
20240320【論文】DeepLabCutを用いたコオロギの行動解析論文がBiology Open誌に受理朝日研(早稲田大)との共同研究
Our paper on deep learning-based behavioural analysis in crickets has been published in Biology Open! DeepLabCut-based daily behavioural and posture analysis in a cricket

Takeshi will give a talk in a symposium in the 49th Annual Meeting of the Pesticide Science Society of Japan

20240220【論文】食用昆虫の養殖システムに関する記事がアグリバイオ誌に掲載 Our article on farming systems for edible insects has been published in the Agricultural Biotechnology!

Congratulations to Suzukana, Matsumina, and Songtai who successfully defended their MSc theses!

Congratulations to Akira and Sogo who successfully defended their BSc theses!

20231210【出演】NHK・明日をまもるナビ「“地球沸騰時代” どうなる私たちの暮らし」 に出演(鈴木丈)
Takeshi appeared on the NHK program Asshita Navi

Our preprint has been published in bioRxiv! DeepLabCut-based behavioural and posture analysis in a cricket

20240122【論文】ロウソク煤コロイドがトマト種子の発芽に及ぼす影響について調査した論文がDiscover Agriculture誌に掲載レンゴロ研・福原研(農工大)との共同研究
Our paper has been published in the Discover Agriculture! Candle soot colloids enhance tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seed germination and seedling quality

20231218【論文】トマト苗への微粒子の経茎導入法に関する論文がPlant Physiology and Biochemistry誌に掲載 レンゴロ研・福原研(農工大)との共同研究
Stem cutting: A novel introduction site for transporting water-insoluble particles into tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seedlings

20231211【論文】マダラスズとシバスズのミトコンドリアゲノム論文がMitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources誌に掲載D1村田くんの初論文!早稲田大(朝日研)、長浜バイオ大(小倉研)、お茶大(由良研)との共同研究
Our paper has been accepted in Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources! Complete mitochondrial genome sequences of two ground crickets, Dianemobius fascipes nigrofasciatus and Polionemobius taprobanensis (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Trigonidiidae )

20230923【学会】 第32回日本ダニ学会大会 (ハイブリッド@札幌)で発表(Faten,新井,武田,大迫,喜多羅)
Faten, Yuka, Naoki, Tomohiro, and Taiki gave oral presentations in the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Acarological Society of Japan held in Sapporo!

Yuka, Naoki, and Takeshi gave oral presentations in the 13th Spider Mite Genome Meeting in Logrono, Spain

20230802【学会】Non-Traditional Arthropod Model Systemsの国際会議(メイン州ブランズウィック)で発表(村田)
Kohyoh gave a talk at the Non-Traditional Arthropod Model Systems meeting at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine.

20230718【論文】シリカナノ粒子がトマト種子の発芽に及ぼす影響について調査した論文がNanomaterials誌に掲載レンゴロ研・福原研(農工大)との共同研究Our paper has been accepted in the Nanomaterials! The role of silica nanoparticles in promoting the germination of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seeds

Takeshi gave a talk in a lecture of the Kawasaki Citizens’ Academy

Takeshi, Yuka, Naoki, Kohyoh, and Mina gave talks in a lecture at the Tokyo Metropolitan Minamitama Secondary Education School

Takeshi gave a talk in a seminar by the Food New Technology Research Association

Takeshi gave a talk in a seminar by the Food New Technology Research Association

20230228【書籍】「化学農薬・生物農薬およびバイオスティミュラントの創製研究動向」 が出版されました(鈴木丈が分担執筆「第13章 RNA農薬の開発動向」) The book “Trends in Research and Development of Chemical Pesticides, Biopesticides and Biostimulants,” which Takeshi co-authored, has been published!

20230314【学会】第67回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会(枚方)の小集会「第2回 昆虫食マンダラ」企画(鈴木)
Takeshi is planning a workshop, “Entomophagy Mandala. in the 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology

20230314【学会】 第67回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会 (枚方)の一般講演で発表(髙橋,藤田,宮園,村田,武田,山川,Faten)
Ryo, Hiro, Osamu, Kohyoh, Naoki, Sota and Faten gave poster or oral presentations in the 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology

Congratulations to Ryo, Hiro, Osamu and Kohyoh who successfully defended their MSc theses!

Congratulations to Tomohiro, Hiroki and Ryo who successfully defended their BSc theses!

Congratulations to Faten who successfully defended her PhD thesis!


高橋 諒
Ryo Takahashi

  • シロヒトリおよびアメリカシロヒトリにおける生殖制御機構
    Mechanisms of reproductive regulation in lepidopteran insects Chionarctia nivea and Hyphantria cunea
  • アメリカシロヒトリの同所的種分化における 時間的生殖隔離:羽化と交尾リズムの解析
    Sympatric speciation by temporal reproductive isolation of fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea :Rhythms of emerging and mating
  • 修士(農学)(東京農工大学,2023年)
  • 学士(農学)(東京農工大学,2021年)
  • 埼玉
  • 好き:ダイビング、シイラ(見るのも食べるのも)
    :) Diving,Coryphaena hippurus(Eating and watching)
  • 苦手:ウィンタースポーツ、パクチー、球技
    :( Winter sports, Coriander, Ball games


藤田 比呂
Hiro Fujita

  • 植物,植食者および捕食者間の相互作用に着目した害虫忌避物質の探索
    Repellent substances focusing on the interactions between plants, herbivore, and predators
  • 捕食者と被食者間の情報化学物質:ミヤコカブリダニ由来のナミハダニ忌避物質の探索
    Allelochemicals in predator-prey interactions: Repellent substances for the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae from the phytoseiid mite
  • 修士(農学)(東京農工大学,2023年)
  • 学士(農学)(東京農工大学,2021年)
  • 東京
  • 好き:コーヒー、自転車、お菓子作り、NFL、寝ること
    :) Coffee, Cycling, Making sweets, NFL, Sleeping
  • 苦手:運動神経が問われるスポーツ
    :( Sports (require motor skills)


宮園 治
Osamu Miyazono

  • 植物ダニ類の紫外線対策:定位行動,色素沈着および光回復
    Protective measures against ultraviolet radiation in herbivore mites: Orientation, pigmentation, and photoreactivation
  • 修士(農学)(東京農工大学,2023年)
  • 学士(理学)(新潟大学,2021年)
  • 新潟 Niigata
  • 好き:うさぎ,スノーボード:
    ) rabbits, snowboarding
  • 苦手:わさび 辛いもの
    :( wasabi, spicy foods


天満 航翔
Wataru Tenma

  • マデラゴキブリの睡眠に関する研究
  • 愛媛
  • 好き:ラーメン、もやし、坂道グループ、オオゴキブリ
    :) Ramen, Bean sprouts, Sakamichi Group, Panesthia angustipennis spadica
  • 苦手:エビ、クロゴキブリ
    :( Shrimp, Periplaneta fuliginosa