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About us

In Nagai Lab., basic researches in vehicle engineering are being carriedbout, aiming at traffic safety, ride quality improvement and environmental protection. Our studies are based on two major academic fields, that are, Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control Engineering, and Mechatronics. Based on these academic backgrounds, "Vehicle Dynamics and Control" is a major field of study in Nagai Lab..
Especially, we emphasize researches for social demands, for example, (1) a task for developing safety cars in the next generation to overcome the present situation that around 10,000 people in Japan are killed by traffic accidents in a year, (2) development of a low emission car for environmental protection, (3) developing comfortable and low noise vehicles, as railway vehicles speed up.

Moreover, It is an important task to research and develop new intelligent systems corresponding to an aging society and an information-oriented society in the future, so we intend to emphasize researches related to Human-Machine-Interface.