

Original papers and proceedings are listed here. Papers written in Japanese are also listed.



Amano, S., Shinbutsu, T., Okimoto, Y., Takemasu, T., Kuwabara, T.: Improvement of anti-loosening resistance of locking bolts based on single-coarse-thread/multiple-coarse-thread mechanism by using spring washer between nuts. J. Advanced Joining Processes (accepted)

Hakoyama, T., Hakoyama, C., Kuwabara, T.: Experimental Validation of Non-associated Flow Rule and Hydraulic Bulge Forming Simulation for a 6000 Series Aluminum Alloy Sheet. Int. J. Solids and Struct. 311 (2025) 113218.


Kuwabara, T., Barlat, F.: Deformation Behavior of Aluminum Alloys under Various Stress States: Material Modeling and Testing, Mater. Trans., 65-10 (2024), 1193-1217.

Amano, S., Shinbutsu, T., Okimoto, Y., Takemasu, T., Kuwabara, T.: Optimization of anti-loosening bolt based on double thread mechanism: Development of ground rolling die and effect of thread accuracy on loosening resistance. Heliyon, 10 (2024), e28631.


Kubo, S., Kuwabara, T., Sumiyama, T., Kobayashi, T. Furuichi, K., Nonomura, C.: Measurement and analysis of deformation behavior of thermoplastic elastomer tube subjected to biaxial tensile stress under loading and unloading. Int. J. Mater. Forming, 16 (2023), 27.

Zhang, Y., Yamanaka, A., Cooreman, S., Kuwabara, T., Coppieters, S.: Inverse identification of plastic anisotropy through multiple non-conventional mechanical experiments. Int. J. Solids Struct., 285 (2023), 112534.


Takada, Y., Kuwabara, T., Nonlinear biaxial tensile stress path experiment without intermediate elastic unloading for validation of material model. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 257 (2022), 111777.

Anne Marie Habraken, Toros Arda Aksen, José L. Alves, Rui L. Amaral, Ehssen Betaieb, Nitin Chandola, Luca Corallo, Daniel J. Cruz, Laurent Duchêne, Bernd Engel, Emre Esener, Mehmet Firat, Peter Frohn-Sörensen, Jesús Galán-López, Hadi Ghiabakloo, Leo A. I. Kestens, Junhe Lian, Rakesh Lingam, Wencheng Liu, Jun Ma, Luís F. Menezes, Tuan Nguyen-Minh, Sara S. Miranda, Diogo M. Neto, André F. G. Pereira, Pedro A. Prates, Jonas Reuter, Benoit Revil-Baudard, Carlos Rojas-Ulloa, Bora Sener, Fuhui Shen, Albert Van Bael, Patricia Verleysen, Frederic Barlat, Oana Cazacu, Toshihiko Kuwabara, Augusto Lopes, Marta C. Oliveira, Abel D. Santos & Gabriela Vincze. Analysis of ESAFORM 2021 cup drawing benchmark of an Al alloy, critical factors for accuracy and efficiency of FE simulations. Int. J. Mater. Forming, 15 (2022).

Coppieters, S., Traphöner, H., Stiebert, F., Balan, T. Kuwabara, T., Tekkaya, A.E.: Large strain flow curve identification for sheet metal. J. Mater. Processing Tech., 308 (2022), 117725.

桑原利彦:様々な応力状態における鋼板の変形挙動:材料試験法と材料モデリング,鉄と鋼,108 (2022), 233-248.

Nomura, S. and Kuwabara, T., Material modeling of hot-rolled steel sheet considering differential hardening and hole expansion simulation, ISIJ Int. 62 (2022), 191-199.

Kuwabara, T., Tachibana, R., Takada, Y., Koizumi, T., Coppieters, S., Barlat, F., Effect of hydrostatic stress on the strength differential effect of cold-rolled low carbon steel sheet, Int. J. Mater. Forming, 15 (2022), 13.

Daroju, S., Kuwabara, T., Sharma, R., Fullwood, D.T., Miles, M.P. Knezevic, M., Experimental characterization and crystal plasticity modeling for predicting load reversals in AA6016-T4 and AA7021-T79, Int. J. Plasticity, 153 (2022), 103292.

Daroju, S., Kuwabara, T., Knezevic, M., Experimental characterization and crystal plasticity modeling of dual-phase steels subjected to strain path reversals. Mechanics of Materials, 168 (2022), 104293.


久保漱汰・桑原利彦・住山琢哉・小林琢哉・古市謙次・野々村千里:大ひずみ二軸応力下におけるポリエチレン円管の変形挙動測定と解析,塑性と加工,62-725 (2021),73-78.

Sekiguchi, C., Hakoyama, T., Fukiharu, H., Kuwabara, T., Fracture Prediction for Mild Steel Sheet and High-Strength Steel Sheet Subjected to Draw Bending Using Forming Limit Stress Criterion, J. Materials Proc. Technol., 287 (2021), 116313.


Banabic, D., Barlat, F., Cazacu, O., Kuwabara, T.: Advances in Anisotropy of Plastic Behaviour and Formability of Sheet Metals, International Journal of Material Forming, 13 (2020), 749–787.

乃村峻矢・桑原利彦:異方硬化を考慮した熱延鋼板の材料モデリングと穴広げ成形シミュレーション.鉄と鋼,106-9 (2020),630-639

三宅能安・桑原利彦:5000系アルミニウム合金板の高精度材料モデリングと穴広げ成形シミュレーションの高精度化,軽金属,70-6 (2020),217-224.

Yamanaka, A., Kamijyo, R., Koenuma, K., Watanabe, I., Kuwabara, T.: Deep neural network approach to estimate biaxial stress-strain curves of sheet metals. Materials and Design, 195 (2020) 108970.

Barrett, T.J., Takagi, S., Islam, N., Kuwabara, T., Hassan, T., Kinsey, B.L., Knezevic, M., Korkolis, Y.P., Material modeling and simulation of continuous-bending-under-tension of AA6022-T4. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, (2020), 116658.

Ogasawara, Y., Hakoyama, T., Kuwabara, Y., Hayamizu, H., Ikeda, T., Takeda, H., Barlat, F.: Material Modeling in High Strain Range and Forming Limit Analysis for 6000 Series Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Procedia Manufacturing, 47 (2020), 1270-1273.

肥沼康太・山中晃徳・渡邊育夢・桑原利彦:深層学習を用いたアルミニウム合金板の集合組織に依存した応力-ひずみ曲線とr値の推定,塑性と加工,61-709 (2020),48-55.

乃万暢賢・橋本浩二・前田大輝・桑原利彦:SD効果を考慮した材料モデルによるスプリングバックシミュレーションの高精度化,塑性と加工,61-708 (2020),20-25.


Sekiguchi, C., Hakoyama, T., Fukiharu, H., Kuwabara, T.: Fracture Prediction for Mild Steel Sheet and High-Strength Steel Sheet Subjected to Draw Bending Using Forming Limit Stress Criterion. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. (In press, Available online 24 July 2019)

Breda, A., Coppieters, S., Kuwabara, T., Debruyne, D.: The effect of plastic anisotropy on the calibration of an equivalent model for clinched connections, Thin-Walled Structures, 145 (2019), 106360.

Kiriyama K., Zhang S., Hayashida H., Suzuki J., Kuwabara T.: Development of a biaxial tensile testing machine for pulsed neutron experiments, MethodsX, 6 (2019), 2166-2175.

Coppieters, S., Hakoyama, T., Eyckens, P., Nakano, H., Van Bael, A., Debruyne, D., Kuwabara, T.: On the synergy between physical and virtual sheet metal testing: calibration of anisotropic yield functions using a microstructure-based plasticity model. International Journal of Material Forming, 12 (2019), 741–759.

Lee, J.-Y., Lee, K.-J., Lee., M.-G., Kuwabara, T., Barlat, F.: Numerical modeling for accurate prediction of strain localization in hole expansion of a steel sheet. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 156 (2019), 107-118.


Barlat, F., Kuwabara, T., Korkolis, Y.P., 2018. Anisotropic Plasticity and Application to Plane Stress, in: Altenbach, H., Öchsner, A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 1–22.

