Yohei Okada’s website Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Yohei Okada’s website Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Yohei Okada’s website Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Tokyo University of Agriculture
and Technology
Bioorganic Chemistry Laboratory
Yohei Okada Home Page
Welcome to Yohei Okada’s website!
Associate Professor
Department of Applied Biological Science
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Our group uses the techniques of organic synthesis to study electron transfer chemistry,
biomolecular chemistry, and surface chemistry.

What's new

  • Our paper was highlited as a Front Cover in Chemistry A European Journal.
  • Our paper was highlited as a Supplementary Cover in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
  • Our paper was highlited as a Front Cover in Synlett.
  • Our paper was highlited as a Front Cover in Chemical Communications.
  • Our paper was highlited as a Front Cover in Chemistry A European Journal.
  • Our paper was highlited as a Supplementary Cover in The Journal of Organic Chemistry.
  • Received The Young Scientists' Award from The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
  • Received Lecture Award for Young Chemists from The Chemical Society of Japan.
  • Our paper was highlited as a Front Cover in Chemistry & Biodiversity.
  • Our paper was highlited as a Cover Feature in Chemistry A European Journal.
  • Our paper was highlited as a Front Cover in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.
  • Our paper was highlited as a Front Cover in Chemistry A European Journal.
  • Our paper was selected as a Hot Paper in Chemistry A European Journal.
  • We have opened a home page.


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