Tatewaki Laboratory, Department of Organic and Polymer Materials Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry, The Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology


Department of Organic and Polymer Materials Chemistry,
Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Applied Chemistry,
The Graduate School of Engineering,
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16, Nakacho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo, 184-8588, Japan

Room 106, Building 4, Koganei Campus

Tel and Fax: +81-42-388-7494
mail ytatewa@cc.tuat.ac.jp

About our laboratory

In our laboratory, we research about the nanomaterilas of many functional organic molecules. Especially, the application and the network structures composed of conducting nanowires, synthesis of new hole transport materials for the solar cell and synthesis of π-conjugated acetylene derivatives having conducting and optical properties. Our targets are the application of electronics and nano bio devices for an affluent society.


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Kentaro Iwamoto won an excellent poster award at the 6th Summer Seminar of Low Dimensional Optical Functional Materials Study Group.
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