

Cumulative Data Collection Trend

  Data has been collected from 200 taxis across eight locations nationwide, and as of October 2024, the total number of recorded instances has reached 226,000, including 62,000 records from single-camera units and 164,000 records from dual-camera units (some of which are unpublished).

  Moving forward, we plan to continue accumulating data from dual-camera units, which allow for monitoring drivers' eye movements and facial orientations. This will ensure that data remains relevant and reflective of the latest traffic conditions.


Overview of the Near-Miss Database

  The Near-Miss Database categorizes and records close-call incidents by risk level before they escalate into actual accidents. For every single accident, there are typically 10 high-level near-miss incidents, 50 medium-level, and 140 low-level incidents recorded, along with 900 instances of regular driving data.

  To achieve zero accidents, it is essential to analyze the wide range of near-miss incidents across different factors and situations, using them as a basis to develop preventative measures.


Composition of Near-Miss Data by Category

  The Near-Miss Database classifies near-miss incidents into approximately 280 categories, including target, accident type, location, legal violations, road conditions, and more. For example, statistical analysis can be conducted to determine the types of near-miss incidents associated with specific targets, providing detailed insights into accident patterns.


Comparison of Accident Types Between Actual Accidents and Near-Miss Incidents

  Police data includes only personal injury accidents, whereas the Near-Miss Database encompasses a broader range, including property damage accidents, minor accidents not classified as property damage, and a large volume of near-miss incidents.

  While the overall distribution of accident types is similar across both datasets, there are some differences. For instance, there is a slightly higher proportion of incidents classified as collisions during overtaking. This may be due to categorizing pre-incident behaviors, such as cut-ins that can lead to rear-end collisions, as overtaking-related incidents.