Fukumasu, H., Kuwabara, T., Takizawa, H., Yamanaka, A., 2018. Influence of hardening functions on earing prediction in cup drawing of AA3104 aluminum alloy sheet. In: Kuwabara, T., Hama, T., Kuroda, M., Takahashi, S., Yamanaka, A. (Eds), Proceedings 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, Japan. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063 (2018) 012114. doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012114

Shirakami, S., Tsunemi, Y., Yoshida T., Kuwabara, T., 2018. Work-hardening behaviour of sheet steels in large strain regions and its simple approximation. In: Kuwabara, T., Hama, T., Kuroda, M., Takahashi, S., Yamanaka, A. (Eds), Proceedings 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, Japan. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063 (2018) 012107. doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012107

Inoue, T., Takizawa, H., Kuwabara, T., 2018. Practical examples of sheet metal forming simulations using the subroutine library 'UMMDp'. In: Kuwabara, T., Hama, T., Kuroda, M., Takahashi, S., Yamanaka, A. (Eds), Proceedings 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, Japan. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063 (2018) 012102. doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012102

Oide, K., Takizawa, H., Kuwabara, T., 2018. Implementation of anisotropic yield functions into the subroutine library "UMMDp". In: Kuwabara, T., Hama, T., Kuroda, M., Takahashi, S., Yamanaka, A. (Eds), Proceedings 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, Japan. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063 (2018) 012101. doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012101

Ida. T., Takizawa. H., Kuwabara, T., 2018. Development of plug-ins for bridging variables between advanced finite element codes and 'UMMD'. In: Kuwabara, T., Hama, T., Kuroda, M., Takahashi, S., Yamanaka, A. (Eds), Proceedings 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, Japan. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063 (2018) 012100. doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012100

Takizawa, H., Oide, K., Suzuki, K., Yamanashi, T., Inoue, T., Ida, T., Nagai, T., Kuwabara, T., 2018. Development of the User Subroutine Library "Unified Material Model Driver for Plasticity (UMMDp)" for Various Anisotropic Yield Functions. In: Kuwabara, T., Hama, T., Kuroda, M., Takahashi, S., Yamanaka, A. (Eds), Proceedings 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, Japan. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063 (2018) 012099. doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012099

Noma, N., Hashimoto, K., Maeda, T., Kuwabara, T., 2018. High accuracy springback simulation by using material model considering the SD effect. In: Kuwabara, T., Hama, T., Kuroda, M., Takahashi, S., Yamanaka, A. (Eds), Proceedings 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, Japan. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063 (2018) 012096. doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012096

Breda, A., Coppieters, S., Kuwabara, T., Debruyne, D., 2018. The effect of sheet metal anisotropy on the calibration of an equivalent model for clinched connections. In: Kuwabara, T., Hama, T., Kuroda, M., Takahashi, S., Yamanaka, A. (Eds), Proceedings 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, Japan. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063 (2018) 012079. doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012079

Coppieters, S., Hakoyama, T., Debruyne, D., Takahashi, S., Kuwabara, T., 2018. Inverse Yield Locus Identification using a biaxial tension apparatus with link mechanism and displacement fields. In: Kuwabara, T., Hama, T., Kuroda, M., Takahashi, S., Yamanaka, A. (Eds), Proceedings 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, Japan. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063 (2018) 012039. doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012039

Nagano, C., Kuwabara, T., Shimada Y., Kawamura, R.:Measurement of Differential Hardening under Biaxial Stress of Pure Titanium Sheet, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 418 (2018) 012090\

Deng, N., Kuwabara, T., Korkolis, Y.P., On the non-linear unloading behavior of a biaxially loaded dual-phase steel sheet. Int. J. Mech. Sci., 138–139 (2018), 383–397.

Maeda, T., Noma, N., Kuwabara, T., Barlat, F. and Korkolis, Y.P.: Measurement of the Strength Differential Effect of DP980 Steel Sheet and Experimental Validation using Pure Bending Test, J. Mater. Process. Technol., 256 (2018) 247–253.

新仏利仲・天野秀一・竹増光家・志村 穣・坂本 誠・桑原利彦:改良型二重ねじボルトの転造加工と性能評価 ―並一条・並多条二重ねじ機構に基づく緩み止めボルト締結体の開発に関する研究 第2報―,塑性と加工,59-688(2018),71-77.


Sekiguchi, C., Hakoyama, T., Kuwabara, T. and Fukiharu, H.: Development of draw-bending testing method using digital image correlation system, The 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Dublin, Ireland, 26–28 April, 2017, 020012. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1896)

Nakano, H., Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Effect of the determination method of the material parameters on the accuracy of the hole expansion simulation for cold rolled steel sheet, The 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Dublin, Ireland, 26–28 April, 2017, 020014. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1896)

Hakoyama, T., Nakano, H. and Kuwabara, T.: Fracture prediction of hole expansion forming using forming limit stress criterion, The 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Dublin, Ireland, 26–28 April, 2017, 020024. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1896)

Shinbutsu, T., Amano, S., Takemasu, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Thread rolling and performance evaluations of a new anti-loosening double thread bolt combining a single thread and multiple threads, The 12th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Procedia Engineering, 207 (2017), 603-608.

Nagano, C., Yaginuma, Y., Kuwabara, T. and Barlat, F.: Measurement and Analysis of the Elastic-Plastic Deformation Behavior of an Ultra-thin Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet Subjected to In-plane Reverse Loading, The 12th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Procedia Engineering, 207 (2017), 1964-1969.

Maeda, T., Noma, N., Kuwabara, T., Barlat, F. and Korkolis, Y.P.: Experimental Verification of the Tension-Compression Asymmetry of the Flow Stresses of a High Strength Steel Sheet, The 12th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Procedia Engineering, 207 (2017), 1976-1981.

白神 聡・吉田 亨・桑原利彦:単純せん断試験を用いた加工硬化特性評価法と薄鋼板の加工硬化指数ひずみ依存性の定式,鉄と鋼, 103-10 (2017), 589-596.

白神聡・桑原利彦・津留英司:曲げ変形履歴を有する鋼管の内圧下における軸圧縮変形特性と材料モデリング,塑性と加工,58-679 (2017), 692-698.

新仏利仲・天野秀一・竹増光家・桑原利彦:新型二重ねじボルトの転造加工と性能評価 ―並一条・並多条二重ねじ機構に基づく緩み止め ボルト締結体の開発に関する研究 第1報―,塑性と加工,58-676 (2017) ,404-410.

Kuwabara, T., Mori, T., Asano, M., Hakoyama, T., Barlat, F.: Material modeling of 6016-O and 6016-T4 aluminum alloy sheets and application to hole expansion forming simulation. Int. J. Plasticity, 93 (2017), 164-186.

彌永大作・黒田浩一・矢板理志・桑原利彦:予ひずみを受けた継目無鋼管の二軸応力下での塑性変形挙動,塑性と加工,58-674 (2017) ,222-228.

桑原利彦:高強度鋼板の変形特性と材料モデリング, 塑性と加工, 58-673 (2017), 97-98.【説苑】


Hakoyama, T., Kuwabara, T. and Barlat, F.: Effect of the determination method of the material parameters on the accuracy of forming limit analyses for 5000 series aluminum alloy, The 19th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Nantes, France, 27-29 April, 2016, 200009. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1769)

Ishiwatari, A., Sumikawa, S., Hiramoto, J., Kitani, Y. and Kuwabara, T.: Enlargement of measurable strain range in biaxial cruciform test, The 19th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Nantes, France, 27-29 April, 2016, 200002. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1769)

Kuwabara, T., Mori, T., Asano, M., Hakoyama, T., Barlat, F., Material modeling of 6016-O and 6016-T4 aluminum alloy sheets and application to hole expansion forming simulation. International Journal of Plasticity. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2016.10.002

Kuwabara, T., Multiaxial stress testing methods for enhancing the accuracy of the sheet forming simulations. Proc. 9th Forming Technology Forum 2016, Advanced Methods in Material Testing for Sheet Metal Forming. (2016), pp. 69-74, September 12-13, 2016, Ohlstadt, Germany. (Keynote Lecture)

Yamanaka, A., Ishii, Y., Hakoyama, T., Eyckens, P. and Kuwabara, T.: Numerical biaxial tensile test for sheet metal forming simulation of aluminium alloy sheets based on the homogenized crystal plasticity finite element method, Proc. NUMISHEET 2016, Bristol, UK, 4-9 September, 2016, 032005. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 734).

Sekiguchi, C., Hakoyama, T., Kuwabara, T. and Fukiharu, H.: Fracture Prediction for High-strength Steel Sheet Subjected to Draw-bending Using Forming Limit Stress Criterion, Proc. NUMISHEET 2016, Bristol, UK, 4-9 September, 2016, 032012. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 734).

Fukumasu, H., Kuwabara, T. and Takizawa, H.: Influence of material modeling on earing prediction in cup drawing of AA3104 aluminum alloy sheet, Proc. NUMISHEET 2016, Bristol, UK, 4-9 September, 2016, 032022. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 734).

Takizawa, H., Kuwabara, T., Oide, K. and Yoshida, J.: Development of the subroutine library 'UMMDp' for anisotropic yield functions commonly applicable to commercial FEM codes, Proc. NUMISHEET 2016, Bristol, UK, 4-9 September, 2016, 032028. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 734).

