Parliamentary Secretary for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Michiko Ueno visits Global Cafe and interacts with TUAT students

On July 8th (Tuesday), Parliamentary Secretary Michiko Ueno visited the Global Cafe at Fuchu Campus to see one of the activities aimed at the internationalization of TUAT.
Ms. Ueno sat with both groups participating in the TUAT Talks* - discussion theme being "Studying Abroad". She talked about her own experience abroad and asked students’ opinions on the purpose of a study abroad program and preparations.
Students who already participated in study abroad programs were asked about how they prepared for it and how they perceived changes before and after the going abroad. On the other hand, students who are still planning to go abroad were given advice not to improve language skills only but also improve their ningenryoku (a comprehensive set of abilities which allow one to live as a strong and independent human being and contribute actively to society) and study Japanese Culture thoroughly so they can introduce their own country to their hosts abroad.
*"TUAT Talks" is a group-discussion activity in which both students and staff share their opinions on a certain theme based on their different backgrounds. Participants are encouraged to share their point of view related to the theme and together seek a solution. This time the theme was "Studying Abroad".