

Conference presentations (as of December 2024)

Plenary and Invited Talks (Fushimi)
(38) “Development of a material- and energy-recycling levulinic acid production process that makes effective use of by-products”
Ryu UKAWA-SATO,, #Chihiro Fushimi
RGB Symposium, Japan Institute of Energy, June 6, 2024 (School of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo)

(37) “Development of a material- and energy-recycling levulinic acid production process by effectively using by-products”
Ryu UKAWA-SATO,, #Chihiro Fushimi
Symposium on Cutting-Edge Use of Biomass for a Regenerative Society
Kansai Branch, The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan
May 30, 2024 (Osaka Metropolitan University)

(36) #Chihiro Fushimi
"Energy Efficiency and Cost Evaluation of a Fluidized Bed Reactor Integrated with a Biomass Power Plant"
Technology Information Center Semina, Oct. 27, 2023 (Tokyo)

(35) #Chihiro Fushimi
Evaluation of the performances and economics of thermal energy storage fluidized bed reactor integrated with a biomass power plants
The 11th Japan-China Symposium on Chemical Engineering in 88th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan,
March 17, 2023 (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo)

(34) #Chihiro Fushimi*, Takayuki Uchino, Takahito Yasui, Masahiro Aoki
Integration of biomass power plant with thermochemical energy storage system using a fluidized bed for flexible power generation
Global Energy Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, March 10, 2023 (online)

33) *Chihiro Fushimi
Biomass (Renewable Carbon Resources) Utilization: Biomass Power Generation for Variable Renewable Energy and Production of Important Chemicals in Greener Processes
Special Lecture, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University, Dec. 22, 2022 (Meiji University)

32) #Chihiro Fushimi
Future perspectives of effective utilization of biomass (Renewable carbon resource)
Action Plan 2050 Toward Carbon Neutrality Based on Chemical Engineering
53rd Autumn Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan
Sept. 13, 2022 (Shinshu University, Nagano-city, Japan)

31) #Chihiro Fushimi
Future perspectives of biomass utilization
6th Symposium on Strategeirs for Green Food Systems
March 3, 2022 (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)

30) #Chihiro Fushimi
“Valorization of Biomass Power Generation System: Noble Use of Combustion and Integration with Energy Storage”
Symposium of Biomass Industrial City Promotion, Feb. 4, 2022 (Online)

29) #Chihiro Fushimi
“Thermochemical heat storage by using a fluidized bed”
39th Seminar, Energy Division, The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan, Dec. 3, 2021 (Online)

28) #Chihiro Fushimi
“Valorization of Biomass Power Generation System: Noble Use of Combustion and Integration with Energy Storage”
30th Annual Meeting of The Japan Institute of Energy (Plenary talk), August 4, 2021 (Online)

27) #Chihiro Fushimi
“Novel use of biomass power generation system: Integration with energy storage for non-steady state operation”
International Symposium on Fuel and Energy 2020, K03, Dec. 8, 2020, Hiroshima (online)

26) #Chihiro Fushimi
“Utilization of non-fossil fuel resource by gasification technology”
Kanto Branch, The Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan
February 17, 2020 (Yokohama, Japan) (in Japanese)

25) #Chihiro Fushimi and Guoqing Guan
“Development of a Triple-Bed Combined Circulating Fluidized Bed”
AIChE Annual Meeting 2019, 228e, November 11, 2019 in Orlando, FL, USA

24) #Chihiro Fushimi, Yusuke Furusawa
“Possibility of increase in cold gas efficiency of low-temperature gasification and its reactor design”
168th Meeting, 148 Committee, Japan Society of Promotion of Science
Feb. 5, 2018 (Tokyo, Japan) (in Japanese)

23) #Chihiro Fushimi
“Development of low-temperature coal-fired power generation system and a downer pyrolyzer”
50th Autumn Meeting of the Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan
Sep. 19, 2018 (Kagoshima, Japan) (In Japanese)

22) #Chihiro Fushimi, “Reactivity of coal in initial pyrolysis in a downer pyrolyzer”
163rd Meeting, 148 Committee, Japan Society of Promotion of Science
Feb. 7, 2018 (Tokyo, Japan) (in Japanese)

21) #Chihiro Fushimi, “Development of Biofuel Production Process from Algae with Nutrients Recycle”
Seminar, Technology Information Center,
Dec. 12, 2017 (Tokyo, Japan) (in Japanese)

20) #Chihiro Fushimi, “Energy Conversion Engineering and Fluidization Technology”
57th Meeting of Young Engineers, The Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering, JAPAN
March, 16, 2017 (Tokyo) (in Japanese)

19) #Chihiro Fushimi, “Advanced IGCC-Development of Triple-Bed Combined Circulating Fluidized Bed Gasifer and Downer Pyrolyzer”
3rd seminar of Research Group of Utilization of Carbonaceous Resources, Division of Energy Engineering, The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan.
Sept. 5th, 2016, Tokushima, Japan (in Japanese)

18) #Chihiro Fushimi, “Problems on the utilization of woody biomass”
4th Seminar of small-scale biomass utilization.
Aug. 29, 2016, Kanazawa, Japan (in Japanese)

17) #Chihiro Fushimi, 51st Meeting of Young Engineers, The Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering, JAPAN
March, 26, 2015 (Tokyo) (in Japanese)

16) #Chihiro Fushimi, “Development of large-scale circulating fluidized bed gasifier/pyrolyzer for advanced high-efficiency coal-fired power plants”
Workshop of young researchers, The Society of Powder Technology Japan,
July 31-August 2, 2014, Atami, Japan

15) #Chihiro Fushimi, “Present status of technology development of low-rank coals and future perspective”
Science Technology, May 30, 2013, Tokyo

14) #Chihiro Fushimi, “Innovative Clean Coal Technology by Exergy Recuperation”
Bubkok Hitachi, July 13, 2012, Kure, Hiroshima, Japan

13) #Chihiro Fushimi, “Development of a large-scale triple-bed combined circulating fluidized bed with high solids flux for advanced integrated coal gasification combined cycle” (Invited Talk)
5th Asian Particle Technology Symposium, July 2-5, 2012, Singapore

12) #Chihrio Fushimi, “Development of a Large-Scale Circulating Fluidized Bed for Advanced Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle”
52nd Event, The Environment, Energy and Fluidization Group, The Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering, JAPAN,
March 23, 2012, Sagamihara, Japan

11) #Chihiro Fushimi, “Development of Large Scale Triple-Bed Circulating Fluidized Bed; (1) Flow Behavior during High Density Operation”
Award lecture: Fluid & Particle Processing Division, The Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan, Symposium award
Sept. 14, 2011 (Nagoya, Japan)

10) Guoqing Guan 1, #Chihiro Fushimi 1, Masahiro Ikeda 2, Yu Nakamura 1, Atsushi Tsutsumi 1, Toshiyuki Suda 3, Masanori Ishizuka 4, Hiroyuki Hatano4, Satoru Matsuda 4, Yoshizo Suzuki 4 (1 The University of Tokyo, 2 Hiroshima Institute of Technology, 3 IHI Corporation, 4 AIST), “Flow behaviors in a high solid flux circulating fluidized bed composed of a riser, a downer and a
bubbling fluidized bed”
Award lecture: Fluidization and particle processing symposium award, Fluidization Group, Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan.
December 6, 2010 (Niigata, Japan)

9) #Chihiro Fushimi “Hydrodynamic behavior of large-scale circulating fluidized bed”
17th Seasonal technical tour, Kanto Branch, Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan, September 10, 2010

8) #Chihiro Fushimi “Innovative Biomass Drying Technology”
7th CEE Symposium, April 23, 2010, Tokyo

7) *Chihiro Fushimi “Feasibility of CCS in Advanced High-Efficiency Coal Power Generation Systems”
CCT (Clean Coal Technology) Workshop 2009, August 3, 2009, Tokyo

6) #Chihiro Fushimi “Steam gasification of biomass: Reaction mechanisms of steam, inhibition of char gasification by hydrogen and tar, and release behavior of alkaline metals”
Division of gasification, Japan Institute of Energy, July 15, 2009, Waseda University, Japan

5) #Chihiro Fushimi “Steam reforming of tar using Co/MgO catalyst in a secondary method” (in Japanese)
3rd Workshop of Young Researchers of the Japan Petroleum Institute
May 10, 2008, Seikei University, Japan

4) #Chihiro Fushimi “Steam Gasification of Coal and Biomass and Biocarbon Fuel Cell” (in Japanese)
2nd Workshop of Young Researchers of the Japan Petroleum Institute
Aug. 7, 2007, Utsunomiya University, Japan

