12/25 武道体験会(弓道)
Exploring Japanese Martial Arts Part2: Introduction to Japanese Archery

弓道部とTUAT Buddy(留学生の生活を支援する団体)で本学農学部道場にてAIMS STEP留学生に弓道を体験するイベントを開催しました。
0. 矢渡しの演武
1. ミニ弓道体験:自由に弓、矢を持って(安全の範囲内で)引いてもらいました。
2. 説明:武道や弓道で学ぶ概念について説明しました。
3. 徒手体験:矢や弓を持たずに型を覚えてもらう練習です。
4. ゴム弓体験: ゴムの負荷でも3で学んだ型を実践できるようにする練習です。
5. 素引き体験:実際に弓を弽を使わずに素手で引く練習です。
6. メンテナンス:的の手入れ、垜の手入れを見てもらいました。
手伝ってくださったTUAT Buddy、弓道部の皆さんありがとうございました。

Kyudo club in TUAT and TUAT Buddy (the group supports internatinal students in TUAT) held this event for AIMS and STEP internatinal students in TUAT.
The internatinal students experienced kyudo (Japanese art of archery) and learn deep Japanese culture.
We did following activities.
0. Yawatashi (矢渡し): It is one of the demonstration of kyudo which is often done when event get starts.
1. Tasting Japanese bow: They can draw Japanese bow in free style.
2. Lecture(introduction): We told them concept of martial arts and kyudo based on 教本(text book of kyudo). We compare kyudo and sports especially western archery.
3. Mimicry: We taught the international student how to draw in Japanese style(射法八節 shahohassetsu). They practiced mimic Japanese drawing style without bow and arrows.
4. Gum training: They practiced drawing Japanese style with gum. They got know it is hard to draw in right form under the gum’s force.
5. Using bow: You practiced drawing with Japanese bow in Japanese style (without arrows).
6. Maintenance (optional activity): They watched how we maintain the target and douzyo(the place we practice kyudo).