This is a general outline of the section of "Biochemistry" in the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. I am Professor Tadashi Matsunaga, a representative of the section. Please look in at our laboratory in the followings.
This laboratory was established in 1982, when I moved to this position from Tokyo Institute of Technology. Since then we have been working on three major themes: (1) Marine Biotechnology, (2) Biomagnetics, and (3) Bioelectronics.
In 1993, Dr. Noriyuki Nakamura joined our section as an associate professor. Dr. Haruko Takeyama and Ms. Reiko Sato joined as an assistant professor and research associate, respectively in 1994. The section consists of ten doctoral course students, 14 master course students and nine undergraduate students in FY 1997. Matsunaga laboratory and Nakamura laboratory cooperate each other for researches.
Now, our researches proceed towards the following subjects:
- Marine Biotechnology
- Screening of marine photosynthetic microorganisms
- Utilization of marine photosynthetic microorganisms for biomass, medical supplies and cosmetics
- Genetic engineering of marine photosynthetic microorganisms
- Bioremediation such as carbon dioxide heavy metals removal using marine photosynthetic microorganisms
- Development of a novel biosolar reactor system
- Biomagnetics
- Isolation and cultivation of magnetic bacteria
- Analysis of genes and proteins associated with magnetic particles in magnetic bacteria
- Development of display techniques of enzymes, antibodies and DNA on bacterial magnetic particles
- Development of a novel immunoassay and drug delivery system using bacterial magnetic particles
- Detection of magnetic particles from migratory animals
- Bioelectronics
- Elucidation of cell - electrode electron transfer reaction
- Electrochemical sterilization of microbial cells using electrode and semiconductor particles
- Electrochemical prevention of biofouling
- Development of biosensor for detection of allergy and cyanide