Other presentations
2) #Chihiro Fushimi, Development of a Triple-Bed Combined Circulating Fluidized Bed with High Solids Flux and a Downer Pyrolyzer for Advanced Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle,
Special Seminar, Aalto University-Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,
February 28, 2012, Aalto University (Finland)

2) #Chihiro Fushimi “Energy: Current Status and Future Research”
199th Department of Chemical System Engineering , The University of Tokyo Seminar, Nov. 30, 2009, Tokyo

1) #Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi, “Advanced-integrated gasification combined cycle with exergy recuperation”
1st The University of Tokyo ? Imperial College London Joint Symposium on Innovation in Energy Systems
Jan.31-Feb.1, 2008, Imperial College London 

International conferences
1) “Thermochemical Recuperative Hydrogen Production from Brown Coal”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Mitsuhiro Goto and Atsushi Tsutsumi (The Univ. of Tokyo)
Jun-ichiro Hayashi and Tadatoshi Chiba (Hokkaido Univ.)
9th Australian Coal Science Conference 26-29 Nov. 2000 (Brisbane, Australia)

2) “Thermochemical Recuperative Hydrogen Production from Hydrocarbon Resources”
Chihiro Fushimi and *Atsushi Tsutsumi (Univ. of Tokyo)
Jun-ichiro Hayashi and Tadatoshi Chiba (Hokkaido Univ.)
Gordon Research Conference, Chemistry on Hydrocarbon Resources Session 7-12 Jan. 2001 (Ventura, CA, USA)

3) “Hydrogen Production by Thermochemical Recuperative Energy Conversion of Coal”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Mitsuhiro Goto and Atsushi Tsutsumi (The Univ. of Tokyo)
Jun-ichiro Hayashi and Tadatoshi Chiba (Hokkaido Univ.)
7th China-Japan Syposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry p219-222 13-16 May 2001 (Hainan, China)

4) “Hydrogen production by thermochemical recuperative energy conversion of biomass”
*Yohsuke Yamaguchi, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi,
6th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium '01 on Hydrogen Energy p61-68 18 Oct. 2001 (Hiratsuka, Japan

 5) “Low Temperature Rapid Heating Steam Gasification of Brown and Sub-bituminous coals”
*Chihiro FUSHIMI, Atsushi TSUTSUMI (The Univ. of Tokyo)
Jun-ichiro HAYASHI, Tadatoshi CHIBA (Hokkaido Univ.)
18th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 4-7 Dec. 2001 (Newcastle, Australia)

6) “Thermochemical Recuperative Hydrogen Production by Steam Gasification of Coal”
Chihiro Fushimi, *Atsushi Tsutsumi, Jun-ichiro Hayashi and Tadatoshi Chiba
Int. Symposium on Hydrogen Energy, January 22-23, 2002 (Osaka, Japan)

7) “Hydrogen Production from Biomass by Thermochemical Recuperative Energy Conversion”
Yohsuke Yamaguchi, Chihiro Fushimi and *Atsushi Tsutsumi,
Int. Symposium on Highly Efficient Use of Energy and Reduction of its Environmental Impact, January 22-23, 2002 (Osaka, Japan

8) “Hydrogen Production from Biomass by Thermochemical Recuperative Energy Conversion”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Kenichi Araki, Yohsuke Yamaguchi and Atsushi Tsutsumi (The Univ. of Tokyo)
14th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 9-13 June 2002 (Montreal, Canada)

9) “Steam Gasification Characteristics of Coal with Rapid Heating using a Thermogravimetric Reactor”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The Univ. of Tokyo)
Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Tadatoshi Chiba (Hokkaido Univ.)
19th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 23-27 Sep. 2002 (Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

10) “Steam gasification of cellulose by continuous cross-flow moving bed type differential reactor”
Yohsuke, Yamaguchi, *Chihiro Fushimi, Takeshi Furusawa, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The Univ. of Tokyo)
226th Fall National meeting of ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry 7-11 Sep. 2003 (New York, NY, USA)

11) “Tar Evolution in Steam Gasification of Biomass”
*Masahiro Suzuki, Chihiro Fushimi, Takeshi Furusawa, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
21st Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 13-17 Sep. 2004 (Osaka, Japan)

12) “Tar Evolution in Steam Gasification of Biomass”
*Masahiro Suzuki, Yohsuke Yamaguchi, Chihiro Fushimi, Takeshi Furusawa, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
10th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE) Congress, 17-21 Oct. 2004 (Kitakyushu, Japan)

13) “Tar Evolution in Steam Gasification of Biomass”
Masahiro Suzuki, Yohsuke Yamaguchi, Chihiro Fushimi, Takeshi Furusawa, Shingo Katayama, *Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
4th ASIA-PACIFIC Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium, June 12-15, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea

14) “Diesel Particulate Matter Removal Using DBD Pulsed Plasmas”
*S. Yao, K. Madokoro, C. Fushimi, K. Yamada (RITE)
4th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasma, June 13-17, 2005, Orleans, France

15) “Biocarbon Fuel Cell”
*Teppei Nunoura, Thirapote Puthikitakawiwong, Kiyoshi Dowaki, Chihiro Fushimi, Michael J. Antal, Jr
(University of Hawaii at Manoa)
2005 Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Oct. 30-Nov. 4, 2005,  Cincinnati, OH, USA

16) “Fundamental study on diesel particulate matter removal using a dielectric barrier discharge reactor”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Kazuhiko Madokoro, Shuiliang Yao, Koichi Yamada (RITE)
6th Workshop on Fine Particle Plasmas, Dec. 15-16, 2005, Toki, Gifu, Japan

17) “Evaluation of an uneven dielectric barrier discharge reactor for particulate matter removal from a diesel engine”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Kazuhiko Madokoro, Shuiliang Yao, Koichi Yamada (RITE)
11th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Aug. 27-30, 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

18) “Characterization of a non-thermal plasma system at atmospheric pressure”
*S. Yao, C. Fushimi, K. Madokoro, and Y. Fujioka (RITE)
48th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2006, Philadelphia, PA, USA

19) “Influence of Pulse Voltage Waveforms on Ozone Generation”
*Shuiliang Yao, Kazuhiko Madokoro, Chihiro Fushimi, Satoshi Kodama, Shin Yamamoto, and Yuichi Fujioka (RITE)
IET Conference 2007, Pulsed Power Symposium, Sept. 17-19, 2007, Oxfordshire, UK

20) “Steam Reforming of Tar With Co/MgO Catalyst in Biomass Gasification Process”
*Osamu Hirohata, Kazuhiko Tasaka, Chihiro Fushimi (The Univ. of Tokyo), Takeshi Furusawa, Noboru Suzuki (Utsunomiya Univ.), Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
2007 Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Nov. 4-9, 2007,  Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

21) “Effect of Interaction among Major Components and Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals on Tar Evolution in Steam Gasification of Biomass”
*Shanshan Qi, Shingo Katayama, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
2007 Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Nov. 4-9, 2007,  Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

22) “A New Uneven Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor for Removal of Diesel Particulate Matter”
*Shuiliang Yao, Chihiro Fushimi, Kazuhiko Madokoro, *Satoshi Kodama, Shin Yamamoto, Chieko Mine, Yuichi Fujioka (RITE) Kazuya Naito, Yoonho Kim (Daihatsu Motor Co.Ltd.)
2007 Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Nov. 4-9, 2007,  Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

23) “Basic Geometry of DBD Reactors for Diesel PM Removal”
*S. Yao, S. Kodama, S. Yamamoto (RITE), C. Fushimi (The University of Tokyo), K. Madokoro (Daihatsu Motor Co. Ltd.), C. Mine, Y. Fujioka (RITE)
12th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Aug. 4-6, 2008, Dalian, China,

24) “Pulsed Plasma PM Removal from Diesel Exhaust Emissions: Influences of Reaction Conditions”
*S. Yamamoto, S. Yao, S. Kodama (RITE), C. Fushimi (The University of Tokyo), C. Mine, Y. Fujioka (RITE), K. Madokoro, K. Naito, Y.-H. Kim (Daihatsu Moto Co. Ltd)
12th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Aug. 4-6, 2008, Dalian, China,

*Y. Kansha, N. Tsuru, C. Fushimi, K. Shimogawara, A. Tsutsumi
18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA) Aug. 24-28, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic

26) “Steam reforming of tar using Co/MgO catalyst in biomass gasification”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Osamu Hirohata, Takeshi Furusawa, Noboru Suzuki, Atsushi Tsutsumi
1st Asian Conference on Innovative Energy & Environmental Chemical Engineering
?A New Paradigm Emerging from Fluidized-Bed and Three-Phase Reactors,
Aug.31-Sep.3, 2008, Sapporo, Japan

