Presentation of Study Training Experience

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The Leading Graduate School Program will talk about their study training experience. come and join us! The event is open to everyone at TUAT.

WHEN: Tue. 15th October 2019, 16:30-18:30 PM
WHERE: Leading Seminar Room (#235), BASE Bldg., Koganei Campus
SCHEDULE: 16:30‐17:30 Student Presentations 17:30‐18:30 Free-talk session
LANGUAGE: Japanese and English (language depends on the speaker)
No registration needed. Just come and join us!

【Presentation Outline】
Steinbeis training
10 days intensive program including German-Japanese business, group work to tackle challenges from middle and small-sized enterprises, and cultural exchange with students from Steinbeis University (MBE) in Germany.
Study trip to China
12 days intensive program including field work (experiments and interviews), group work and cultural exchange on sustainable crop production and environmental issues in China with students in Sophia University and Chinese Academy of Science.
Study training in Odawara
7 days program including growp work and field work for sustainability in Odawara with students in Waseda university, government and companies.


Leading Graduate School Program, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Assoc. Prof. Hisako Umemura
Mail:umemurah(at mark)