Coppieters, S., Hakoyama, T., Denys, K., Debruyne, D. and Kuwabara, T.: Error assessment in post-necking hardening behavior identification of mild steel sheet, Proc. NUMISHEET 2016, Bristol, UK, 4-9 September, 2016, 032060. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 734).

Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Effect of the r-value change on the forming limit analysis for a ultra-low carbon steel sheet, Proc. NUMISHEET 2016, Bristol, UK, 4-9 September, 2016, 032070. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 734).

Zecevic, M., Korkolis, Y.P., Kuwabara, T., Knezevic, M.: Dual-phase steel sheets under cyclic tension-compression to large strains: Experiments and crystal plasticity modeling. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 96 (2016), 65-87.

関口千春・箱山智之・吹春寛・桑原利彦:成形限界応力を用いた軟鋼板および高強度鋼板の曲げ曲げ戻し割れ予測, 塑性と加工, 57-670 (2016)1055-1061.

桑原利彦: 板材の降伏曲面の測定方法, 塑性と加工, 57-669 (2016), 934-939. 【解説】

桑原利彦・瀧澤英男・箱山智之: 金属板材の異方硬化の定式と数値シミュレーションへの適用, 塑性と加工, 57-662 (2016), 181-187. 【解説】

BARLAT Frédéric・桑原利彦: 数理塑性理論における異方性降伏条件式, 塑性と加工, 57-662 (2016), 230-243. 【解説】

Sekiguchi, C., Saito, M., Kuwabara, T. and Fukiharu, H.: Fracture Prediction for Ultralow Carbon Steel Sheet Subjected to Draw-bending Using Forming Limit Stress Criterion, Key Engineering Materials, 665 (2016), 1-4.


Kuwabara, T. and Ichikawa, K: Hole Expansion Simulation Considering the Differential Hardening of a Sheet Metal, Ro. J. Techn. Sci. Appl. Mechanics, 60 (2015), 63-81.

桑原利彦:金属管の二次加工性評価試験方法ハンドブック:二軸バルジ試験方法,A4-1~4;B4-1~9;C1-35~71,(2015),一般社団法人鉄鋼協会 創形創質工学部会 管工学フォーラム.

山中晃徳・橋本圭右・川口順平・桑原利彦・櫻井健夫:均質化結晶塑性有限要素法に基づく数値二軸引張試験を用いた5182アルミニウム合金板の材料モデリングおよび成形シミュレーション,軽金属,65-11 (2015), 561-567.

川口順平・桑原利彦・櫻井健夫:5000系アルミニウム合金板の異方硬化の定式による板材成形シミュレーションの高精度化,軽金属,65-11 (2015), 554-560.

D. Yanaga, K. Kuroda, S. Yaita, T. Kuwabara, Reverse loading tests of steel tube under biaxial stress states, Proc. XIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS XIII), E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen, D. Peric and M. Chiumenti, pp. 101-111, September (2015), Barcelona, Spain.

Coppieters, S., Sumita, S., Yanaga, D., Denys, K., Debruyne, D., Kuwabara, T. (2015). Identification of post-necking strain hardening behavior of pure titanium sheet. SEM 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics. Costa Mesa, USA, 8-11 June.

Debruyne, D., Coppieters, S., Wang, Y., Eyckens, P., Kuwabara, T., Van Bael, A., Van Houtte, P. (2015). Inverse identification of plastic material behavior using multi-scale virtual experiments. SEM 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics. Costa Mesa, USA, 8-11 June.

橋本圭右・山中晃徳・川口順平・櫻井健夫・桑原利彦:均質化法に基づく結晶塑性有限要素法による5000系アルミニウム合金板の二軸引張変形解析と実験検証,軽金属,65-5 (2015), 196-203.

桑原利彦・吉田健吾:軽金属板材の塑性変形特性 ―測定とモデル化の手法―,軽金属,65-5 (2015), 164-173.【解説】

Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T., 2015. Effect of biaxial work hardening modeling for sheet metals on the accuracy of forming limit analyses using the Marciniak-Kuczynski approach. In: Altenbach, H., Matsuda, T. and Okumura, D. (Eds.), From Creep Damage Mechanics to Homogenization Methods. Springer, pp. 67-95.

N. Deng, T. Kuwabara, Y.P. Korkolis, Cruciform Specimen Design and Verification for Constitutive Identification of Anisotropic Sheets, Exp. Mech., 55 (2015), 1005-1022.

石渡亮伸・平本治郎・占部俊明・桑原利彦:曲がりハット材の捩れスプリングバック予測に及ぼす金型・プレス機弾性体モデル化範囲の影響 ―金型弾性変形考慮によるスプリングバック予測の高精度化 第1報―,塑性と加工,56-651(2015), 311-316.

Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Effect of Equivalent Stress-Strain Relation and Differential Hardening on Accuracy of Forming Limit Analyses, Key Engineering Materials, 651-653 (2015) 9-14.

Sekiguchi, C., Saito, M. and Kuwabara, T.: Measurement and Analysis of the Differential Hardening of Ultralow Carbon Steel Sheets, Key Engineering Materials, 651-653 (2015), 552-557.

Shirakami, S., Yonemura, S., Yoshida, T., Suzuki, N. and Kuwabara, T.: Work-Hardening Behavior of Cold Rolled Interstitial-Free Steel Sheet and Dual Phase High Strength Steel Sheet Subjected to Two-Stage, Coaxial and Non-coaxial Tension/Compression, Key Engineering Materials, 651-653 (2015), 83-88.


ISO 16842: 2014 Metallic materials −Sheet and strip −Biaxial tensile testing method using a cruciform test piece

Kuwabara, T., Multiaxial stress tests for metal sheets and tubes for accurate material modeling and forming simulations. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 14-4 (2014), 428-437. (Review paper)"

Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Forming Limit Analyses of Cold Rolled IF Steel Sheet Using Differential Work Hardening Model, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 1246-1251.

Coppieters, S., Ichikawa, K. and Kuwabara, T.: Identification of Strain Hardening Phenomena in Sheet Metal at Large Plastic Strains, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 1288-1293.

Iizuka, E., Hashimoto, K. and Kuwabara, T.: Effects of Anisotropic Yield Functions on the Accuracy of Forming Simulations of Hole Expansion, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 2433-2438.

D. Steglich, X. Tian, J. Bohlen, T. Kuwabara: Mechanical Testing of Thin Sheet Magnesium Alloys in Biaxial Tension and Uniaxial Compression, Experimental Mechanics, 54-7 (2014), 1247-1258. DOI 10.1007/s11340-014-9892-0

Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Forming Limit Analyses of 590 MPa High Strength Steel Sheet Using Differential Work Hardening Model, Key Engineering Materials, 622-623 (2014) 353-358.

S. Coppieters, K. Ichikawa, D. Debruyne, T. Kuwabara: Identification of post-necking hardening behaviour of sheet metal: influence of the yield function, 16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, July 7-11, 2014, Cambridge, UK.

S. Coppieters, T. Kuwabara, Identification of Post-Necking Hardening Phenomena in Ductile Sheet Metal, Exp. Mech., 2014, 54-8 (2014), 1355-1371.DOI 10.1007/s11340-014-9900-4

T. Kuwabara, "MULTIAXIAL STRESS TESTS ON LIGHTWEIGHT MATERIALS IN SUPPORT OF MATERIAL MODELING AND ACCURATE SHEET FORMING SIMULATIONS", Proceedings of 2014 ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2014), June 9-13, 2014, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA (CD-ROM, MSEC2014-4002) <Keynote Lecture >

Kuwabara, T., Biaxial Stress Testing Methods for Sheet Metals. In Comprehensive Materials Processing; Van Tyne, C. J., Ed.; Elsevier Ltd., 2014; Vol. 1, pp 95-111.

Noma, N. and Kuwabara, T.: Material Modeling and Springback Analysis Considering Tension/Compression Asymmetry of Flow Stresses, Key Engineering Materials, 611-612 (2014) 33-40.

Ichikawa, K., Kuwabara, T. and Coppieters, S.: Forming Simulation Considering the Differential Work Hardening Behavior of a Cold Rolled Interstitial-Free Steel Sheet, Key Engineering Materials, 611-612 (2014), 56-61.

花房泰浩・瀧澤英男・桑原利彦:薄肉超小型試験片の単軸駆動式二軸引張試験方法の開発,軽金属,64-4 (2014), 142-148.

桑原利彦:塑性加工解析に必要なFEM 2 材料モデル,塑性と加工,55-639 (2014), 311-316.【解説】

Verma, R.K., Biswas, P., Kuwabara, T., Chung, K., Two stage deformation modeling for DP 780 steel sheet using crystal plasticity, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 604 (2014), 98-102.