27) “Self-Heat Recuperation Technology for Sustainable Chemical Process”
*Naoki Tsuru, Kazuyoshi Sato, Yasuki Kansha, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi
20th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Sept.7-10, 2008, Kyoto, Japan

28) “An Innovative Modularity of Heat Circulation for Fractional Distillation”
*Yasuki Kansha, Naoki Tsuru, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi
20th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Sept.7-10, 2008, Kyoto, Japan

29) “Intercalation Control on α-Nickel Hydroxide Electrode: Effects of Al-doping and Calcination”
*Sunmook Lee, Bokkyu Choi, Masahiro Iizuka, Yuichiro Otsuji, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi
20th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Sept.7-10, 2008, Kyoto, Japan

30) “Application of a dielectric barrier discharge reactor for diesel PM removal”
*Shuiliang Yao, Shin Yamamoto, Satoshi Kodama, Chieko Mine, Yuichi Fujioka (RITE), Chihiro Fushimi (The University of Tokyo)
International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation, Oct. 20-24, 2008, Hangzhou, China,

31) “An Innovative After-Treatment System for Diesel PM Removal”
*Shuiliang Yao, Shin Yamamoto, Satoshi Kodama, Chieko Mine, Chihiro Fushimi, Yuichi Fujioka (RITE)
Kazuya Naito, Kazuhiko Madokoro, Yoon-Ho Kim (Daihatsu)
Seiichi Soma, Toru Nakajima, Gen Sugiyama (JARI)
4th International Conference on Automobile Technologies (ICAT2008), Nov. 13-14, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

32) “Hybrid System Consisting of Polyaniline/poly(acrylic acid) Doped with Au Nanoparticles for Biofuel Cell Electrode Platform”
*Sunmook Lee, Bokkyu Choi, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
2008 Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Nov.16-21, 2008, Philadelphia, PA, USA

33)Effects of Volatile-Char Interaction on the Char Reactivity In the Biomass Gasification”
*Tomoko Wada, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
2008 Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Nov.16-21, 2008, Philadelphia, PA, USA

34) “Ni/mh Based Fuel Cell/battery (FCB) Hybrid System”
*Bokkyu Choi, Sunmook Lee, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
2008 Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Nov.16-21, 2008, Philadelphia, PA, USA

35) “Nanoencapusulation Using Water-In-Supercritical CO2 Microemulsion Technology”
*Yuichiro Otsuji, Masahiro Ikeda, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsum (The University of Tokyo)
2008 Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Nov.16-21, 2008, Philadelphia, PA, USA

36) “A New Design Methodology of Azeotropic Distillation Processes Based on Self-Heat Recuperation”

*Yasuki Kansha, Naoki Tsuru, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi
12th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 10-13 May 2009 - Rome, Italy

37) “Advanced Energy Saving in the Reaction Section of Hydro-DeSulfurization Process with Self-Heat Recuperation Technology”
*K. Matsuda, K. Kawazuishi, Y. Hirochi, Y. Kansha, C. Fushimi, Y. Shikatani, H. Kunikiyo, R. Sato, and A. Tsutsumi
12th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 10-13 May 2009 - Rome, Italy

38) “Interactive Effect of Char and Volatiles on the Char Reactivity in the Biomass Gasification”
Tomoko Wada, *Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
World Congress on Chemical Engineering 2009, Aug. 23-27, 2009, Montreal, Canada

39) “Characterization of Ni/MH Positive Electrode for Fuel Cell/Battery System”
*Bokkyu Choi, Sunmook Lee, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi
World Congress on Chemical Engineering 2009, Aug. 23-27, 2009, Montreal, Canada

40) “Distillation Processes for Azeotropic Mixture by using Self-Heat Recuperation Technology”
*Yasuki Kansha, Naoki Tsuru, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi
World Congress on Chemical Engineering 2009, Aug. 23-27, 2009, Montreal, Canada

41) “Effects of Hydrogen and Levoglucosan on the Char Reactivity in the Biomass Gasification”
*C. Fushimi, T. Wada, A. Tsutsumi
International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies 2009 (ICPS09), Sept. 1-4, 2009, Vienna, Austria

*Sunmook Lee, Bokkyu Choi, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi
The 4th Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT2009), Sept. 14-16, 2009, New Delhi, India

43) “Characterization of Ni(OH)2/MnO2 Positive Electrode for NiMH Based Fuel Cell/Battery (FCB)”” System"
*B. Choi, S. Lee, C. Fushimi and A. Tsutsumi
ECS 216th Meeting, Oct. 4-9, 2009, Vienna, Austri

44) “Development of High Density Circulating Fluidized Beds for Steam Gasification of Coal or Biomass”*Guoqing Guan, Masahiro Ikeda, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo), Toshiyuki Suda (IHI), Satoru Matsuda, Yoshizo Suzuki (AIST)
2009 Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Nov. 8-13, 2009, Nashville, TN, USA

45) “Flow behaviors in a high solid flux circulating fluidized bed composed of a riser, a downer and a bubbling fluidized bed”
Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi, Masahiro Ikeda, Yu Nakamura, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo), Toshiyuki Suda (IHI), Masanori Ishizuka, Hiroyuki Hatano, Satoru Matsuda, Yoshizo Suzuki (AIST)
Fluidization XIII, May 16-19, 2010, Gyeong Ju, Republic of Korea

46) “Design of chemical absorption process based on self-heat recuperation technology”
*Akira Kishimoto, Yasuki Kansha, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi
21st International Syposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE21)
June 13-16, 2010, Philadelphia, PA, USA

47) “Design methodology of absorption process (use of MEA absorbent) based on self-heat recuperation technology”
*A. Kishimoto, Y. Kansha, C. Fushimi, A. Tsutsumi
19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010 and the 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering ECCE-7, 28 August - 1 September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic

48) “Application of chemical heat transformer for co-production system”*Y. Koyanagi, Y. Kansha, A. Kishimoto, C. Fushimi, A. Tsutsumi
19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010 and the 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering ECCE-7, 28 August - 1 September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic

49) “Innovative Energy-Efficient Biomass Drying based on “Self-Heat Recuperation Technology
*Muhammad Aziz, Chihiro Fushimi, Kansha Yasuki, Kazuhiro Mochidzuki, Shozo Kaneko, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo), Keigo Matsumoto, Takao Hashimoto, Noboru Kawamoto, Kouji Oura, Katsuhiko Yokohama, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Masaaki Kinoshita (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries)
17th International Drying Symposium October 3 - 6, 2010, Magdeburg, Germany

50) “Characterization of MnO2 Electrode for Power Generation/Energy Storage System”
*Bokkyu Choi, Sunmook Lee, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
218th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Oct. 10-15, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

51) “High Energy Efficient Brown Coal Drying Based on Self-Heat Recuperation Technology”
*Muhammad Aziz, Chihiro Fushimi, Yasuki Kansha, Kazuhiro Mochidzuki, Shozo Kaneko, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
2010 International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, October 11-14, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey

52) “High-density circulating fluidized bed gasifier for advanced IGCC/IGFC”
*Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi, Masanori Ishizuka, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo), Yoshizo Suzuki (AIST), Eldin Wee Chuan Lim, Yongpan Cheng, Chi-Hwa Wang (National University of Singapore)
2nd Asian Conference on Innovative Energy & Environmental Chemical Engineering, October 12-14, 2010, Phuket, Thailand

53) “Ni-Doped Porous Manganese Dioxide as Positive Electrode Material for Fuel Cell/Battery (FCB) System”
*Gang Zhao, Bokkyu Choi, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7-12, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

54) “Hydrodynamic behaviors of a large-scale triple-bed circulating fluidized system with high solids fluxes”
*Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi, Masanori Ishizuka, Yu Nakamura, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo) Yoshizo Suzuki (AIST)
2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7-12, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

55) “Flow Structure Simulation for a Novel Coal Feeding System of a High-Density Downer Reactor”
*Yu Nakamura, Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi, Masanori Ishizuka, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)
2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7-12, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

56) “Design of Exergy Recuperative Fluidized Bed Drying System for Biomass”
Muhammad Aziz, Chihiro Fushimi, *Yasuki Kansha, Kazuhiro Mochidzuki, Shozo Kaneko, Atsushi Tsutsumi (The University of Tokyo)5
2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7-12, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

57) “Hydrodynamic characteristics of a large-scale triple-bed combined circulating fluidized bed gasifier”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Guoqing Guan, Yu Nakamura, Masanori Ishizuka, Atsushi Tsutsumi, Yoshizo Suzuki
10th China-Japan Symposium on Fluidization, November 16-19, 2010, Tokyo, Japan

