予防安全装置の開発 (Active Safety Devices Development)
Evaluation of Direct Yaw-Moment Control System on Low Friction Road Using Driving Simulator
近年,自動車を運転するドライバを支援することを目的として,路外逸脱などの重大事故の原因となっている横滑りを防止する,直接ヨーモーメント制御を用いた車両安定化装置(Direct Yaw-moment Control system:以下DYCシステム)が車両に標準的に搭載されるようになってきた.DYCシステムは各種センサによって車両運動状態を測定しており,滑りやすい路面,緊急回避などの危険運転場面で横滑り角が大きく発生する場合,4輪のブレーキを独立制御して左右輪に制駆動力差を与え,車体にヨーモーメントを直接入力することで車両挙動の制御を行う.この装置には単独事故について約35 %の事故低減効果があるとの報告がなされているが,実際の危険場面でのドライバの運転特性と,DYCシステムの効果の関係については詳細な検討がなされていない.この関係のより詳細な分析を行い,ドライバ−DYCシステム搭載車両系の安定性について考察することで,より事故低減効果の高いDYCシステムを開発することが可能になると考えられる.
Recently, Direct Yaw-moment Control (DYC) system has become a standard active safety device in automobile market. DYC system activates to stabilize vehicle motion to prevent the vehicle from falling into the unstable driving situation like spin or plow by applying braking forces in order to induce additional yaw moment input to recover vehicle motion. It was reported that DYC system has a potential to decrease the accident rate by 35 percent.
However, the relationship between driving characteristic of a human and the activation state of DYC system has not been researched. This shows that the more effective DYC system can be realized by considering this relationship.
Therefore, the effect of DYC system considering human driving behavior is evaluated by using a driving simulator which is installed with DYC system algorithm, and reproduced emergency driving situation.
We installed a DYC system designed with model-matching control method in the vehicle model of driving simulator, and reproduced the situation of emergency obstacle avoidance. From the results of the experiment of emergency obstacle avoidance for 5 objects, it is concluded that the DYC system is effective to stabilize the vehicle on the situation of emergency obstacle avoidance, and the effect of the DYC system is different depending on the difference of the subject.
Fig.1 DYC system