Sumita, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Measurement and material modeling of biaxial work-hardening behavior for pure titanium sheet, Proc. NUMISHEET 2014, Melbourne, Australia, 6-10 January, 2014, pp.516-519. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1567).

Coppieters, S., Hakoyama, T., Yanaga, D., Lava, P. and Kuwabara, T.: On stress measurement errors in biaxial tensile testing and the impact on yield surface identification, Proc. NUMISHEET 2014, Melbourne, Australia, 6-10 January, 2014, pp.628-631. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1567).

Coppieters, S., Cooreman, S., Debruyne, D. and Kuwabara, T.: Advances in post-necking flow curve identification of sheet metal through standard tensile testing, Proc. NUMISHEET 2014, Melbourne, Australia, 6-10 January, 2014, pp.632-635. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1567).

Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Measurement of the forming limit stress curve using a multi-axial tube expansion test with a digital image correlation system, Proc. NUMISHEET 2014, Melbourne, Australia, 6-10 January, 2014, pp.636-641. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1567).

彌永大作・瀧澤英男・桑原利彦:6000系アルミニウム合金板の異方硬化の定式と有限要素解析への適用,塑性と加工,55-636 (2014), 55-61.


Saito, M., Kuwabara, T., Fracture Prediction for Sheet Metals Subjected to Draw-Bending Using Forming Limit Stress Criterion, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2013), November 15-21, 2013, San Diego, California, USA. (CD-ROM)

ISO/DIS 16842: Metallic materials -- Sheet and strip -- Biaxialtensile testing method using cruciform specimen[2013年9月18日に開催されたISO/TC164/SC2会議(Haarlem, Netherland)にてFDIS投票に進めることが承認されました.]

Kuwabara, T., Advanced Material Testing in Support of Accurate Sheet Metal Forming Simulations, The 11th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (NUMIFORM 2013), Shenyang, China, 6~10 July, 2013. AIP Conference Proc. 1532, (2013), pp. 69-80; doi: 10.1063/1.4806810. [KEYNOTE PAPER]

箱山智之・菅原史法・桑原利彦:二軸バルジ試験法による高強度鋼板の加工硬化特性の測定と材料モデリング,塑性と加工,54-630 (2013), 628-634.

Chiba, R. Takeuchi, H., Kuroda, M., Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Theoretical and experimental study of forming-limit strain of half-hard AA1100 aluminium alloy sheet, Computational Materials Science, 77 (2013) 61-71.

桑原利彦:多軸応力試験方法の活用による板成形シミュレーションの高精度化,素形材,54-4 (2013),9-15.【解説】

Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Material Modeling of High Strength Steel Sheet Using Multiaxial Tube Expansion Test with Optical Strain Measurement System, Key Engineering Materials, 554-557 (2013), 139-144.

ISO/DIS 16842: Metallic materials -- Sheet and strip -- Biaxialtensile testing method using cruciform specimen(2013年4月12日に正式にDIS承認されました)

桑原利彦:板材成形シミュレーションの高精度化に資する材料試験方法と材料モデリング,塑性と加工,54-624 (2013), 18-24. 【解説】

菅原史法・桑原利彦:金属板材の大ひずみ二軸応力−ひずみ曲線の連続測定を可能とする二軸バルジ試験機の開発,塑性と加工,54-624 (2013), 57-63.

Kuwabara, T. and Sugawara, F., Multiaxial tube expansion test method for measurement of sheet metal deformation behavior under biaxial tension for a large strain range, Int. J. Plasticity, 45 (2013), 103-118.

Hanabusa, Y., Takizawa, H. and Kuwabara, T., Numerical verification of a biaxial tensile test method using a cruciform specimen, J. Mater. Processing Technol., 213-6 (2013), 961-970.

Verma, R.K., Kumar, A., Manikandan, G., Kuwabara, T., Modelling anisotropic hardening of an ultra low carbon high strength steel using crystal plasticity, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 559 (2013) 359-363.


Sugawara, F., Kuwabara, T., Stoughton, T.B.: Continuous measurement of anisotropic work hardening behavior of cold rolled if steel sheet under large stain using multiaxial tube expansion test. In: Narasimhan, K. (Ed.), Proc. IDDRG 2012, November 26-28, 2012, Mumbai, India, pp.485-491.

Noma, N. and Kuwabara, T.: Specimen Geometry Optimization for In-plane Reverse Loading Test of Sheet Metal and Experimental Validation, Steel Research International, Special Edition: 14th Metal Forming, 1283-1286.

Kuwabara, T.: Material testing in support of constitutive modeling and forming simulations. In: Narasimhan, K. (Ed.), Proc. IDDRG 2012, November 26-28, 2012, Mumbai, India, pp.24-33. <Plenary Lecture>

Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Measurement and analysis of biaxial deformation behavior of high strength steel sheet using multiaxial tube expansion testing method. Int. Workshop on High Performance Steels, Bengal Engineering and Science University, November 20-22, 2012, Shibpur, India. <Invited Lecture>

Ander, M.O., Kuwabara, T. and Steglich, D., Description of anisotropy and yield differential effects for az31 mg sheet using cazacu 2004 yield criterion, J. JSEM, 12 (2012), S151-S156.

Steglich, D., Jeong, Y., Andar, M.O., Kuwabara, T., Biaxial deformation behaviour of AZ31 magnesium alloy: crystal-plasticity-based prediction and experimental validation, Int. J. Solids and Structures, 49 (2012), 3551-3561.

Sugawara, F., Kuwabara, T.: Multiaxial tube expansion testing method for measuring forming limit strains and stresses of sheet metals under biaxial tension, Proceedings of the 5th Forming Technology Forum Zurich 2012, June 5-6, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland, 81-86.

Kuwabara, T., Yoshida K. and Sugawara, F., "Forming limits of metal sheets and tubes: analysis method and experimental validation," 9th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON FRACTURE, August 26-31, 2012, Kazan, Russia (to be presented) <Plenary lecture>

Yanaga, D., Kuwabara, T., Uema, N., Asano, M.: Biaxial work hardening characteristics of 6000 series aluminum alloy sheet for large strain range. Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2012), June 4-8, 2012, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. (CD-ROM)

Kuwabara, T., Yoshida K. and Yanaga, D., Material testing and modeling of aluminum alloy sheet in support of forming simulations. In: Hasso Weiland, Anthony D. Rollett, William A. Cassada (Eds.), 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA13), June 3-7, 2012, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), Pittsburgh, USA, pp. 665-674. <Invited lecture>

Andar, M. O., Kuwabara, T. and Steglich, D., Material modeling of AZ31 Mg sheet considering variation of r-values and asymmetry of the yield locus, Materials Science and Engineering A, 549 (2012), 82-92.

Yanaga, D., Kuwabara, T., Uema, N., Asano, M., Material modeling of 6000 series aluminum alloy sheets with different density cube textures and effect on the accuracy of finite element simulation, Int. J. Solids and Structures, 49(2012), 3488-3495.

乃万暢賢・桑原利彦:面内圧縮試験における試験片形状の数値解析的検討と実験検証,塑性と加工,53-617 (2012),574-579.

Hakoyama, T. and Kuwabara, T.: Biaxial Tensile Test of High Strength Steel Sheet for Large Plastic Strain Range, Key Engineering Materials, 504-506 (2012), 59-64.

桑原利彦・江夏亮太朗・山岸駿介・菅原史法:二軸バルジ試験による冷延IF鋼板の加工硬化特性の測定と材料モデリング,鉄と鋼,98-6 (2012),275-282.

彌永大作・桑原利彦・上間直幸・浅野峰生:異方性降伏関数を用いた6000系アルミニウム合金板の液圧バルジ成形シミュレーションと実験検証,軽金属,62-1 (2012), 7-13.


Kuwabara, T. and Nakajima, T.: Material Modeling of 980MPa Dual Phase Steel Sheet Based on Biaxial Tensile Test and In-plane Stress Reversal Test, J. Solid Mech. Mater. Eng., 5-12 (2011), 709-720.

Mohammad Omar ANDAR, Toshihiko KUWABARA, and Dirk STEGLICH: Description of Anisotropy and Yield Differential Effectsfor AZ31 Mg Sheet Using Cazacu 2004 Yield Criterion, Proc. ISEM '11, Osaka, Japan, 3-5 November, 2011, (CD-ROM).

Nobuyasu Noma and Toshihiko Kuwabara: Effect of Analysis Conditions on the Accuracy of Springback Simulation in Draw-bending of High Strength Steel Sheet and Experimental Validation, Steel Research International, Special Edition: 10th ICTP 2011, Aachen, Germany, 25-30 September, 2011, pp. 349-354.