58) “Innovative Fluidized Bed Biomass Drying Employing Exergy Recuperation Technology”
*Muhammad Aziz, Chihiro Fushimi, Yasuki Kansha, Kazuhiro Mochidzuki, Shozo Kaneko, Atsushi Tsutsumi
10th China-Japan Symposium on Fluidization, November 16-19, 2010, Tokyo, Japan

59) “Interaction of biomass components and char in steam gasification”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Hidetoshi Yamamoto, and Atsushi Tsutsumi
2nd International Symposium on Gasification and Its Application (ISGA2010), December 5-8, 2010, Fukuoka, Japan

60) “High-Flux Triple Bed Circulating Fluidized Bed (TCFB) Gasifier for Exergy Recuperative IGCC/IGFC”
Chihiro Fushimi*, Guoqing Guan, Masanori Ishizuka, Yu Nakamura, Atsushi Tsutsumi (IIS, University of Tokyo), Yoshizo Suzuki (AIST), Eldin Wee Chuan Lim, Yongpan Cheng, Chi-Hwa Wang (National University of Singapore)
International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds and Fluidization Technology-CFB-10, May 1-6, 2011, Sunriver Resort, Oregon, USA

Chihiro Fushimi*, Guoqing Guan, Yu Nakamur, Masanori Ishizuka, Satoru Matsuda, Hiroyuki Hatano, Yoshizo Suzuki, Eldin Wee Chuan Lim, Yongpan Cheng, Chi-Hwa Wang and Atsushi Tsutsumi
11th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, 3-7 August, 2011, Yinchuan, Ningxia, China

62) “Studies of Solid-Solid Mixing Behaviors In a Downer Reactor”
*Yongpan Cheng, Eldin Wee Chuan Lim, Chi-Hwa Wang, Guoqing Guan, Yu Nakamura, Masanori Ishizuka, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi,
AIChE Annual Meeting 2011, Oct. 16-21, 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA

63) “Investigation On Electrostatics In Fluidized Bed”
*Yongpan Cheng, Eldin Wee Chuan Lim, Chi-Hwa Wang, Jun Yao, Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi
AIChE Annual Meeting 2011, Oct. 16-21, 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA

64) “Hydrodynamic Behaviors of Sand Particles in a Large-Scale Triple Bed Combined Circulating Fluidized Bed”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Yu Nakamura, Masanori Ishizuka, Guoqing Guan, Atsushi Tsutsumi, Yoshizo Suzuki, Yongpan Cheng, Chi-Hwa Wang
AIChE Annual Meeting 2011, Oct. 16-21, 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA

65) “Co-pyrolysis of coal and Thai biomass: Interaction effect between coal and biomass”
Supachita Krerkkaiwan*, Prapan Kuchonthara, Hidetoshi Yamamoto, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi
14th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, February 21-24, 2012, Singapore

66) “Exergy recuperative fluidized bed drying of rice straw”
*Yuping Liu, Muhammad Aziz, Chihiro Fushimi, Yasuki Kansha, Kazuhiro Mochidzuki, Shozo Kaneko, Atsushi Tsutsumi, Keigo Matsumoto, Takao Hashimoto, Shogo Sawa, Keisuke Matsuo, Katsuhiko Shinoda, Koji Oura, Katsuhiko Yokohama, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Masaaki Kinoshita
14th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, February 21-24, 2012, Singapor

67) “An Energy-Saving CO2 Gas Separation Based on Self-Heat Recuperation in Pre-Combustion Capture”
Akira Kishimoto, Yasuki Kansha, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi
AIChE Spring Meeting 2012, April 1-5, 2012, Houston, TX, USA

68) A New Energy Saving by Self-Heat Recuperation in Post-Combustion CO2 Capture”
Akira Kishimoto, Yasuki Kansha, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi,
AIChE Spring Meeting 2012, April 1-5, 2012, Houston, TX, USA

69) “Analysis of IGFC wth exergy recuperation and carbon dioxide separation unit”
Masako Kawabata, Osamu Kurata, Norihiko Iki, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi
ASME Turbo Expo 2012, June 11-15, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark

70) “Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer in Downer Coal Pyrolyzer”
Yuji Yoshie, Masanori Ishizuka, Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi
5th Asian Particle Technology Symposium, July 2-5, 2012, Singapore

71) “Experimental Studies on Electrostatic Characteristics in Downer Reactor of a Triple-Bed combined Circulating Fluidized Bed”
Yongpan Cheng*, Chi-Hwa Wang, Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi
5th Asian Particle Technology Symposium, July 2-5, 2012, Singapore

72) “Heat Transfer from Hot Particles to Cold Particles in Downward-Flow Binary Solids Systems”
Yuji Yoshie*, Masanori Ishizuka, Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi and Atsushi Tsutsumi
AIChE Annual Meeting 2012, Oct.28-Nov.2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

73) “Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Electrostatics in the Downer Reactor"
Yongpan Cheng*, Darren Yan Jun Lau, Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi, and Chi-Hwa Wang, AIChE Annual Meeting 2012, Oct.28-Nov.2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

74) “Numerical Simulations and Experiments on Heat Transfer around a Probe in the Downer Reactor of a Triple-Bed Combined Circulating Fluidized Bed”
Yongpan Cheng*, Guoqing Guan, Masanori Ishizuka, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi and Chi-Hwa Wang
AIChE Annual Meeting 2012, Oct.28-Nov.2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

75) “System design of large-scale bio-oil production from microalgae based on mass/energy balances and economics”
Chihiro FUSHIMI*,
The 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Technologies (APCSEET2013), July 5-8, 2013, Narita, Japan

76) “Hydrodynamic Behaviors of Sand and Plastic Particles in a Large-Scale Triple Bed Combined Circulating Fluidized Bed”
Chihiro Fushimi*, Masanori Ishizuka, Guoqing Guan, Yoshizo Suzuki, Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Atsushi Tsutsumi
AIChE Annual Meeting 2013, Nov. 3-8, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

77) “System Study on Mass Production of Biodiesel from Microalgae with Nutrients Recycling Process”
Mai Kakimura, Chihiro Fushimi, Daisuke Kato, Hiroshi Iwasaki, Teruo Mitsumori, Koichi Yamada
AIChE Annual Meeting 2013, Nov. 3-8, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

79) “Techno-economic study on bio-diesel production from microalgae by combination of hydrothermal liquefaction and supercritical methanol transesterification”

*Chihiro Fushimi, Mai Kakimura
4th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts, June 15-18,2014, New Mexico, USA

80) “Steam pyrolysis of low-rank coal with heat medium in downer reactor”
*Shuhei Okuyama, Chihiro Fushimi
The 2nd Joint Meeting of Strategic Japanese-Chinese Joint Research Program, September 19-21, 2014, Taiyuan, China

81) “Energy Efficiency and Capital Cost Estimation of Drying with Mechanical Vapor Recompression and Self-Heat Recuperation Processes Combined with IGCC Power Generation Systems”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Wahyu Narulita Dewi
Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE 2015)
September 27-October 1, 2015, Melbourne, Australia

82) “Pyrolysis of Low-Rank Coal with Heat Carrying Particles in a Downer Reactor”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Shuhei Okuyama, Hayabusa Tanimura, Hisako Fukushima, Koichi Matsuoka
International Conference on Coal Science & Technology 2015 (ICCS&T 2015)
September 27-October 1, 2015, Melbourne, Australia

83) “Pyrolysis of Low-Rank Coal with Heat Carrying Particles in a Downer Reactor”
*Hisako Fukushima, Miho Kobayashi, Shuhei Okuyama, Hayabusa Tanimura, Chihiro Fushimi, Koichi MatsuokaThe 3rd Joint Meeting of Strategic Japanese-Chinese Joint Research Program
October 26-27, 2015, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan 

84)Development of Advanced Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle (A-IGCC) Power Generation Systems with a Gas Treating Unit”
*Ryouhei Hoya, Chihiro Fushimi
The 3rd Joint Meeting of Strategic Japanese-Chinese Joint Research Program

October 26-27, 2015, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan

85) “DAEM model for coal pyrolysis kinetics and modelling of pyrolysis
in large coal particles”
*Junli Wang, Wenhao Lian, Peng Li, Xiaogang Hao, Wei Huang (Taiyuan
University of Technology), Chihiro Fushimi (Tokyo University of
Agriculture and Technology), Guoqing Guan (Hirosaki University)
The 3rd Joint Meeting of Strategic Japanese-Chinese Joint Research Program
October 26-27, 2015, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan

