Research Outlines

Since 2004, the Laboratory of Veterinary Molecular Pathology and Therapeutics, and since 2012, the Laboratory of Comparative Veterinary Science, have been working toward the goal of the Division of Animal Life Science at the Graduate School of Agriculture of the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology: “Applied Science that contributes to society”.
- June 2012
- Professor Tanaka gave a presentation of her research at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland and she was awarded the Abstract Prize.
- April 2012
- Assistant Professor Akane TANAKA was promoted to the professor of the Laboratory of Comparative Veterinary Science.
- January 2012
- According to JSPS Invitation Fellowship Programs for Research in Japan (Short-term), we invited five students from Jeju National University of Korea, with which we have a sister-school affiliation.
- December 2011
- In the XXII World Allergy Congress (WAC 2011) in Cancun, Mexico, we gave a presentation of our research.
- November 2011
- Five of our graduate students visited Jeju National University of Korea for two weeks according to the support program of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. We will invite students from Jeju National University in January.