
Courtesy Visit by MJIIT Director Prof. Datin Dr. Rubiyah bt. Yusof

April 4, 2016 - A delegation led by Prof. Datin Dr. Rubiyah bt. Yusof, Director of Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), and Ms. Yoshiko Miura, of the Team of Higher and Technical Education Division, Human Development Department at JICA, paid a courtesy visit to TUAT President Matsunaga.

TUAT and MJIIT have been exchanging students and faculty members mainly in the Faculty of Engineering.

Along with TUAT President Matsunaga and Vice President Tsutsumi, the meeting was also attended by Prof. Yoshiyuki Yamashita, who has been involved in student exchange and joint research, and Associate Prof. Koji Ikeda, from the Institute of Engineering, TUAT. Active opinion exchanges were conducted to further strengthen the student exchanges through programs such as the ASEAN International Mobility for Students Program (AIMS Program), and collaboration among faculty members by utilizing the Cross-Appointment System.