Taejoon Park, Dong-Yoon Seok, Chul-Hwan Lee, Nobuyasu Noma,Toshihiko Kuwabara, Thomas B. Stoughton and Kwansoo Chung: Two-surface plasticity Model and Its Application to Springback Simulation of Automotive Advanced High Strength Steel Sheets, Proc. NUMISHEET 2011, Seoul, Korea, 21-26 August, 2011, pp.1175-1183. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1383).

Rahul K. Verma, Yuki Ogihara, Toshihiko Kuwabara, Kwansoo Chung: Non-proportional/Nonmonotonous Deformation Modeling of an Ultra High-Strength Automotive Steel Sheet, Proc. NUMISHEET 2011, Seoul, Korea, 21-26 August, 2011, pp.202-209. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1383).

Ryotaro Enatsu and Toshihiko Kuwabara: Biaxial Tensile Test of Cold Rolled IF Steel Sheet for Large Plastic Strain Range, Proc. NUMISHEET 2011, Seoul, Korea, 21-26 August, 2011, pp.565-570. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1383).

Daisaku Yanaga, Toshihiko Kuwabara, Naoyuki Uema and Mineo Asano: Material Modeling of 6000 Series Aluminum Alloy Sheets with Different Density Cube Textures and Effect on the Accuracy of Finite Element Simulation, Proc. NUMISHEET 2011, Seoul, Korea, 21-26 August, 2011, pp.800-806. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1383).

Sugawara, F., Yoshida, K. and Kuwabara, T.: Variation of mechanical properties in cold rolled steel sheet and its effect on the prediction of forming limit curves, Proc. IDDRG 2011, 5-8 June, 2011, Bilbao, Spain <CD-ROM>.

R.K. Verma, N. Noma, K. Chung and T. Kuwabara: Draw-bending analysis of a cold rolled DP980 steel sheet, The 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, the Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom, 27-29th April 2011, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1353, 1-1 (2011), 1405-1410.

T. Sumita, T. Kuwabara and Y. Hayashida: Measurement of work hardening behavior of pure titanium sheet using a servo- controlled tube bulge testing apparatus, The 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, the Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom, 27-29th April 2011, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1353, 1-1 (2011), 1423-1428.

M. Ishiki, T. Kuwabara, Y. Hayashida, Measurement and analysis of differential work hardening behavior of pure titanium sheet using spline function, Int. J. Mater. Forming, 4-2 (2011), 193-204.

桑原利彦:3-1 塑性異方性, ひずみ経路依存性,二軸応力負荷でのSS曲線,鉄鋼材料の加工硬化特性への新たな要求と基礎研究―加工硬化研究の最前線―,(社)日本鉄鋼協会 材料の組織と特性部会 加工硬化特性と組織研究会,(2011),pp.159-169.【解説記事】

G. Gilles, W. Hammami, V. Libertiaux, O. Cazacu, J.H. Yoon, T. Kuwabara, A.M. Habraken and L.Duchene: Experimental characterization and elasto-plastic modeling of the quasi-static mechanical response of TA-6 V at room temperatire, Int. J. Solids and Structures, 48-9 (2011), 1277-1289.

Rahul K. Verma, Kwansoo CHUNG and Toshihiko KUWABARA: Effect of Pre-strain on Anisotropic Hardening and Springback Behavior of an Ultra Low Carbon Automotive Steel, ISIJ International, 51-3 (2011), 482-490.

花房泰浩・瀧澤英男・桑原利彦:十字形試験片を用いた二軸応力試験の数値解析的検証,塑性と加工,52‐601 (2011),282-287.

桑原利彦・黒田充紀・高橋 進・高村正人・瀧澤英男・森謙一郎:計算塑性力学―50年の足跡と将来像―,塑性と加工,52-600 (2011), 88-95.【解説】

Kuwabara, T., Hashimoto, K. Iizuka, E. and Yoon J.W., Effect of anisotropic yield functions on the accuracy of hole expansion simulations, J. Mater. Processing Technol., 211 (2011), 475-481.

Verma, R. K., Kuwabara, T., Chung, K. and Haldar, A., Experimental evaluation and constitutive modeling of non-proportional deformation for asymmetric steels, Int. J. Plasticity, 27 (2011), 82-101.


Ander, M.O., Steglich, D. and Kuwabara, T.: Measurement and analysis of the biaxial loading and unloading behavior of AZ31 Mg alloy sheet, Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT2010), Eds., Chinesta, F., Chastel, Y. and Mansori, M. El., (2010), pp. 75-80.

Noma, N. and Kuwabara, T.: Springback analysis of draw-bending of 980 MPa cold rolled steel sheet and its experimental validation, Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT2010), Eds., Chinesta, F., Chastel, Y. and Mansori, M. El., (2010), pp. 1485-1490.

Sugawara, F., Yoshida, K., Kuwabara, Taomoto, N. and Yanagi, N.: Forming limit prediction of sheet metals subjected to combined loading using forming limit stress curve, Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT2010), Eds., Chinesta, F., Chastel, Y. and Mansori, M. El., (2010), pp. 383-388.

Banabic D., Barlat, F., Cazacu, O. and Kuwabara, T.: Advances in anisotropy and formability, Int. J. Mater. Form., 3 (2010), 165-189. <Review paper>

Hanabusa, Y., Takizawa, H. and Kuwabara, T.: Evaluation of accuracy of stress measurements determined in biaxial stress test s with cruciform specimen using numerical method, Steel Research Int., 81-9 (2010), 1376-1379.

Moriya, T., Kuwabara, T., Kimura, S. and Takahashi, S.: Effect of anisotropic yield function on the predictive accuracy of s urface deflection of automotive outer panels, Steel Research Int., 81-9 (2010), 1384-1387.

Nagayasu, T., Takahashi, S. and Kuwabara T.: Development of compact biaxial tensile testing apparatus using conventional compression testing machine and evaluation of the test results, Proc. IDDRG 2010, May 31-June 2, 2010, Graz, Austria, pp.593-602.

Saito, R., Kuwabara, T. and Iizuka, E.: Material modeling of 980MPa dual phase steel sheet based on biaxial tensile test and in -plane stress reversal test, Proc. IDDRG 2010, May 31-June 2, 2010, Graz, Austria, pp.669-678.

Hashimoto, K., Kuwabara, T., Iizuka, E. and J.W. Yoon: Hole expansion simulation of high strength steel sheet, The 13th Interna tional ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming - ESAFORM 2010, Brescia, Italy, April 7-9, 2010 (CD-ROM)

橋本一真・桑原利彦・飯塚栄治・Jeong-Whan YOON:590MPa級冷延鋼板の穴広げ成形シミュレーションの解析精度に及ぼす異方性降伏 関数の影響,鉄と鋼,96-9 (2010), 557-563.

桑原利彦:四角筒容器多段絞り金型の自動設計,塑性と加工,51-592 (2010), 385-389. 【解説】

Andar, M.O., Kuwabara, T., Yonemura, S., Uenishi, A.: Elastic-plastic and inelastic characteristics of high strength ste el sheets under biaxial loading and unloading, ISIJ, 50-4 (2010), 613-619.

守屋岳志・桑原利彦・木村星香・高橋 進:自動車外板部品の面ひずみ予測精度に及ぼす異方性降伏関数の影響,塑性と加工,51-588 (2010),43-49.


ANDAR, M., Kuwabara, T., Yonemura, S., Uenishi, A., Elastic and Inelastic Behavior of High Strength Steel Alloys after Prestraining and Bake hardening under Biaxial Loading and Unloading, Proc.The 2nd International Symposium on Steel Science, (2009), 21-24 October・009, Kyoto, Japan.

Murakoso, S. and Kuwabara T.: Measurement and Analysis of Ultra-Thin Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet under Biaxial Tensile Loading and In- Plane Reverse Loading, J. Solid Mech. Mater. Eng., 3-12 (2009), 1330-1339.

桑原利彦・齋藤怜奈・平野孝明・大橋信昭:電子部品用SUS304ステンレス鋼板の引張/圧縮応力の非対称性とその曲げおよびスプリングバ ック挙動への影響,鉄と鋼,95-11(2009),732-739.

桑原利彦・橋本一真・飯塚栄治・Jeong-Whan YOON:穴広げ成形シミュレーションの解析精度に及ぼす異方性降伏関数の影響,塑性と加工,50-585(2009),925-930.

