We have presented recent research results at the 5th International Conference on Cofactor & Active Enzyme Molecule 2016.
Investigation of the cofactors and electron transfer pathway of FAD dependent dehydrogenase complexes capable of direct electron transfer
Koji Sode (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
PL-13, Tuesday, 6 September 2016: 11:30-12:00(Main Hall)
Cloning and characterization of glucoside 3-dehydrogenase operon from Rhizobium radiobacter
Ryota Miyazaki
1, Katsuhiro Kojima
2 , Wakako Tsugawa
1, Koji Sode
1Department of Biotechnology & Life Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
1Ultizyme International Ltd.)
OA-11, Wednesday, 7 September 2016: 13:40-14:00(Main Hall)
Identification of active site residues in Escherichia coli derived fructosamine 6- kinase
Keita Suzuki
1, Hiromi Yoshida
2, Wakako Tsugawa
1, Miho Kameya
1, Koji Sode
1 Dept. of Biotechnol. & Life Science, Grad. Sch. Eng., Tokyo Univ. of Agri. andTechnol. 2 Life Science Research Center and Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University)
OB-07, Wednesday, 7 September 2016: 11:00-11:20(Small Hall)