(Long 20min, Short 15min including presentation and Q&A)
9:00am - 9:05am
Tutorial Session: Agent-Mediated Electronic Negotiation
Han La Poutre, Takayuki Ito, Shaheen Fatima, Valentin Robu, Katsuhide Fujita
This tutorial aims to give a broad overview of state of the art in agent-mediated negotiation. The tutorial will focus on the game-theoretic foundations of electronic negotiations. We review the main concepts from both cooperative and competitive bargaining theory, such as Pareto optimality, the Pareto-efficient frontier as well as utilitarian, Nash and Kalai-Smorodinsky (egalitarian) solution concepts. Next, we exemplify simple "pie sharing games": Nash demand game, then the ultimatum, alternating offers and time discounting. A particular emphasis will be placed on multi-issue (or multi-attribute) negotiation - a research area that has received significant attention in recent years from the multi-agent community. We discuss some of the challenges that arise in modeling negotiations over multiple issues, especially when no information (or only incomplete information) is available about the preferences of the negotiation partner(s), as well as some of the heuristics employed in AI to solve this problem. The second part of the tutorial focuses on multi-issue negotiations which may have realistic limitations like time-constraints, computational tractablility, online negotiations. The third part of the tutorial focuses on more complex multi-issue negotiations and some negotiation protocols for scalablility and preserving privacy.
10:30am - 10:45am
Coffee break
10:45am - 1:00pm
Session 1: Automated Negotiation Strategy and Model
Prediction of the Opponent's Preference in Bilateral Multi-issue Negotiation through Bayesian Learning
Jihang Zhang, Fenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang (University of Wollongong)
Compromising Strategy based on Conflict Mode for Multi-times Bilateral Closed Negotiations
Katsuhide Fujita (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Optimal Non-adaptive Concession Strategies with Incomplete Information
Tim Baarslag (Delft University of Technology), Rafik Hadfi (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Koen Hindriks (Delft University of Technology), Takayuki Ito (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Catholijn Jonker (Delft University of Technology)
Handling Agents’ Incomplete Information in a Coalition Formation Model
Souhila Arib (Lamsade-Université Paris Dauphine), Samir Aknine (Liris-Université Claude Bernard Lyon1), Thomas Genin (R&D Hedera Technology)
A multiagent multilateral negotiation protocol for joint decision-making
Romain Cailliere (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1), Souhila Arib (Université Paris Dauphine), Aknine Samir (LIRIS Lab., Lyon 1 University), Chantal Berdier (INSA, EVS-ITUS)
On the Complexity of Utility Hypergraphs
Rafik Hadfi, Takayuki Ito (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Negotiations in Holonic Multi-agent systems (SHORT)
Rahmatollah Beheshti, Roghayeh Barmaki, Nasser Mozayani (University of Central Florida)
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Lunch Break
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Invited Talk by Prof. Ed Durfee (the University of Michigan)
Prof. Dr. Edmund H. Durfee is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, and of Information, at the University of Michigan, where he joined the faculty in 1988. His research interests are in planning and coordinated decision making in multiagent systems. Currently, he supervises projects in human-agent interaction, in automation to support coordinated activities in healthcare applications, and in organizational structuring for robust multiagent systems. He did his undergraduate work at Harvard University and his graduate work at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. He has served as the President of the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS), and is a Fellow of the IEEE and of AAAI.
Title: Negotiated Commitments
Abstract: In multiagent environments, agents can make better decisions if they can anticipate the behaviors of the agents around them. In fact, in cooperative settings, agents might benefit from making, and adhering to, commitments to each other. Unfortunately, due to uncertainty about the environment, about its actions, and about the actions of others, an agent might not be able to assuredly achieve its commitments to other agents, This then opens up the possibility of probabilistic commitments, where the choices of commitments to make and the probabilities to associate with them need to be negotiated so as to strike the right compromises between benefiting the commitment providers and the recipients. In this talk, I will describe our research on how agents should form such commitments, and on how agents should faithfully pursue their commitments even in inherently uncertain settings.
3:00pm - 3:40pm
Session 2: Applications of Automated Negotiations 1
A Group Task Allocation Strategy in Open and Dynamic Grid Environments
Yan Kong, Minjie Zhang, Dayong Ye (University of Wollongong)
A Performance Optimization Support Framework for GPU-based Traffic Simulations with Negotiating Agents
Yoshihito Sano, Yoshiaki Kadono, Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University)
3:40pm - 4:00pm
Coffee break
4:00pm - 5:10pm
Session 3: Applications of Automated Negotiations 2
RECON: a Robust multi-agent Environment for simulating COncurrent Negotiations
Bedour Alrayes, Ozgur Kafali, Kostas Stathis (University of London)
Automatic Knowledge Transfer for Agent-based Bilateral Negotiation Tasks Shuang Zhou, Siqi Chen, Evgueni Smirnov, Gerhard Weiss, Karl Tuyls (University of Liverpool)
Trial Actions: A Transactional Programming Paradigm for QoS Negotiation in Distributed Network Systems (SHORT)
Kaliappa Ravindran (The City University of New York)
An Orchestrated Multi-issue Negotiation with Normal Distributions for Service Selection (SHORT)
Silvia Rossi (University of Naples), Dario Di Nocera (University of Naples), Claudia Di Napoli (ad Alte Prestazioni)
5:10pm - 7:00pm
ANAC2014 Special Session