Supporting individuals to prepare for real-life situations

03 Supporting individuals to prepare for real-life situations

Practice sessions will prepare you to participate confidently in academic conferences.

03-1 English Presentation “Brush-up” Session

We will help you refine your presentation and make it more persuasive from the perspectives of both English and performance. Specifically, the content will be tailored to the presenter’s needs, including pronunciation, pauses, and how to express oneself when emphasizing particular points. In addition, we will set the date and time to suit the presenter’s schedule.

To apply, send an e-mail to the following address:
mail(Natsumi ITO, Associate Professor)

Before the session, you will go through the following three simple steps:

03-2 Preparation for a Q&A Session

Q&A sessions require flexibility and can be difficult to manage. In this session, however, you will practice with native teachers to successfully develop effective Q&A skills. We will post detailed information about the schedule on the TUAT web bulletin board and this website.

To apply, send an e-mail stating you name and department to the following address:
mail(Natsumi Ito)