86) “CFD Simulation of Gas-Solid-Solid Co-current Downflow in a Downer
Reactor for Coal Pyrolysis”
*Wenhao Lian, Zhonglin Zhang, Xiaogang Hao, Wei Huang (Taiyuan
University of Technology), Chihiro Fushimi (Tokyo University of
Agriculture and Technology), Guoqing Guan (Hirosaki University)
The 3rd Joint Meeting of Strategic Japanese-Chinese Joint Research Program
October 26-27, 2015, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan

87) “Development of Advanced Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle
(A-IGCC) Power Generation Systems with a Gas Treating Unit”
*Ryouhei HOYA and Chihiro FUSHIMI
International Conference on Power Engineering-15 (ICOPE-15)
November 30- December 4, 2015, Yokohama, Japan

88) “Kinetic study of nutrients recovery from microalgae in hydrothermal
Pacifichem 2015,
Topic Area: (9) Chemistry of Clean Energy Conversion, Storage, and
Session: Global Strategies for Algal Biomass for Bioenergy and
Biorefinery (#407)
Dec. 19, 2015, Hyatt Regency Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA

89) “Enhancement of nutrient recovery from microalgae in hydrothermal
liquefaction using activated carbon”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Mai Kakimura, Ryo Tomita, Akihito Umeda, Tsuyoshi Tanaka
Fifth International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics (ECM5)
July 10-13, 2016, Inverness, Scotland, UK

90) “Optimization of solvent extraction process by heat recovery in
large-scale biofuel production from microalgae”
*Chiemi Tachibana, Ryo Tomita, Chihiro Fushimi
5th Asian Conference on Innovative Energy & Environmental Chemical
Engineering (ASCON-IEEChE) 2016
Nov. 13-16, 2016, Yokohama, Japan

91) “Investigation of reactivity of coal in a downer pyrolyzer with heat
carrying particles and steam”
*Miho Kobayashi, Hayabusa Tanimura, Hisako Fukushima, Chihiro Fushimi,
Koichi Matsuoka
5th Asian Conference on Innovative Energy & Environmental Chemical
Engineering (ASCON-IEEChE) 2016
Nov. 13-16, 2016, Yokohama, Japan

91) "Experimental Analysis of Coal Pyrolysis Process in a Novel Downer Reactor for Integrated Coal
Gasification Combined Cycle Plant"
*Sivasakthivel Thangavel, Miho Kobayashi, Masayo Koyama, Siti Norazian Ismail, Chihiro Fushimi
Third International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE 2017)
May. 8-11, 2017, Toyama, Japan

92) "Reactivity of Solid Residue from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Microalgae in
Oxidizing Atmosphere"
*Chihiro Fushimi, Ryo Tomita
7th Asian Particle Technology Syposium (APT2017), July 20-AUg.2, 2017, Taoyuan, Taiwan

93)*Siti Norazian Ismail, Chihiro Fushimi*, Miho Kobayashi, Masayo Koyama, Sivasakthivel Thangavel, Koichi Matsuoka
“Enhancement of Gas Production of Low Rank Coal by Downer-Gasification Reactor”
6th Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coal and Biomass Utilisation Technologies, 4 - 8 December 2017, Perth, Western Australia ?

94) “Optimization of Reaction Condition of Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Supercritical Methanol Method for Biofuel Production from Microalgae”
*Chihiro Fushimi, Chiemi Tachibana and Ryo Usami
International Conference on Biomass 2018, Aug. 1-2, 2018, Bogor, Indonesia

95) “Process design of biodiesel production from microalgae by combining hydrothermal liquefaction and supercritical methanol method"
*Chihiro Fushimi, Chiemi Tachibana
6th Asian Conference on Innovative Environmental and Energy Chemical Engineering (ASCON-IEEChE 2018) Nov. 4-7, 2018, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan

96) “Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic behaviours in a novel gas-solids moving bed rector under a downer”
Zhongkai Zhao, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi, Xiaogang Hao, Akihiro Yoshida, Abuliti Abudula, Guoqing Guan*
Fluidization XVI, May 26-31, 2019, Guilin, China

97) “Process design of levulinic acid production from glucose in choline chloride aqueous solution”
*Ryu Sato, Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi*
7th Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coal and Biomass Utilisation Technologies, 3-7 December 2019, Wuhan, China

98) “Design and cost estimation of a process on levulinic acid production from glucose in choline chloride aqueous solution"
*Ryu Sato, Guoqing Guan, Chihiro Fushimi*
International Conference on Biomass and Bioenergy 2020,
10-11 August 2020, Indonesia (Online)

99) "Novel use of biomass power generation system: Integration with energy storage for non-steady state operation"
Chihiro Fushimi (invited talk)
International Symposium on Fuel and Energy 2020, K03, Dec. 8, 2020, Hiroshima (online)

100) “Design of fatty acid extraction process from microalgae with flash hydrolysis”
*Kengo FUJII, Chihiro FUSHIMI*
ACBS2020 (8th Asian Conference on Biomass Science), Jan. 22, 2021 (Online)

101) “Process design and economic evaluation of thermal storage system using surplus power by renewable energy integrated with biomass power plant”
ACBS2020 (8th Asian Conference on Biomass Science), Jan. 22, 2021 (Online)

102) “Estimation of CO2 Reduction Potential and Cost of Solid Biomass Fuel Production Process Integrated with a Waste Gasification and Direct Melting System”
Mana YAZAKI, *Chihiro FUSHIMI*
5th International Conference on Catalysis and Chemical Engineering,
Feb. 23, 2021 (USA, Online)

103) ”A Dynamic Model of Fluidized bed reactor for thermochemical heat storage using Ca(OH)2/CaO to absorb the fluctuations of electric power supplied by variable renewable energy sources”
Takayuki UCHINO, *Chihiro FUSHIMI*
8th Asia Particle Technology Symposium, APT 2021, Oct. 11, 2021, Osaka Japan (Online)

104) “Design of Levulinic and Formic Acids Production Process from Glucose by Using Choline Chloride Added Aluminum Chloride Catalyst System with Minimal Waste Generation”
, Guoqing GUAN, Chihiro FUSHIMI*
10th Joint Conference on Renewable Energy and Nanotechnology (JCEN 2021), Nov. 27, 2021 (Tokyo University of Science, online)

105) “Influence of algal slurry concentration of flash hydrolysis on oil extraction”
*Kenshiro HASEGAWA, Chihiro FUSHIMI*
ACBS2021 (9th Asian Conference on Biomass Science), Jan. 21, 2022 (Online)

106) “Design and Techno?Economic Analysis of Levulinic Acid Production Process from Biomass by Using Co-product Formic Acid as a Catalyst with Minimal Waste Generation”
Asia Pacific Confeceration of Chemical Engineers (APCChE) 2022, Aug. 12, 2022, (Online)

107) “Future Perspectives of Effective Utilization of Biomasss -Renewable Carbon Resource-"
Chihiro FUSHIMI*
Fluidization XVII, Edinburgh, UK, May 23, 2023

108) "Energy Efficiency and Coast Evaluation of a Fluidized Bed Reactor using Cao/Ca(OH)2 Integrated with a Biomass Power Plant for Flexible Power Generation"
Chihiro FUSHIMI*, Takayuki UCHINO, Takahito YASUI
Fluidization XVII, Edinburgh, UK, May 25, 2023

109) "Bio-Derived Gamma-Butyrolactone Production from Succinic Acid with Bio-Derived Solvents"
*Nanami Hirano, Ryu Ukawa-Sato, Ryuta X. Suzuki, Joerg Freitag, Hiroshi Hori, Masafumi Kono, Chihiro Fushimi*
AIChE Annual Meeting 2023, Nov. 5-10, 2023 (Orlando, FL, USA)

110) “Development of Sustainable Formic Acid/AlCl3/Choline Chloride Catalysed Levulinic Acid Production Process using Byproducts”
10th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation Towards Sustainable Transition, Aug. 20-23, 2024 (Sendai, Japan)

(Domestic conferences)

Domestic conferences (in Japanese)
1) 伏見千尋、○南雲義郎、越光男“水素の高圧燃焼反応における水の第三体効果”
36回燃焼シンポジウム 19981118-19 (札幌)

2) ○南雲義郎、伏見千尋、越光男 “水素の着火誘導期に及ぼす添加物効果”
火薬学会春期年会 1999514日(東京)

3) ○伏見千尋、笹田慎太郎、堤敦司(東大院工)“熱化学再生バイオマス水素製造”
第9回日本エネルギー学会大会 200082-3日(東京)