Yoshida, K., Kuwabara, T.: Stress-Based Forming Limit Criterion for Tube Hydroforming, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Tube Hydrofor ming (TUBEHYDRO 2009), (2009), pp.36-47, September 6-9, 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. [Plenary lecture]

Kuwabara, T., Takada, K.: Formability Evaluation of AZ31 Magnesium Tube under Warm Temperatures, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Tub e Hydroforming (TUBEHYDRO 2009), (2009), pp.67-72, September 6-9, 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Kimura, T., Isogai, E., Kuwabara, T., Constitutive Modeling of Ultra-Low Carbon Steel Sheet Based on Biaxial Stress Tests, P roc. 2nd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing, (2009), 1-3 June, 2009, Batu Ferringhi Penang, Malaysia. (CD-ROM)

Hashimoto, K, Kuwabara, T., Iizuka, E., Yoon, J. W., Effects of Anisotropic Yield Functions on the Accuracy of Forming Simul ations of Bore Expansion, Proc. 2nd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing, (2009), 1-3 June, 2009, Batu Ferringhi Penang, Malaysia. (CD-ROM)

Murakoso, S. and Kuwabara, T.: Measurement and Analysis of Ultra-Thin Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet under Biaxial Tensile Loading and In-Plane Reverse Loading, Proc. 2nd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing, (2009), 1-3 June, 2009, Batu Ferringhi Penang, Malaysia. (CD-ROM)

Kuwabara, T., Saito, R., Hirano, T., Oohashi, N.: Tension-Compression Asymmetry in Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloys for Ele ctronic Parts and Its Effect on Springback Behavior, Proc. 2nd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing, (2009), 1-3 June, 2009, Batu Ferringhi Penang, Malaysia. (CD-ROM)

L. Delannay, M.A. Melchior, J.W. Signorelli, J.-F. Remacle and T. Kuwabara: Influence of grain shape on the planar anisotrop y of rolled steel sheets - evaluation of three models, Computational Materials Science, 45 (2009), 739-743.

Kuwabara, T., Kumano, Y., Ziegelheim, J., Kurosaki, I, Tension-Compression Asymmetry of Phosphor Bronze for Electronic Parts and its Effect on Bending Behavior, Int. J. Plasticity, 25 (2009), 1759-1776.

伊敷万太郎・桑原利彦・山口誠・前田恭志・林田康宏・逸見義男:面内2軸応力下における純チタン板の異方硬化挙動,機論(A),75-752 ( 2009),491-500.


Igura, M., Okazaki, M., Kimura, Ohmi, M., Kuwabara, T., Syuno, M., Diverse Utilization of Sago Starch-Extraction Residue - Production of Biodegradable Plastics by Esterification, Sago: its Potential in Food and Industry, Proc. 9th Int. Sago Symp., Eds. Y. Toyoda, M. Okazaki, M. Quevedo and J. Bacusmo, (2008), TUAT Press, Tokyo.

M. Ishiki, T. Kuwabara, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Maeda and Y. Hayashida. : Differential Work Hardening Behavior of Pure Tita nium Sheet under Biaxial Loading: Proceedings of the 7th International conference and workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 1-5, (2008), 161-166.

日刊工業新聞 JIMTOF2008特集号(10月30日発行) 寄稿原稿


Kuwabara, T., Effect of anisotropic yield function on the accuracy of springback simulation, Proc. Int. Symposium

Takeshi MORIYA, Susumu TAKAHASHI and Toshihiko KUWABARA : Development of forming condition optimization methodology for automotive parts in deep drawing process, ICTP 2008, Gyeongju, Korea, September 7-11, (2008), 1443-1448 (CD-ROM).

Mohammad Omar Ander, Toshihiko Kuwabara, Shigeru Yonemura, Akihiro Uenishi : Biaxial tnsile experiments of high strength steel alloys, ICTP 2008, Gyeongju, Korea, September 7-11, (2008), 2271-2276 (CD-ROM).

桑原利彦・井上裕之・花房泰浩・瀧澤英男・伊藤隆一:2軸応力試験によるアルミニウム飲料缶の変形および破断強度の異方性の測定,軽金 属, 58-9 (2008), 449-455.


Tsuru, E., Yoshida, K., Shirakami, S., Kuwabara, T.,Numerical Simulation of Buckling Resistance for UOE Line Pipes with Orthogonal Anisotropic Hardening Behavior, Proc. ISOPE 2008, Vancouver, Canada, July 6-11, (2008), 104-110.

T. Kuwabara, Y. Horiuchi, N. Uema and J. Ziegelheimova: Material Testing Method of Applying In-Plane Combined Tension-Compre ssion Stresses to Sheet Specimen, Proc. IDDRG '08, Olofstrom, Sweden, June 16-18, 2008, pp.163-171.

T. Kuwabara and Y. Horiuchi, Determining Subsequent Yield Surface of Pure Titanium Sheet by Use of Abrupt Strain Path Change , 11th ESAFORM2008 conference on material forming. Lyon, France, April 23-25, 2008. (CD-ROM)

M. Yamamoto and T. Kuwabara, Micro Form Rolling: Imprinting ability of Microgrooves on metal shafts, J. Mater. Process. Technol., 201 (2008), 232-236.

桑原利彦・熊野温・インドラ ジーゲルハイム・黒崎郁也,電子部品用りん青銅板の引張・圧縮特性の差異とその曲げ変形特性への影響,塑性と加工,49-564(2008),76-81.


IGURA, M., OKAZAKI, M., KIMURA, S. D., TOYOTA, K., OHMI, M., KUWABARA, T., SYUNO, M.: Tensile Strength Characteristics of Biodegradable Plastics Made from Sago Starch-Extraction Residue, SAGO PALM, 15 (2007), 1-8.

ISHIKI,M., KUWABARA,T., YAMAGUCHI,M., Maeda,Y,. Hayashida,Y.: Anisotropic Behavior of Pure-titanium Sheet under Biaxial Tens ion, Ti-2007 Science and Technology, Eds. M. Ninomi, S. Akiyama, M. Ikeda, M. Hagiwara, K. Maruyama(11th the World Conferenc e on Titanium, June 04-07, 2007), Volume I, 211-214 .

桑原利彦・堀内義雅・上間直幸・ヤナ ジーゲルハイモヴァ,金属薄板の面内に引張圧縮組合せ応力を負荷する材料試験法,塑性と加工,48-558(2007),630-634.

D. Banabic, F. Barlat, O. Cazacu, T. Kuwabara: Anisotropy and Formability, In: Advances in Material Forming -Esaform 10 year s on-, F. Chinesta and E. Cueto (Eds.), (2007), pp. 143-173, Springer.

T. Kuwabara, Y. Horiuchi, N. Uema, J. Ziegelheimova: "Material Testing Method of Applying In-Plane Combined Tension-Compress ion Stresses to Sheet Specimen", the 13th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Applications, Alyeska(Alaska), June 2-6, 2007, 217-219. (CD-ROM) <Key note lecture>

Yoshida, K, Kuwabara, T., Kuroda, M. : Path-dependence of the forming limit stresses in a sheet metal, Int. J. Plasticity, 23-3 (2007), 361-384.

Kuwabara, T.: Advances in experiments on metal sheets and tubes in support of constitutive modeling and forming simulations, Int. J. Plasticity, 23-3 (2007), 385-419.

Yoshida, K., Kuwabara, T., Effect of strain hardening behavior on forming limit stresses of steel tube subjected to nonproportional loading paths, Int. J. Plasticity, 23-7 (2007), 1260-1284.


竹増光家・三浦秀士・臼木理倫・山本昌人・桑原利彦,金属射出成形材へのマイクロオーダー微細溝の圧印加工,紛体および粉末冶金,53(2006), 725-730.

J. Ziegelheimova, J. Ziegelheim, T. Kuwabara, Y. Tanaka: "Measurement of deformation at tip of the crack by using micro-electro discharging machine", the 12th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Applications, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 2006, 376-378. (CD-ROM)

K. Yoshida and T. Kuwabara: "Experimental verification of path-dependence of forming limit stress for a steel tube", the 12th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Applications, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 2006, 106-108. (CD-ROM)

T. Kuwabara and K. Yoshida: "Material modeling and forming limit analysis of a steel tube based on multiaxial loading experiment", the 12th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Applications, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 2006, 49-51. (CD-ROM)

桑原利彦・梅村昌史・吉田健吾・黒田充紀・平野清一・菊田良成:Mg量の異なる5000系アルミニウム合金板の成形限界ひずみ,軽金属,56-6 (2006), 323-328.

山本昌人・桑原利彦・新仏利仲・竹増光家・天野秀一・菱田典明:マイクロオーダー微細溝の転造加工,―流体動圧軸受のヘリングボーン溝の試作―,塑性と加工, 47-546 (2006), 616-621.

J. Ziegelheimova, J. Ziegelheim, T. Kuwabara, Y. Tanaka,: "The measurement of deformation in micro-region by using micro-electro discharging machine", 5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design (AED 2006), 11-14 June 2006, Prague, Czech Republic. (CD-ROM)

高村正人・大浦 賢一・須長秀行・桑原利彦・牧野内昭武・Cristian TEODOSIU:静的陽解法FEMによる金型弾性変形を考慮した板成形シミュレーション,塑性と加工,47-540 (2006), 64-68.

