
Coming Events

Sugario, JJ, Hyogo, Aihara, Tomohiro, Hiroki, Ryo, Rismayani, Kohyoh, Yuka, Naoki, and Takeshi will give a talk in a symposium in the 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology

Naoki will give a talk in a symposium in the 50th Annual Meeting of the Pesticide Science Society of Japan


Recent News

Our preprint has been published in bioRxiv!
Salivary proteins in spider mites: dual roles in feeding and silk fiber coating

Congratulations to Tomohiro, Hiroki, and Ryo on successfully defending their MSc theses!

Congratulations to Sota on successfully defending his PhD thesis!

Congratulations to Naoki on successfully defending his PhD thesis!

Congratulations to Sugario, JJ, and Hyogo on successfully defending their BSc theses!

Special meeting and end-of-year party

Suzuki Lab 10th Anniversary Celebration

The book “Foundations of Spider Mite Biology” was released on November 1, 2024!

20241003, 04, 1112, 26【演習】農学部応用生物科学科共通実験
Undergraduate laboratory course in the Department of Applied Biological Science

Tomohiro, Yuka, and Naoki gave their oral presentations in the 14th Spider Mite Genome Meeting in Logrono, Spain

Rio, Sogo, Tomohiro, Rismayani, Yuka, Naoki, and Faten gave their oral presentations in the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Acarological Society of Japan in Shizuoka, Japan

20240902【論文】餌の粉末化がコオロギの成育に及ぼす影響について調査した論文がJournal of Insects as Food and Feed誌に受理(D2村田くんの研究)
Our preprint has been accepted in Journal of Insects as Food and Feed!
Effects of powderization of a granular diet on growth performance of the edible cricket, Teleogryllus occipitalis (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)

Kohyoh, Yuka, Naoki, and Takeshi gave their poster or oral presentations in the XXVII International Congress of Entomology in Kyoto, Japan

20240823【学会】第2回Non-Traditional Arthropod Model Systems会議(東京)で藍原と新井がポスター賞を受賞
Tomohiro and Yuka won the poster award in the 2nd Non-Traditional Arthropod Model Systems Meeting

20240821【学会】第2回Non-Traditional Arthropod Model Systems会議(東京)で発表(藍原、大迫、Rismayani、村田、平田、三野、新井、武田、Faten)
Tomohiro A., Tomohiro O., Rismayani, Kohyoh, Kazuya, Ryuto, Yuka, Naoki, and Faten will gave their poster and oral presentations in the 2nd Non-Traditional Arthropod Model Systems Meeting in Tokyo, Japan

Our preprint has been published in Lepidoptera Science!
Potential for range expansion of the cycad blue butterfly, Luthrodes pandava, in Japan

General Remarks “The power of insects for food resilience: new directions in applied entomology” published in the Nature & Insects!

20240619【報道】NHK WORLDFRONTRUNNERSの取材協力(鈴木・村田)
Takeshi and Kohyoh appeared on the NHK WORLD program FRONTRUNNERS

Takeshi will give a talk at the Special Exhibition for the 150th Anniversary of TUAT in the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden

20240517, 20, 21【演習】農学部応用生物科学科専門実験
Undergraduate laboratory course in the Department of Applied Biological Science

Lab BBQ planned at the Koganei Park

Our preprint has been published in bioRxiv!
Effects of diet particle size on growth performance of the edible cricket, Teleogryllus occipitalis (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)

Yuka won the poster award in the 84th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Japan and the 68th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology Joint Meeting

Tomohiro, Ryo, Matsumina, Kohyoh, Yuka, Naoki, Faten, and Takeshi gave their poster or oral presentations in the 84th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Japan and the 68th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology Joint Meeting

20240320【論文】DeepLabCutを用いたコオロギの行動解析論文がBiology Open誌に受理
Our paper on deep learning-based behavioural analysis in crickets has been published in Biology Open!
DeepLabCut-based daily behavioural and posture analysis in a cricket

Takeshi will give a talk in a symposium in the 49th Annual Meeting of the Pesticide Science Society of Japan

Our article on farming systems for edible insects has been published in the Agricultural Biotechnology!

Congratulations to Suzukana, Matsumina, and Songtai who successfully defended their MSc theses!

Congratulations to Akira and Sogo who successfully defended their BSc theses!

20231210【出演】NHK・明日をまもるナビ「“地球沸騰時代” どうなる私たちの暮ら」 に出演(鈴木丈)
Takeshi appeared on the NHK program Asshita Navi

Welcome to new members: Rio, Hideaki, and Hyogo!