakaba, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2008) Differences in patterns of cell death between ray parenchyma cells and ray tracheids in the conifers Pinus densiflora and Pinus rigida. Trees-Structure and Function 22: 623-630

72. Shahanara Begum, Satoshi Nakaba, Vilma Bayramzadeh, Yuichiro Oribe, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2008) Temperature responses of cambial reactivation and xylem differentiation in hybrid poplar (Populus sieboldii x P. grandidentata) under natural conditions. Tree Physiology 28: 1813-1819

73. Ryo Funada, Tatsuhiko Miura, Yousuke Shimizu, Takanori Kinase, Satoshi Nakaba, Takafumi Kubo, Yuzou Sano (2008) Gibberellin-induced formation of tension wood in angiosperm trees. Planta 227: 1409-1414

74. Shahanara Begum, Satoshi Nakaba, Yuichiro Oribe, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2007) Induction of cambial reactivation by localized heating in a deciduous hardwood hybrid poplar (Populus sieboldii x P. grandidentata). Annals of Botany 100: 439-447

75. Oliver Dunisch, Matthias Fladung, Satoshi Nakaba, Yoko Watanabe, Ryo Funada (2006) Influence of overexpression of a gibberellin 20-oxidase gene on the kinetics of xylem cell development in hybrid poplar (Populus tremura L. and P. tremuloides Michx.). Holzforschung 60: 606-617

76. Satoshi Nakaba, Yuzou Sano, Takafumi Kubo, Ryo Funada (2006) The positional distribution of cell death of ray parenchyma cells in a conifer, Abies sachalinensis. Plant Cell Reports 25: 1143-1148


 2) 総説(5件)

1. Shahanara Begum, Kayo Kudo, Md Hasnat Rahman, Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Eri Nabeshima, Yuichiro Oribe, Peter Kitin, Ryo Funada (2017) Climate change and the regulation of wood formation in trees by temperature, Trees-Structure and Function 32: 3-15

2. 山根健一、半 智史、山口真弘、山岸祐介、Nugroho WD、黒田克史、佐野雄三、Lenggoro IW、船田 良(2013) エアロゾルの樹木への吸収・吸着機構の解明, エアロゾル研究 29: 142-147

3. 伊豆田猛、山口真弘、山根健一、半 智史、石田 厚、矢崎健一、野口享太郎、Lenggoro IW(2013) 森林樹木に対するブラックカーボン粒子の影響に関する実験的研究, エアロゾル研究 29: 148-159

4. Shahanara Begum, Satoshi Nakaba, Yusuke Yamagishi, Yuichiro Oribe, Ryo Funada (2013) Regulation of cambial activity in relation to environmental conditions: understanding the role of temperature in wood formation of trees, Physiologia Plantarum 147: 46-54

5. 船田 良, 半 智史(2009) 樹木の二次木部細胞におけるセルロースミクロフィブリルの配向制御  Cellulose Communications(セルロース学会誌)16: 95-101


 3) 著書・翻訳(6件)

1. Satoshi Nakaba, Peter Kitin, Yusuke Yamagishi, Shahanara Begum, Kayo Kudo, Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Ryo Funada (2015) Three-dimensional imaging of cambium and secondary xylem cells by confocal laser scanning microscopy. In: Yeung, E.C.T., Stasolla, C., Summer, M.J., Huang, B.Q. (eds.) Plant Microtechniques and Protocols, Springer, pp 431-465.

2. Ryo Funada, Yusuke Yamagishi, Shahanara Begum, Kayo Kudo, Eri Nabeshima, Widyanto Dwi Nugroho, Yuichiro Oribe, Satoshi Nakaba (2016) Xylogenesis in trees: from cambial cell division to cell death. In: Kim, Y.S., Funada, R., Singh, A. (eds.) Secondary xylem biology, Elsevier, pp 25-43

3. 船田 良、半 智史、肥大成長の制御、木本植物の生理生態、小池孝良・北尾光俊・市栄智明・渡辺誠編、共立出版、2020年

4. 船田 良、半 智史、木材の構造、木材科学講座4 木材の化学、川田俊成・伊藤和貴編、海青社、2021年

5. 半 智史、木材の組織構造、森林・林業実務必携 第2版、東京農工大学農学部 森林・林業実務必携編集委員会 編、朝倉書店、2021年

6. 樹皮の識別 IAWAによる光学顕微鏡的特徴リスト、IAWA委員会著 佐野雄三、吉永 新、半 智史 共訳、海青社、2021年



1. 平成19-20年度 特別研究員奨励費(樹木分化中木部における細胞死発現機構の細胞生物学的研究)

2. 平成24年度 研究活動スタート支援(樹木の長命細胞をモデルとした新規細胞死発現機構の解明)

3. 平成25-26年度 若手研究(B)(心材形成誘導系を用いた樹木独自の細胞死発現機構の解明)

4. 平成27-29年度 基盤研究(C)(樹木の心材形成を制御する自己分解酵素の挙動に関する細胞生物学的研究)

5. 令和1-3年度 基盤研究(B)(心材形成機構に迫る新規アプローチ:細胞死を制御する自己分解酵素の時空間動態の解明)

6. 令和2-4年度 挑戦的研究(萌芽)(細胞老化の視点から切り拓く樹木の心材形成研究の新展開)


1. 中田了五(森林総合研究所)平成24-25年度  日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(組織化学と樹幹の振動現象による心材形成過程のモニタリング)

2. 船田 良(東京農工大学)平成25-26年度  日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(樹木の二次木部細胞の分化および細胞死制御機構の直接イメージング解析)

3. 船田 良(東京農工大学)平成27-29年度  日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(樹木の細胞壁高次構造形成機構のリアルタイムイメージング解析)

4. 黒田 克史(森林総合研究所)平成30-32年度  日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(立木の幹内部を可視化する手法を用いた樹幹師部-木部の放射方向の物質移動機構の解明)

5. 船田 良(東京農工大学)平成30-32年度  日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(樹木細胞壁の階層構造構築機構の直接生体イメージング解析)

6. 安江 恒(信州大学)平成30-32年度  日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 挑戦的研究(萌芽)(樹木肥大成長期間の検証:年輪は1年のうちに完成しているのか?)

7. 安江 恒(信州大学)令和2-5年度  日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(13CO2パルスラベリングによる樹幹内炭素配分過程の解明と肥大成長モデルの構築)


1. 平成24年度 公益信託 日新製糖奨学育英基金研究資金 (樹木の心材形成における細胞死発現機構に関する細胞生物学的研究)

2. 平成25年度 公益信託 日新製糖奨学育英基金研究資金 (樹木細胞における分化制御機構のイメージング解析)

3. 平成29年度 ヤンマー資源循環支援機構 平成29年助成事業(研究) (新規イメージング技術による熱帯産木質バイオマスの形成機構に関する細胞生物学的研究)

4. 平成31年度 公益財団法人 高橋産業経済研究財団 平成31年度研究助成(一般公募) (蛍光スペクトルイメージングによる木質バイオマスの腐朽耐性発現機構の解明)