M. Yamamoto, T. Kuwabara, T. Shinbutsu, T. Takemasu, S. Amano and N. Hishida, Form rolling of micro grooves on metal shafts, Proc. 9th ESAFORM Conf., Glasgow, UK, April 26-28, 2006, pp.559-562.

吉田健吾・桑原利彦:鋼管の成形限界応力のひずみ経路依存性に及ぼすひずみ硬化挙動の影響,鉄と鋼,92-1 (2006),36-45.


Park, J.G., Kim, Y.S., Kuwabara, T., You, B.S., Plastic Deformation Characteristics of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet, Trans. Ma ter. Processing, 14-6 (2005), 520-526. (in Korean)

Yoshida, K, Kuwabara, T., Narihara, K. and Takahashi, S.: Experimental verification of the path-independence of forming limit stresses, International Journal of Forming Processes, 8-SI (2005), 283-298.

Yoshida, K., Kuwabara: Experimental and Analytical Investigation on the Forming Limits of Aluminum Alloy Tube, Advanced Tehnology of Plasticity 2005 Proc. of the 8th ICTP, Verona, Italy, (2005) , 547-548.

桑原利彦・森口恭介:簡易液圧バルジ試験法による鋼管の成形性評価,鉄と鋼,91-12 (2005), 868-874.

吉田健吾・桑原利彦・黒田充紀:成形限界応力のひずみ経路依存性,塑性と加工,46-537 (2005),982-988

Kumazawa, H., Susuki, I, Morita, T and Kuwabara, T., "Mechanical properties of coated plain weave fabrics under biaxial loads", Trans. Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 48-160 (2005), 117-123.

T. Kuwabara: Advances of Plasticity Experiments on Metal Sheets and Tubes and Their Applications to Constitutive Modeling, Proc. NUMISHEET 2005, Detroit, Michigan, 15-19 August 2005, pp.20-39. (AIP Conference Proceedongs, Volume 778) <Invited lecture>

K. Yoshida and T. Kuwabara: Forming Limit Stresses of Sheet Metal under Proportional and Combined Loadings, Proc. NUMISHEET 2005, Detroit, Michigan, 15-19 August 2005, pp.478-483. (AIP Conference Proceedongs, Volume 778)

T. Kuwabara, M. Umemura, K. Yoshida, M. Kuroda and S. Hirano, Forming limits of 5000 series aluminum alloys with different magnesium contents, Proc. 8th ESAFORM Conf., Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 27-29, 2005, pp. 399-402.

T. Kuwabara, K. Yoshida, K. Narihara, S. Takahashi, Anisotropic plastic deformation of extruded aluminum alloy tube under axial forces and internal pressure, Int. J. Plasticity, 21-1 (2005), pp 101-117


熊澤 寿・薄 一平・森田智和・桑原利彦:2軸荷重下におけるコーテッド平織膜材料の力学特性,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,52-608 (2004), pp.402-407.

池田聡・桑原利彦:2軸引張応力下におけるIF鋼板および低炭素鋼板の加工硬化挙動,鉄と鋼,90-12 (2004), 1016-1022.

Banabic D., Kuwabara T., Balan T., Comsa D.S.: An anisotropic yield criterion for sheet metals, J. Mat. Proc. Technol. 157-158 (2004), 462-465.

吉田健吾・桑原利彦・成原浩二・高橋 進,応力を基準としたアルミニウム合金管の成形限界,塑性と加工,45-517 (2004), 123-128.

K. Yoshida, T. Kuwabara, S. Takahashi, Experimental study of the forming limits for A5154-H112 extruded tubes having various biaxial stress paths, Proc. 7th ESAFORM Conf., Trondheim, Norway, April 28-30, 2004, pp. 503-506.

M. Yamamoto, T. Kuwabara, M. Ohminato, H. Takano, T. Yamada and M. Kubota, Multistage Deep Drawing Simulation and Experimental Validation, Proc. 7th ESAFORM Conf., Trondheim, Norway, April 28-30, 2004, pp.773-776.

T. Kuwabara , Y. Asano, S. Ikeda, H. Hayashi, An evaluation method for springback characteristics of sheet metals based on a stretch bending test, Proc. IDDRG '04, Sindelfingrn, Germany, May 24-26, 2004, pp.55-64.

T. Kuwabara, S. Ikeda, and Y. Asano, Effect of Anisotropic Yield Functions on The Accuracy of Springback Simulation, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Columbus, Ohio, 13-17 June, (2004), pp.887-892.

Masato Takamura, Kenichi Ohura, Hideyuki Sunaga, Toshihiko Kuwabara, Akitake Makinouchi, and Cristian Teodosiu, Sheet Forming Simulation Using Static FEM Program Coupled with Elastic Deformation of Tools, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Columbus, Ohio, 13-17 June, (2004), pp.940-945.


Banabic D., Kuwabara T., Balan T., Comsa D.S. and Julean, D.: Non -Quadratic yield criterion for orthotropic sheet metals under plane-stress conditions, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 45-5 (2003), 797-811.

T. Kuwabara, M. Ishiki, M. Kuroda, S. Takahashi, Yield Locus and Work-Hardening Behavior of a Thin-Walled Steel Tube Subjected to Combined Tension-Internal Pressure, Journal de Physique IV, 105 (2003), 347-354.

S. Ikeda and T. Kuwabara: Work Hardening of Biaxially Loaded IF and Low Carbon steels, Proc. Int. Forum for the Properties and Applications of IF Steels (IF Steel 2003), ed. Takechi, H., (2003), pp.102-105, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.

T. Kuwabara: Mechanical Properties of IF Steels: Yield Locus, Differential Hardening, and Bauschinger and Strength Differential Effects, Proc. Int. Forum for the Properties and Applications of IF Steels (IF Steel 2003), ed. Takechi, H., (2003), pp.92-101, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. <Key note lecture>

T. Kuwabara, K. Narihara, K. Yoshida and S. Takahashi: Measurement and Analysis of Work Hardening Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy Tubes Subjected to Axial Force and Internal Pressure, Proc. 6th Int. ESAFORM Conf. on Material Forming, ed Brucato, V., Salerno, April 28-30, (2003), pp. 475-478. (Nova Ikpsa Editore, Italy)

桑原利彦・成原浩二・吉田健吾・高橋 進:軸力と内圧を受ける5000系アルミニウム合金管の塑性変形特性の測定と解析,塑性と加工, 44-506 (2003), 281-286.

T. Kuwabara1, D.S. Comsa, D. Banabic and E. Iizuka: Modeling Anisotropic Behavior for Steel Sheets Using Different Yield Criteria, Key Engng. Mat., 233-236 (2003), 841-846.


山村直人・桑原利彦・牧野内昭武:シェル要素による引張り曲げ変形のスプリングバック解析とその精度評価―不つり合い力補正手法を導入した静的陽解法FEMによる板材成形のスプリングバック解析 第2報―, 塑性と加工 43-502 (2002), 1066-1071.

M. Takamura, H. Sunaga, T. Kuwabara, and A. Makinouchi: Springback simulation of automotive front fender panel in multi- operation stamping process using static-explicit FEM code, Proc. NUMISHEET 2002 Conf., (2002), pp.379-384.

S. Ikeda and T. Kuwabara: Measurement and analysis of work hardening of sheet metals under plane-strain tension, Proc. NUMISHEET 2002 Conf. (2002), pp.97-102.

N. Yamamura, T. Kuwabara and A. Makinouchi: Springback Simulations for Stretch-bending and Draw-bending Processes Using the Static Explicit FEM Code, with an Algorithm for Canceling Non-equilibrated Forces, Proc. NUMISHEET 2002 Conf., (2002), pp.25-30.

T. Kuwabara, M. Ishiki, M. Kuroda, S. Takahashi, Yield Locus and Work-Hardening Behavior of a Thin-Walled Steel Tube Subjected to Combined Tension-Internal Pressure, 6th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC6), NON LINEAR MECHANICS OF ANISOTROPIC MATERIALS, Ed. S. Cescotto, Liege-Belgium September 9-12, 2002, pp.233-240.

M. Kuroda and T. Kuwabara: Shear-band development in polycrystalline metal with strength-differential effect and plastic volume expansion, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 458 (2002), 2243-2259.

T. Kuwabara, A. Van Bael, E. Iizuka: Measurement and Analysis of Yield Locus and Work Hardening Characteristics of Steel Sheets with Different R-values, Acta Mater., 50/14 (2002), 3717-3729

山村直人・桑原利彦・牧野内昭武・C. Teodociu:シェル要素による純曲げ変形のスプリングバック解析とその精度評価―不つり合い力補正手法を導入した静的陽解法FEMによる板材成形のスプリングバック解析 第1報―, 塑性と加工, 43-496 (2002),432-438.

