東京農工大学で行われている人間の運動科学に関する研究技術や研究成果を集めた「ヒトとロボット -
未来のカタチ」企画展を開催いたします.密接に関わる「ヒトとロボット【ヒトロボ】」の研究を見通すため,私たちは「測る」「調べる」「動かす」の3 つのセクションで展示を構成しました.ヒトから生データを収集し,ロボットへå 活用するまでのプロセスを,さまざまな機器の操作体験やデモンストレーション,動画で学ぶことができます.会期中には特別デモンストレーションやサイエンストークを開催し,ヒトロボ研究の最前線に触れていただけます.未来の「ヒトロボ社会」について,一緒に考えてみましょう!
It is our great pleasure to present this exhibition "Human and robot - shaping the future" that gathers the research techniques and the research works on human motion science conducted at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
We have divided the exhibition in three spaces and three sections: measure - analyze - move that cover from the raw data collection to the end applications and future perspectives.
In sensing, you will get familiar with the techniques used to collect raw data in motion science, using commercial products.
In analyzing, you will understand how we process this raw data to undetrstand better the human body and develop diagnosis tools.
In moving, you will see the latest advances in research in motion science with applications to rehabilitation, sport training, but also humanoid robotics, assitive robotics and companion robotics and cognitive science.
There are a number of exhibits that are only visible on some specific days, so please consult the event page for further information. Most of the events will be in Japanese, but English speakers are welcome too, we will do our best to accomodate.