4) ○伏見千尋、後藤充宏、堤敦司(東大院工)林潤一郎、千葉忠俊(北大エネ先)
33回化学工学会秋季大会 2000912-14日(浜松) 

5) ○笹田慎太郎、山口洋介、伏見千尋、堤敦司(東大工)
33回化学工学会秋季大会 2000912-14日(浜松)

6) ○伏見千尋、後藤充宏、堤敦司(東大院工)林潤一郎、千葉忠俊(北大エネ先)
37回石炭科学会議 2000928-29日(札幌)

7) ○伏見千尋、山口洋介、笹田慎太郎、堤敦司(東大工)
20回水素エネルギーシステム研究発表会 2000128日(横浜)

8) ○山口洋介、伏見千尋、堤敦司(東大工)
66回化学工学会年会 200142-4日(広島)

10回日本エネルギー学会大会 2001731日(北九州)

10) ○伏見千尋、堤敦司(東大工)林潤一郎、千葉忠俊(北大エネ先)
34回化学工学会秋季大会 2001928-30日(札幌)

11) ○山口洋介、伏見千尋、堤敦司(東大工)
34回化学工学会秋季大会 2001928-30日(札幌)

12) ○伏見千尋、堤敦司(東大院工)、林潤一郎、千葉忠俊(北大エネ先)
38回石炭科学会議  20011113-14日(仙台)

13) ○荒木健一、伏見千尋、山口洋介、堤敦司(東大工)
21回水素エネルギー協会大会 2001126日 (横浜)

14) 荒木健一、○山口洋介、伏見千尋、Prapan Kuchonthara、堤敦司(東大工)
67回化学工学会年会 2002327-29日 (福岡)

日本エネルギー学会80回記念大会 200281-2日(東京)

16) ○山口洋介、伏見千尋、堤 敦司 (東大工)
 35回化学工学会秋季大会 2002918-20 (神戸)

17) ○伏見千尋、古澤毅、堤敦司 (東大工)
12回日本エネルギー学会大会 2003730-31 (札幌)

18) ○田坂和彦、伏見千尋、堤 敦司 (東大工)
 69回化学工学会年会 200442-4 (大阪)

19) ○鈴木政洋、伏見千尋、古澤 毅、堤 敦司(東京大)
13回日本エネルギー学会大会 2004729-30日(東京)

20) ○伏見千尋、間所和彦、姚水良、藤岡祐一、山田興一(RITE
38回化学工学会秋季大会 2006916-18 (福岡)

21) ○姚水良、伏見千尋、間所和彦、藤岡祐一(RITE
72回化学工学会年会 2007319-21 (京都)

22) ○鈴木健一郎、竹内直美(東理大理工)、間所和彦、伏見千尋、姚水良(RITE)、二瓶好正(東理大理工)

23) ○内藤一哉、金允護、藤川寛敏、小川孝、丹功、長谷川国生、田中裕久(ダイハツ工業)間所和彦、伏見千尋、姚水良、藤岡祐一RITE
2007年自動車技術会秋季大会, 20071017-19(京都)

24) 姚水良、峰智恵子、間所和彦、伏見千尋藤岡祐一RITE金允護、内藤一哉、藤川寛敏、小川孝、丹功、長谷川国生、田中裕久(ダイハツ工業)
2007年自動車技術会秋季大会, 20071017-19(京都)

25) ○小玉 聡、間所 和彦、伏見 千尋、山本 信、峰 智恵子、姚 水良、藤岡 祐一 (RITE) 内藤 一哉、金 允護 (ダイハツ工業)
39回化学工学会秋季大会 2007913-15(札幌)

26) ○和田 朋子、広畑 (東大院工) 伏見 千尋、堤 敦司 (東大生研)
39回化学工学会秋季大会 2007913-15(札幌)

27)○大辻 雄一郎 (東大院工) 伏見 千尋、堤 敦司(東大生研)
39回化学工学会秋季大会 2007913-15(札幌)

28) ○広畑 (東大院工)伏見 千尋 (東大生研)、古澤 (宇都宮大工)、鈴木 (宇都宮大院工) 敦司 (東大生研)
39回化学工学会秋季大会 2007913-15(札幌)

29) ○戚 珊珊 (東大院工)伏見 千尋 (東大生研)、片山 新悟 (東大院工) 、堤 敦司 (東大生研)
39回化学工学会秋季大会 2007913-15(札幌)

30) ○佐藤 和慶 (東大院工)伏見 千尋 (東大生研)、松田 一夫、広地 芳一(千代田化工建設)、中岩 (産総研)、堤 敦司 (東大生研)
39回化学工学会秋季大会 2007913-15(札幌

31) ○広畑 (東大院工)伏見 千尋 (東大生研)、古澤 (宇都宮大工)、鈴木 (宇都宮大院工)

敦司 (東大生研)
100回触媒討論会 2007917-20日(札幌)

32) 小玉聡、姚水良、山本信、伏見千尋、峰智恵子、藤岡祐一(RITE)間所和彦、内藤一哉、金允護(ダイハツ工業)

33) ○山本信、姚水良、小玉聡、伏見千尋、峰智恵子、藤岡祐一(RITE)間所和彦、内藤一哉、金允護(ダイハツ工業)


35) ○川井裕幸(東大院工)、伏見千尋、堤敦司(東大生研)
73回化学工学会年会 2008317-19日(浜松)

36) ○小玉 聡、山本 信、伏見千尋、峰 智恵子、姚 水良、藤岡祐一(RITE)、間所和彦(ダイハツ工業)

37) ○山本 信、小玉 聡、峰 智恵子、伏見千尋、姚 水良、藤岡祐一(RITE)、間所和彦(ダイハツ工業)

38)○姚 水良、小玉 聡、山本 信、峰 智恵子、伏見千尋、藤岡祐一(RITE)、間所和彦(ダイハツ工業)

39) ○川井裕幸(東大院工)、伏見千尋、堤敦司(東大生研)

40) 伏見千尋、広畑修、堤敦司(東大)、古澤毅、鈴木昇(宇都宮大)

41) ○?蔗寂樹・鶴直樹・伏見千尋・下河原薫・堤敦司

42) ○?蔗寂樹・鶴直樹・伏見千尋・堤敦司

43) ○鶴直樹(東京大学)、?蔗寂樹、伏見千尋(東大生研)、下河原薫(ChAS)、堤敦司(東大生研)

44) ○和田 朋子(東大院工)伏見 千尋・堤 敦司(東大生研)
40回化学工学会秋季大会, 2008924-26(仙台)

45)○大辻 雄一郎(東大院工)伏見 千尋・池田 雅弘・堤 敦司(東大生研)
40回化学工学会秋季大会, 2008924-26(仙台)

46) ○崔 復圭(東大院工)・李 善黙・伏見 千尋・堤 敦司(東大生研)
Ni/MH二次電池を用いたFuel Cell/Battery (FCB) システム構築”
40回化学工学会秋季大会, 2008924-26(仙台)

47)○大辻 雄一郎,池田 雅弘,伏見千尋,堤 敦司(東京大)
粉体工学会2008年度  秋期研究発表会,20081030-31(千葉

48) 金俊植、立野良、勝田裕樹(東大院工)○伏見千尋、堤敦司(東大生研)

49) ○鶴直樹・?蔗寂樹・伏見千尋・堤敦司(東大生研)

50) ○松田一夫・蛙石健一・広地芳一・佐藤玲維(千代田化工)伏見千尋・甘蔗寂樹・堤敦司

51) 小柳佑平、?蔗寂樹、伏見千尋、○堤 敦司(東大)
158回日本鉄鋼協会 秋季講演大会、2009915-17(京都)

52) 伏見千尋、池田雅弘、官国清、堤敦司(東大生研) 石束真典、松田聡、幡野博之、鈴木善三(産総研)、須田俊之(IHI 

53) ○崔復圭、李善黙、伏見千尋、堤敦司(東大生研)
“ニッケル・水素吸蔵合金を用いたFuel Cell/Battery (FCB) システムの開発”
50回電池討論会 20091130-122(京都)

54) ○官 国清、伏見千尋、池田雅弘、中村 有、堤 敦司(東大生研)、須田俊之(IHI)、石束真典、幡野博之、松田 聡、鈴木善三(産総研)
15回流動化・粒子プロセッシングシンポジウム(FB15)、20091210- 11日(鹿児島)

55) ○石束真典、松田聡、鈴木善三、幡野博之(産総研)、官国清、池田雅弘、伏見千尋、堤敦司(東大生研)
15回流動化・粒子プロセッシングシンポジウム(FB15)、20091210- 11日(鹿児島)

