
発表年 著者名 タイトル,雑誌名,巻,頁数
2022 Shimozuru M, Uno H, et al. Estimation of breeding population size using DNA-based pedigree reconstruction in brown bears. Ecology and Evolution, 12:e9246
2022 Akashi N, Unno A, Uno H. The browsing ratio as an index of the impact of deer browsing on tree seedlings. Trees, Forests and People, 8.
2022 Inatomi Y, Uno H, Ueno M, Takafumi H, Osa Y. Response of an indicator species, Dryopteris crassirhizoma, to temporal and spatial variations in sika deer density. Biology, 11, 302.
2022 Jimbo M, Ishinazaka T, Shirane Y, Umemura Y, Yamanaka M, Uno H, Shimozuru M. et al. Diet selection and social learning: natal habitat influence on lifelong foraging strategies in solitary large mammals. Ecosphere, 13:e4105.
2019 Uno H, Inatomi Y, Ueno M, Iijima H. Effects of sika deer (Cervus nippon) and dwarf bamboo (Sasa senanensis) on tree seedlings in a cool-temperate mixed forest on Hokkaido Island, Japan. European Journal of Forest Research, 138: 929-938.
2018 宇野裕之・立木靖之ほか ニホンジカ生体捕獲用の小型囲いワナの開発及びその適用.哺乳類科学,59: 93-101.
2018 稲富佳洋・宇野裕之ほか エゾシカの越冬地としての別寒辺牛湿原の評価.湿地研究,8: 7-16.
2018 稲富佳洋・宇野裕之ほか 釧路湿原国立公園の異なる植生タイプにおけるニホンジカの採食の影響評価.湿地研究,8: 17-32.
2018 長 雄一・宇野裕之ほか 釧路湿原国立公園内のニホンジカ捕獲候補地におけるタンチョウの分布様式.湿地研究,8: 33-44.
2017 Uno H, Ueno M, et al Estimation of population density for sika deer using distance sampling in the forested habitats of Hokkaido, Japan. Mammal Study, 42: 57-64.
2017 Inatomi Y, Uno H, et al Effects of sika deer (Cervus nippon) and dwarf bamboo (Sasa senanensis) on Trillium populations in Akan National Park, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Plant Species Biology, 32:423-431.
2015 Ijima H, Uno H, et al Efficient management for the Hokkaido population of sika deer Cervus nippon in Japan: accounting for migration and management cost. Population Ecology, 57:397-408.
2014 Ou W, Uno H, et al Temporal change in the spatial genetic structure of a sika deer population with an expanding distribution range over a 15-year period. Population Ecology, 56:311-325.
2014 稲富佳洋・宇野裕之ほか 釧路湿原国立公園における冬期のエゾシカの生息地選択.哺乳類科学,54:33-41.
2013 Uno H, Akasaka T, et al A comparison of sika deer population conditions between the Hidaka and Akan districts, in Hokkaido, Japan. Mammal Study, 38: 141-146.
2013 Terada C, Uno H, et al New mtDNA haplotypes of the sika deer (Cervus nippon) found in Hokkaido, Japan suggest human-mediated immigration. Mammal Study, 38: 123-129.
2013 櫻井哲史・宇野裕之ほか エゾシカ高密度生息域における捕獲及び防鹿柵による農業被害抑制効果.ランドスケープ研究,76:469-472.
2013 明石信廣・宇野裕之ほか 簡易なチェックシートを用いたエゾシカによる天然林への影響評価.日本森林学会誌,95:259-266.
2012 稲富佳洋・宇野裕之ほか 阿寒国立公園におけるエゾシカ生息密度の低下に伴う林床植生の変化.保全生態学会誌,17:185-197.
2010 Uno H, Hirakawa H, et al Performance of GPS collars deployed on free-ranging sika deer in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Mammal Study, 35: 111-118.
2010 Kaji K, Uno H, et al Adaptive management of sika deer populations in Hokkaido, Japan: theory and practice. Population Ecology, 52: 373-387.
2008 Yamamura K, Matsuda H, Uno H, et al Harvest-based Bayesian estimation of sika deer populations using a state-space model. Population Ecology 50: 131-144.
2006 Uno H, et al Evaluation of relative density indices for sika deer in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Ecological Research, 21: 624-632.
2006 Uno H, Kaji K Survival and cause-specific mortality rates of female sika deer in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Ecological Research, 21: 215-220.
2004 Igota H, Sakuragi M, Uno H, et al Seasonal migration patterns of female sika deer in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Ecological Research, 19: 169-178.
2004 Kobayashi A, Uno H, et al Evaluation of fetal growth and estimation of fetal age based on skeletal growth in Hokkaido sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis Heude, 1884). J Vet Med Sci, 66: 1535-1542.
2003 Sakuragi M, Igota H, Uno H, et al Benefit of migration in a female sika deer population in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Ecological Research, 18: 347-354.
2003 Sakuragi M, Igota H, Uno H, et al Seasonal habitat selection of an expanding sika deer Cervus nippon population in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Wildlife Biology, 9: 141-153.
2002 Sakuragi M, Igota H, Uno H, et al Comparison of diurnal and 24-hour sampling of habitat use by female sika deer. Mammal Study, 27: 101-105.
2002 Matsuda H, Uno H, et al Harvest-based estimation of population size for sika deer on Hokkaido Island, Japan. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 30: 1160-1171.
2000 Uno H, Kaji K Seasonal movements for female sika deer in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Mammal Study, 25: 49-57.