RIMS Workshop
"Combinatorial Representation Theory and Related Topics"

Japanese English

We will hold a conference on the combinatorial representation theory and related subjects.
Everybody is welcome to participate in the conference. Prior registration and registration fee are not required.

Date:  October 19th (Mon.) - 22th (Thu.), 2015

Place:  Room 110 (1st floor), RIMS, Kyoto University

Organizer:  Katsuyuki Naoi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)    naoik_at_cc.tuat.ac.jp


October 19th (Mon.)
Tatsuyuki HIKITA (Kyoto University)
Title: On an algebro-geometric realization of the cohomology ring of conical symplectic resolutions

Tomoo MATSUMURA (Okayama University of Science)
Title: Kempf-Laksov determinant formula in the infinitesimal cohomology theories (abstract)

Naoki FUJITA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Title: Newton-Okounkov bodies of Schubert varieties and polyhedral realizations of crystal bases (abstract)

October 20th (Tue.)
Shunsuke TSUCHIOKA (The University of Tokyo)
Title: On a general Schur's partition identity (abstract)

Ronald C. KING (University of Southampton/The University of Tokyo)
Title: Factorial characters of classical Lie groups (abstract)

Naoya SHIMAMOTO (The University of Tokyo)
Title: The orbit decompositions of multiple flag manifolds of \(\mathrm{SL}(n,\mathbb{C})\)

Takuma HAYASHI (The University of Tokyo)
Title: The Zuckerman functor over a commutative ring (abstract)

Hideya WATANABE (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Title: A Combinatorial Formula for Periodic R-polynomials and for Periodic Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials

October 21th (Wed.)
Soichi OKADA (Nagoya University)
Title: Young books and \(q\)-Selberg integrals (abstract)

Masao ISHIKAWA (University of the Ryukyus)
Title: Domino tilings of Aztec rectangle with connected holes (abstract)

Shouya MARUYAMA (The University of Tokyo)
Title: Combinatorial R, Tetrahedron equation and Multi-spiecies TASEP

Kazuya KAWASETSU (The University of Tokyo)
Title: Generalized principal subspaces and an intermediate vertex subalgebra (abstract)

\(\bullet\) On the third day the meeting is closed at this time since a regular seminar is planned to hold in the room.

October 22th (Thu.)
Ryo KANDA (Nagoya University)
Title: Every poset appears as the atom spectrum of some Grothendieck category (abstract)

Yuya MIZUNO (Nagoya University)
Title: Categorification of Weyl groups and braid groups

Ryoichi KASE (Nara Women's University)
Title: Remarks on the lengths of maximal green sequences for type \(\tilde{A}_{n,1}\) quivers (abstract)

Last updated on September 7, 2015