56) 伏見千尋Muhammad Aziz、甘蔗寂樹、望月和博、金子祥三、堤 敦司(東大生研)松本啓吾、川元 昇、大浦康二、横濱克彦、山口啓樹、木下正昭(三菱重工業)
75回化学工学会年会 2010318-20日(鹿児島)

57) ○中村 有、官 国清、伏見千尋、堤 敦司(東大生研)石束真典、松田 聡、幡野博之、鈴木善三(産総研)
75回化学工学会年会 2010318-20日(鹿児島)

58) ○岸本啓,甘蔗寂樹,伏見千尋,堤敦司(東大生研)

59) Muhammad Aziz伏見千尋、甘蔗寂樹、望月和博、金子祥三、堤 敦司(東大生研)

60) ○崔復圭、李善默、伏見千尋、堤 敦司(東大生研)
“燃料電池/二次電池を一体化したFuel Cell/Battery (FCB)システムの開発”

61) 伏見千尋、官 国清、石束真典、中村 有、堤 敦司、鈴木善三 
三塔式大型循環流動層の開発 (1)高速高密度運転時の流動特性

62) ○石束真典、官 国清、伏見千尋、中村 有、堤 敦司、鈴木善三 
三塔式大型循環流動層の開発 (2)ダウナーの流動特性

63) ○趙 剛、崔 復圭、官 国清、伏見 千尋、堤 敦司
“Ni-Doped 多孔質二酸化マンガンを用いたFuel Cell/Battery(FCB)システムの正極の性能向上に関する研究

燃料電池と二次電池を一体化したFuel Cell/Battery (FCB)システムのカソードの開発

65) ○石束真典、官国清、伏見千尋、中村有、堤敦司、松田聡、幡野博之、鈴木善三
16回流動化・粒子プロセッシングシンポジウム 2010126-7(新潟)

66) ○崔 復圭、李 善黙、伏見 千尋、堤 敦司
Fuel cell/battery (FCB)システムのカソードにおけるファイバー状二酸化マンガン電極の作製と電極評価”

67) ○中村 有、伏見 千尋、石束 真典、堤 敦司、官 国清、松田 聡、幡野 博之、鈴木 善三

68) ○岸本啓、甘蔗寂樹、伏見千尋、山本英寿、堤敦司

69) 伏見千尋Muhammad Aziz, 甘蔗寂樹、望月和博、金子祥三、堤敦司、澤 昇吾、松尾啓介、松本啓吾、横濱克彦、早田泰雄、篠田克彦、明用和幸、大浦康二、山口啓樹、木下正昭、橋本貴雄

70) ○小谷唯、Muhammad Aziz、甘蔗寂樹、伏見千尋、堤敦司

71)○官 国清, 伏見 千尋, 石束 真典, 敦司, 阿布 里提, 松田 , 幡野 博之, 鈴木 善三, Yongpan Cheng, Eldin_Wee_Chuan Lim, Chi-Hwa Wang,

72) 伏見 千尋, 国清, 中村 , 石束 真典, 敦司, 鈴木 善三, Yongpan Cheng, Chi-Hwa Wang,

73) “Co-gasification of Indonesian coal and Thai biomass: Investigation of experimental conditions”
48回石炭科学会議 2011102425(新潟)

74) “三塔式循環流動層のダウナー内の伝熱特性
(弘前大)○官国清、(東大生研)伏見千尋、石束真典、堤敦司(産総研)鈴木善三、(弘前大)阿布里提、(Singapore国立大)Yongpan Cheng, Eldin Wee Chuan Lim, Chi-Hwa Wang
17回流動化・粒子プロセッシングシンポジウム 20111121-22(名古屋)

75) “大型循環流動層内での高速運転時の二粒子の挙動
伏見千尋(東農工大)、石束真典(東大生研)、官 国清(弘前大学)、則永行庸、林 潤一郎(九大先導研)、鈴木善三(産総研)、堤 敦司(東大生研)

○石束真典(東大生研)、官 国清(弘前大学)、伏見千尋(東農工大)、吉江悠史、堤敦司(東大生研)、鈴木善三(産総研)   

77) “大型循環流動層内でダウナー中伝熱プローブ周りの伝熱挙動の解明
○官 国清(弘前大)Cheng Yongpan (シンガポール国大)、石束 真典(東大生研)伏見 千尋(東農工大)Lim Eldin Wee Chuan, Wang Chi-Hwa (シンガポール国大)、阿布 里提(弘前大)、鈴木 善三(産総研)、堤 敦司(東大生研)

78) “自己熱再生技術の乾燥プロセスへの適用化検討
○劉 玉平(東大),アズイッズ ムハンマッド(東工大),甘蔗寂樹(東大),伏見千尋(農工大),堤敦司(東大)

79) “微細藻類バイオディーゼル大規模生産におけるシステム検討”

80) “自己熱再生乾燥プロセスの簡略化と省エネ”

81) “自己熱再生乾燥プロセスの簡略化と省エネルギー”
Wahyu Dewi福井 啓祐伏見 千尋 (東京農工大)
第45回化学工学会秋季大会(平成25年9月16-18日) 岡山大学(岡山)

82) "過熱水蒸気乾燥機を組み合わせた石炭ガス化複合発電シミュレーション"
わゆ でうぃ伏見 千尋

83) “水熱液化と超臨界メタノール法による微細藻類バイオディーゼル大規模生産システム”

84) “石炭ガス化複発電と組み合わせた過熱水蒸気乾燥機のエネルギー効率と経済性”
伏見千尋Wahyu Narulita Dewi(東京農工大)



87) “ガス精製を導入した次世代型石炭ガス化複合サイクル発電システムの最適化”
保谷 燎平伏見 千尋
第80回化学工学会年会 平成27年3月19-21日 芝浦工業大学(東京)

88) “ダウナー型熱分解炉における石炭の水蒸気熱分解反応機構の解析”
谷村 隼伏見 千尋
第80回化学工学会年会 平成27年3月19-21日 芝浦工業大学(東京)

富田 遼伏見 千尋
第80回化学工学会年会 平成27年3月19-21日 芝浦工業大学(東京)

90) “固体生成物再利用による微細藻類の水熱液化反応での脂質と栄養素の高効率回収法の開発”
柿村 麻依伏見 千尋
第80回化学工学会年会 平成27年3月19-21日 芝浦工業大学(東京)

91) “ダウナー型熱分解炉における石炭熱分解反応に対する熱媒体粒子の影響”
奥山 修平伏見 千尋
第80回化学工学会年会 平成27年3月19-21日 芝浦工業大学(東京)

谷村 隼、小林 美穂、福島 寿子、奥山 修平伏見 千尋(東京農工大学)、松岡 浩一(産総研)
52回石炭科学会議 平成271028-29日 伊勢市観光文化会館(三重)

保谷 燎平伏見 千尋(農工大)
52回石炭科学会議 平成271028-29日 伊勢市観光文化会館(三重)

94) ○梅田章仁伏見千尋
第11回バイオマス科学会議 平成28年1月20-21日 トキメッセ(新潟)

95)○伏見 千尋*、Wahyu Narulita Dewi
第81回化学工学会年会 平成28年3月13-15日、関西大学(大阪)

96) ○小林美穂、谷村隼、福島寿子伏見千尋*、松岡浩一
第81回化学工学会年会 平成28年3月13-15日、関西大学(大阪)

97)○與那嶺 航伏見 千尋
第81回化学工学会年会 平成28年3月13-15日、関西大学(大阪)

98)○橘 智恵美伏見 千尋
第48回化学工学会秋季大会 平成28年9月6-8日、徳島大学(徳島)

99) ○保谷 燎平伏見 千尋
第53回石炭科学会議 平成28年10月26-27日、福山

100) ○與那嶺 航, T. Sivasakathivel,伏見 千尋*
第36回HESS (水素エネルギー協会)大会、タワーホール舟堀(東京)

101) ○Miho Kobayashi, Masayo Koyama, Sivasakthivel Thangavel, Chihiro Fushimi*, and Koichi Matsuoka
“Investigation of reactivity of coal in a downer pyrolyzer with heat carrying particles and steam”
第22回 流動化・粒子プロセッシングシンポジウム、2016年12月8-9日、東京大学生産技術研究所(東京)

102) ○古澤祐介伏見千尋
第19回 化学工学会 学生発表会 小金井大会 平成29年3月4日、東京農工大学(東京)

103) ○宇佐美 諒伏見 千尋
第19回 化学工学会 学生発表会 小金井大会 平成29年3月4日、東京農工大学(東京)

104) ○小山 雅代、小林 美穂、Sivasakthivel Thangavel、伏見 千尋
第19回 化学工学会 学生発表会 小金井大会 平成29年3月4日、東京農工大学(東京)

