Dr. Toshiyuki Sameshima Professor

Contact Information

* Email: tsamesim@cc.tuat.ac.jp
* Websites: http://www.tuat.ac.jp/~sameken/
* Phone/Fax: 042-388-7109
* Office: Koganei Campus New No.1 Bldg. 3F Room No. 311


* PhD., Physics, Shizuoka University Dissertation "Pulse XeCl Excimer Laser Annealing of Silicon Film"
* MS., Graduate School of Science, Shizuoka University
* BS., Department of Physics Astrophysical Course, Nagoya University


* Present, the faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
* 1995 joined the faculty of Electrical Information Science Department at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
* 1994-1995 Max-Plank-Institute Guest Researcher Research work: Sio Dielectrics Technology
* 1980-1994 Sony Corporation Central Research Center Main research works: Laser Crystallization, Thin Film Transistor