Courtesy visit by Assoc. Prof. Muhamad Sahlan, from Universitas Indonesia
October 7, 2015
Associate Professor Muhamad Sahlan from Universitas Indonesia (UI) paid a courtesy visit to President Matsunaga. Assoc. Prof. Sahlan is a graduate of TUAT and now involved in drug development, such as propolis at UI. He also conducts international joint research on the development of apoptosis-inducing protein “apoptin” with Professor Masafumi Yohda of TUAT Institute of Engineering.
Universitas Indonesia is a leading university in Indonesia, ranked 358th in the QS World University Rankings. Assoc. Prof. Sahlan is an active young leader of this university and judging from the fact that UI gathers Indonesia's most talented students, TUAT also expects to receive some of its excellent students under the partnership with UI.
In the visit, as well as introducing Universitas Indonesia, all participants lively exchanged opinions for continuing prospects of student exchange and international collaborative research.