105) ○富田 遼伏見 千尋
第82回化学工学会年会 平成29年3月6-8日、芝浦工業大学(東京)

106)○小山 雅代, 小林 美穂, Sivasakthivel T., 伏見 千尋, 松岡 浩一
第82回化学工学会年会 平成29年3月6-8日、芝浦工業大学(東京)

107) ○與那嶺 航・Sivasakthivel Thangavel伏見 千尋
第82回化学工学会年会 平成29年3月6-8日、芝浦工業大学(東京)

108)○宇佐美 諒伏見 千尋
第82回化学工学会年会 平成29年3月6-8日、芝浦工業大学(東京)

109)○伏見 千尋 橘 智恵美・ 富田 遼・ 桜井 誠
化学工学会 東京大会 2017 平成29年8月9-10日、早稲田大学(東京)

110) ○田口遥香、古澤祐介、Sivasakthivel Thangavel伏見千尋
第23回 流動化・粒子プロセシングシンポジウム 平成29年12月7-8日、アクトシティ浜松(浜松)

111) ○橘 智恵美伏見千尋
第13回バイオマス科学会議(日本エネルギー学会 バイオマス部会)  
平成30年1月18日 東北大学(仙台)

112) ○與那嶺 航・Sivasakthivel Thangavel伏見 千尋
平成30年3月13-15日 関西大学(大阪)

113) ○Siti Norazian Ismail, Yusuke Furusawa, Haruka Taguchi and Chihiro Fushimi
“Design of triple bed circulating fluidized bed (TBCFB) gasifier model with cold gas efficiency over 80%”
第27回日本エネルギー学会大会 平成30年8月8-9日 日本大学(東京)

114) ○矢崎茉奈、富田遼伏見千尋(東京農工大学)
第27回日本エネルギー学会大会 平成30年8月8-9日 日本大学(東京)

115) ○古澤 祐介、田口 遥香、Ismail Siti Norazian Binti、Thangavel Sivasakthivel伏見千尋
第50回 化学工学会 秋季大会 平成30年9月18-20日(鹿児島)

116) ○古澤 祐介、田口 遥香、Ismail Siti Norazian Binti、Thangavel Sivasakthivel伏見千尋
”ASPEN Plus(R)を用いた石炭循環流動層ガス化炉モデルの開発”
第24回 流動化・粒子プロセシングシンポジウム 平成30年12月5日(東京)

117) 森 勇稀、酒井幹夫(東京大学)、伏見千尋(東京農工大学)、河野孝志、喜多照行(タクマ)
第24回 流動化・粒子プロセシングシンポジウム 平成30年12月5日(東京)

118) ○佐藤龍伏見千尋
第84回 化学工学会年会 平成31年3月13-15日(東京)

119) 〇小山雅代、Siti Norazian Ismail, 内野貴行、村越亮、Sivasakthivel Thangavel, 伏見千尋
第84回 化学工学会年会 平成31年3月13-15日(東京)

120) 〇宇佐美諒伏見千尋
第84回 化学工学会年会 平成31年3月13-15日(東京)

121) 〇長谷川 研志郎、Siti Norazian Binti ISMAIL, 内野 貴行、村越 亮、小山 雅代、酒井裕香伏見 千尋
第25回 流動化・粒子プロセシングシンポジウム 令和元年11月28-29日(大阪)

122) 〇矢崎 茉奈伏見 千尋
第15回バイオマス科学会議(日本エネルギー学会 バイオマス部会) 
令和元年12月11-12日 郡山市中央公民館(福島)

123) ○長谷川 研志郎、Ismail S.N.B.、内野 貴行、村越 亮、小山 雅代、酒井 裕香伏見 千尋
第22回 化学工学会 学生発表会 東京大会
令和2年3月7日(土) 中央大学(東京)

124) 〇Nur Indah Setyorini Putri、佐藤 龍伏見 千尋
第22回 化学工学会 学生発表会 東京大会
令和2年3月7日(土) 中央大学(東京)

125) 〇矢崎 茉奈伏見 千尋
第51回 化学工学会 秋季大会
令和2年9月24日 岩手大学(online)

126) ○Takayuki Uchino, Chihiro Fushimi
“Dynamic model of a fluidized bed reactor for thermochemical heat storage of the electricity from variable renewable energy”
26th SCEJ Symposium on Fluidization & Particle Processing
Nov. 26-27, 2020 (Gifu University, Online)

127)内野貴行、〇安井崇人、伏見 千尋
第52回 化学工学会 秋季大会
令和3年9月22-24日 岡山大学(online)

128) 〇佐藤 龍、官 国清、伏見千尋
第31回 日本エネルギー学会大会 令和4年8月4-5日 東京

129) 〇青木 将大、松田圭悟、中岩勝、伏見千尋
第31回 日本エネルギー学会大会 令和4年8月4-5日 東京

130) 〇安井崇人、内野貴行、伏見千尋
第53回 化学工学会 秋季大会 令和4年9月16日 信州大学(オンライン)

131) 〇青木 将大、秋元良祐、松田圭悟、中岩勝、伏見千尋
第53回 化学工学会 秋季大会 令和4年9月16日 信州大学(オンライン)

132)  〇平野 菜奈美、佐藤 龍、鈴木龍汰、堀博、FREITAG, Joerg、河野雅史、伏見千尋
第18回 バイオマス科学会議 令和4年12月1日 前橋

133) 村越 亮、〇伏見千
第18回 バイオマス科学会議 令和4年12月1日 前橋

134) 〇安井崇人、内野貴行伏見 千尋
第88回 化学工学会年会 令和5年3月15日-17日 東京農工大学小金井キャンパス

135) 〇平野 菜奈美、佐藤龍、鈴木龍汰、堀博、FREITAG, Joerg、河野雅史、伏見千尋
第88回 化学工学会年会 令和5年3月15日-17日 東京農工大学小金井キャンパス

136) 〇佐藤 龍伏見千尋
第88回 化学工学会年会 令和5年3月15-17日 東京農工大学、東京

137) 〇伏見千尋安井崇人、青木将大、内野貴行
第60回 粉体に関する討論会、令和5年11月10日、東京ガーデンパレス

138) 〇平野菜奈美、佐藤龍、鈴木龍汰、FREITAG, Joerg、堀博、河野雅史、伏見千尋

139) 〇鈴木太陽、平野菜奈美、佐藤龍伏見千尋

140) ○佐藤惟生、佐藤龍、加用 千裕、伏見 千尋
第74回 日本木材学会大会(京都大会) 2024年3月13日、京都

141) 〇平野菜奈美佐藤龍田中涼馬、鈴木龍汰、FREITAG, Joerg、堀博、河野雅史、伏見千尋
第74回 日本木材学会大会(京都大会) 2024年3月13日、京都

142) 〇小舘良太佐藤龍伏見千尋
化学工学会 第89年会 2024年3月19日、大阪

143) 〇佐藤龍平野菜奈美伏見千尋
化学工学会 第89年会 2024年3月20日、大阪

144) 〇平野菜奈美佐藤龍田中涼馬、鈴木龍汰、FREITAG, Joerg、堀博、河野雅史、伏見千尋
化学工学会 第89年会 2024年3月20日、大阪

145) 〇金澤遼太、佐藤龍、伏見千尋
第33回 日本エネルギー学会 2024年8月7-8日、東京

146) 〇田中涼馬平野菜奈美、鈴木 龍汰、伏見 千尋
第55回 化学工学会 秋季大会、2024年9月11-13日、札幌

147) 〇青木将大、 Jeem Melbert、清水 友斗、川口 貴大、近藤 美奈子、中村 友一、伏見 千尋、能村 貴宏
第55回 化学工学会 秋季大会、2024年9月11-13日、札幌

148) 〇青木将大、松田 圭悟、中岩 勝、 伏見 千尋
第55回 化学工学会 秋季大会、2024年9月11-13日、札幌

149) 〇鈴木太陽平野菜奈美、鈴木 龍汰、伏見 千尋
第55回 化学工学会 秋季大会、2024年9月11-13日、札幌

150) 〇城田尚也青木将大伏見 千尋
“流動層を用いた MgO/Mg(OH)2系化学蓄熱における MgO 粒子の放熱特性の評価”
第30回 流動化・粒子プロセシングシンポジウム、2024年12月11-12日、新潟

Fushimi Laboratory, TUAT

2-24-16, Nakacho, Koganei, Tokyo, 184-8588, Japan

TEL/FAX 81-42-388-7062
E-mail: cfushimi at cc.tuat.ac.jp