Initial Paper Submission Instructions

  1. Page limit: 6 pages.
  2. Paper format: Two-column format PDF files in the standard conference style. Please use the LaTeX style file or Microsoft Word template to prepare your manuscript.
  3. Submission deadline: Sep. 10, 2024.
  4. Please submit your initial paper (PDF file) and paper information to :

Final Paper Submission Instructions

  1. Page limit: 6 pages.
  2. Paper format: Two-column format PDF files in the standard conference style. Please use the LaTeX style file or Microsoft Word template to prepare your manuscript.
  3. Camera-ready copy submission deadline: Oct. 15, 2024.
  4. Please submit your final paper (PDF file) to :
  5. By accepting your paper, we request that you or your co-author register for ICAMechS 2024 conference and present your paper at the conference. If you or your co-author cannot register or present the paper at the conference, please inform us immediately. Download registration form to register now(under construction).
  6. After the final version of your paper has been uploaded, you must complete a copyright form and investigation , and send it to Professor Mingcong Deng by E-mail or Fax.
  7. If you have any questions, please send emails to:

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