桑原利彦・池田聡:平面ひずみ引張を受ける鋼板の加工硬化特性の測定と解析,鉄と鋼,88-6 (2002), 334-339.

T. Kuwabara and S. Ikeda: Plane-strain tension test of steel sheet using servo-controlled biaxial tensile testing machine, Proc. 5th Int. ESAFORM Conf. on Material Forming, eds M. Pietrzyk, Z. Mitura and J. Kaczmar, Krakow, April 14-07, (2002), pp. 499-502. (Akapit, Krakow)

Kuwabara, T., Kuroda, S. Hiwatashi and H. Yoshida, "STRENGTH-DIFFERENTIAL EFFECT IN DUAL-PHASE AND INTERSTITIAL-FREE STEEL SHEETS", Proc. Plasticity 2002: The Ninth Int. Symp. on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, ed. A.S. Khan, (2002), pp.325-327, Neat Press.


T. Kuwabara, K. Nagata, T. Nakako: "Measurement and analysis of the Bauschinger effect of sheet metals subjected to in-plane stress reversals", Proc. Int. Conf. Advanced Materials and Processing Technol., Madrid, Spain, 18-21 September, 1 (2001), pp.407-414.

T. Kuwabara, C. Katami, M. Kikuchi, T. Shindo and T. Ohwue, "Cup drawing of pure titanium sheet -finite element analysis and experimental validation-", Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Toyahashi, JAPAN, 18-20 June, (2001), pp.781-787.

N. Yamamura, T. Kuwabara, A. Makinouchi and C. Teodosiu, "Springback simulation by the static explicit FEM code, using a new algorithm for canceling the non-equilibrated forces", Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Toyahashi, JAPAN, 18-20 June, (2001), pp.699-704.

桑原利彦・山田修也・飯塚栄治・比良隆明:2軸引張試験による各種鋼板の塑性変形特性の測定と解析,鉄と鋼,87-4 (2001),198-204.


D. Banabic, T. KUWABARA, T. and Balan, EVALUATION OF AN ANISOTROPIC YIELD CRITERION, Proc. Romanian Academy, Series A, 1-3 (2000), 177-181.

KUWABARA, T., Kuroda, M., Tvergaard, V., and Nomura, K., MEASUREMENT OF SUBSEQUENT YIELD SURFACE OF PRESTRAINED SHEET METALS: APPLICATION OF ABRUPT STRAIN PATH CHANGE METHOD, Proc. Plasticity 2000: The Eighth Int. Symp. on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, ed. A.S. Khan, (2000), pp.531-533, Neat Press. 

KUWABARA, T., Kuroda, M., Tvergaard, V., and Nomura, K., Use of abrupt strain path change for determining subsequent yield surface: experimental study with metal sheets, Acta Mater., 48-9 (2000), 2071-2079.

D. Banabic, T. KUWABARA, T. and Balan, T., EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF SOME ANISOTROPIC YIELD CRITERIA, 7th National Conference on Technologies and Mechine-Tools for Cold Metal Forming with International Participation, Cruj-Napoca, May 11-12, (2000), pp.109-116.



T. Kuwabara and K. Kuroda; Biaxial Tensile Tests of Rephosphorized Sheet Steel Using Cruciform Specimens, Proc. Plasticity ’99: The Seventh Int. Symp. on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, ed. A.S. Khan, Constitutive and Damage Modeling of Inelastic Deformation and Phase Transformation, (1999), pp.373-376, Neat Press.

Takahashi, S. KUWABARA, T., Nomura, K. and Seki, N.; Process Optimization Technique for 2-Stage U-bending, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Forming Processes, Besancon, 1999, pp.311-316.


KUWABARA, T. and Van Bael, A., Measurement and Analysis of Yield Locus of Sheet Aluminum Alloy 6XXX, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Forming Processes, Besancon, (1999), pp.85-90.

T. Kuwabara, N. Seki, and S. Takahashi, "A Rigorous Numerical Analysis of Residual Curvature of Sheet Metals Subjected to Be nding-Unbending under Tension", Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proc. 6th ICTP, ed. T. Gaiger, (1999), pp.1071-1076.


KUWABARA, T., IKEDA, S. and KURODA, T.; Measurement and Analysis of Differential Work Hardening in Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet under Biaxial Tension, J. Material Process. Technol., 80/81(1998), pp.517-523.


T. Kuwabara, N. Seki, and S. Takahashi; A Rigorous Numerical Analysis of Residual Curvature of Sheet Metals Subjected to Bending-Unbending under Tension, Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proc. 6th ICTP, ed. T. Gaiger, (1999), pp.1071-1076.




T. Kuwabara and W.-H Si; PC-based Blank Design System for Deep-drawing Irregularly Shaped Prismatic Shells with Arbitrarily Shaped Flange, J. Materials Processing Technology, 63-1/3(1997), pp.89-94.

T. Kuwabara, I. Sususki and S. Ikeda; Measurement of Yield Locus of Aluminum Alloy Sheet A5182-O using Biaxial Cruciform Specimens, Proc. Sixth Int. Symp. Plasticity and Its Current Applications, ed. A.S. Khan, Physics and Mechanics of Finite Plastic and Viscoplastic Deformation, (1997), pp.53-56, Neat Press.




T. Kuwabara, S. Takahashi, N. Seki; Springback Analysis of Sheet Metal Formed into A Cylindrical Surface under Biaxial Stretching Forces, Proc. 3rd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Advances in Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications, eds. T. Abe and T. Tsuta, (1996), pp.759-764, Pergamon.


S. Takahashi, T. Kuwabara and K. Ito; Springback analysis of sheet metal subjected to bending-unbending under tension II (Experimental verification), Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proc. 5th ICTP, ed. T. Altan, (1996), pp.747-750.


T. Kuwabara, S. Takahashi and K. Ito, ; Springback analysis of sheet metal subjected to bending-unbending under tension I (Theory and results of numerical analysis), Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proc. 5th ICTP, ed. T. Altan, (1996), pp.743-746.




T. Kuwabara, Y. Morita, Y. Miyashita, S. Takahashi: Elastic-Plastic Behavior of Sheet Metal Subjected to In-Plane Reverse Loading, Proc. Plasticity ‘95, The fifth international symposium on plasticity and its current applications, ed. S. Tanimura and A.S. Khan, (1995), pp.841-844, Gordon and Breach Publishers.




T. Kuwabara, S. Takahashi, K. Akiyama and Y. Miyashita: 2-D Springback Analysis for Stretch-Bending Processes Based on Total Strain Theory, SAE Technical paper 950691, (1995).





T. Kuwabara, H. Ichikawa; A Method for Determining optimum Blank Shapes for Convex Polygonal Cups by the Combined use of Slip-line Field Theory and Rigid-plastic Finite Element Method, Advanced Technology of Plasticity, 1993, Proc. 4th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Beijing, Vol.III, (1993), pp.1679-1684.


G. Wang, Y. He, T. Kuwabara, and T. Jimma; Research on Generalized Plane Stress Characteristic Theory, Advanced Technology of Plasticity, 1993, Proc. 4th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Beijing, Vol.III, (1993), pp.226-229.

T. Kuwabara, K. Akiyama and Y. Nakayama; Square Shell Drawing Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy Sheet A5182-O, J. Materials Processing Technology, 38-4(1993),pp.737-749.


T. Kuwabara and K. Watanabe; Thickness Reduction of Metal Strips Subjected to Bending-Unbending Under Tension and Uniaxial Tensile Characteristics of These Prestrained Sheet Metal, Advances in Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symp., (1992), pp.1127-1132.


Wang, C.T. KUWABARA, T., He, Y., and Jimma, T.; Plane Stress Characteristics Method to Design Deep-Drawing Blank Shape, Proc. Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering of Light Metals, (1991), pp.773-778.



T. KUWABARA, T. Jimma and K. Miyazaki; A Novel Process Design Method for Multiple Draw of Rectangular Shells, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1990, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Kyoto, Vol.III(1990), pp.1167-1172.

T. Kuwabara and T. Jimma; Deep Drawing of Shells Having Slopes in the Base, Ann. C.I.R.P., 38-1(1989), pp.287-290.



T. Jimma and T. Kuwabara; Deep Drawing of Shells with Bi-level Bottoms, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1987, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Stuttgart, Vol.II(1987), pp.1159-1164, Springer Verlag.

T. Jimma, T. Kuwabara and S.C. Choi ; Deep Drawing of Double Cylindrical Shells, J. Mechanical Working Technol., 13-3(1986), pp.365-377.





T. Jimma, T. Kuwabara and S. C. Choi ; Researches on the Deep Drawing of Re-entrant Contour Shells, Proc. 1st International Confe