- Yao,Juming., Nakazawa, Yasumoto. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Structures of Bombyx moriand Samia cynthia ricini silk fibroins studied with solid-state NMR,Biomacromolecules, 5-3, 680-688, 2004.
- Ohgo,Kosuke., Kurano, Tracie L., Kumashiro, Kristin K. and Asakura, Tetsuo.,Structure of the model peptides of Bombyx mori silk-elastin like proteinstudied with solid state NMR, Biomacromolecules, 5-3, 744-750, 2004.
- Asakura,Tetsuo., Yao, Juming., Ohgo, Kosuke., Sugino, Rena. and Raghuvansh, Kishore,Structural analysis of Bombyx mori silk fibroin peptides with formicacid treatment using high-resolution solid-state 13C NMRspectroscopy, Biomacromolecules, 5-5, 1763-1769, 2004.
- Rousseau,Marie-Eve., Beaulieu, Lilyane., Lefèvre, Thierry.,Paradis,
Joanie., Asakura, Tetsuo. and Pézolet,Michel., Study of protein
conformation and orientation in silkworm and spidersilk fibers using Raman
microspectroscopy, Biomacromolecules, 5-6,2247-2257, 2004.
- Asakura,Tetsuo., Tanaka, Chikako., Yang, Mingying., Yao, Juming. and Kurokawa, Masato.,Production and characterization of a silk-like hybrid protein, based on thepolyalanine region of Samia cynthia ricini silk fibroin and a celladhesive region derived from fibronectin, Biomaterials, 25-4, 617-624,2004.
- Taddei,Paola., Asakura, Tetsuo., Yao, Juming. and Monti, Patrizia.,
Raman study ofpoly(alanine-glycine)-basedpeptides containing tyrosine,
valine, and serine as model for thesemicrystalline domains of Bombyx mori silk fibroin, Biopolymers,75-4, 314-324, 2004.
- Yao,Juming., Asakura, Tetsuo. and Yanagisawa, Satoshi., Design, expression andcharacterization of collagen-like proteins based on the cell adhesive andcrosslinking sequences derived from native collagens, J. Biochem. (Tokyo).136-5,643-649, 2004.
- Matsuda,Hironori. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Longer range sequence analysis offour-component copolyester using NMR, Macromolecules, 37-6, 2163-2170,2004.
- Yang,Mingying., Yao, Juming., Sonoyama, Masashi. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Spectroscopiccharacterization of heterogeneous structure of Samia cynthia ricini silkfibroin induced by stretching and molecular dynamics simulation,Macromolecules, 37-9, 3497-3504, 2004.
- Matsuda,Hironori., Asakura, Tetsuo., Nagasaka, Bunsow. and Sato,
Kazuhiko.,Relationship between Sequence Distribution and Thermal Properties
of theTransesterification Product between Poly(ethyleneterephthalate) and
Poly(butyleneterephthalate), Macromolecules, 37-12, 4651-4657, 2004.
- Asakura,Tetsuo., Suita, Kohei., Kameda, Tsunenori., Afonin, Sergii. and Ulrich, Anne.S., Structural role of tyrosine in Bombyx mori silk fibroin, studied bysolid-state NMR and molecular mechanics on a model peptide prepared as silk Iand II,Magn Reson Chem, 42-2, 258-266, 2004.
- Nishiyama,Toshihiro., Kajimoto, Tetsuya., Tanaka, Toru., Ozawa, Machiko., Asakura,Tetsuo., Miura, Tsuyoshi., Tsuji, Shuichi., Kasuya, Maria Carmelita. andHatanaka, Kenichi., Synthesis of Peptide Mimetics of CMP-Sialic Acid as theInhibitors of Sialyl Transferase, Peptide science 2003, 2003, 215-218,2004.
- Asakura, Tetsuo., Yang, Mingying. and Kawase, Taiji., Structure of characteristicsequences in Nephila clavipes dragline silk (MaSp1)studied with 13C solid state NMR, Polym. J, 36-12, 999-1003,2004.
- 亀田恒徳, 朝倉哲郎, 張力下における天然ゴムの構造と運動性に関する固体13CNMRを用いた研究, 高分子加工3月号, 53, 6-11, 2004.
- 朝倉哲郎, 「NMR」 第5版 3,2,2 核磁気共鳴スペクトル, 実験化学講座, 日本化学会(編), 丸善, 26, 271-276, 2004.
- 大郷耕輔, 朝倉哲郎, 「エレクトロスピニング法」機能性不織布の新展開 (監修)日向明, 潟Vーエムシー出版, 84-97, 2004.
- 朝倉哲郎, 「新しい絹をつくる -固体NMRで絹の構造を解き明かす-」, 現代化学6月号, 399, 24-31, 2004.
- 朝倉哲郎, 1.絹 第3版「繊維便覧」, 繊維学会編, 丸善, 149-152, 2004.
- 朝倉哲郎, 「高分子辞典」, 2004.
- 朝倉哲郎, 「NMRを用いた家蚕絹繊維化前の構造」, FIBER繊維学会誌, 60-11, 543-546, 2004.
- 朝倉哲郎, 「週刊ナノテク」, 産業タイムス社, 1187, 6-7, 2004.
- Asakura, Tetsuo., Nakazawa, Y., Structure and structural changes of the
silk fibroin fromSamia cynthia ricini using nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy., Macromolecular Bioscience, 4-3, 175-185, 2004.
- Yao, J. M., Asakura, Tetsuo., `SILKS' Encyclopedia of biomaterials and
biomedicalengineering. Marcel Dekker Inc. NY, 1363-1370, 2004.
- Yao, J. M., Ohgo, Kosuke., Sugino, R., Kishore, R., Asakura, Tetsuo., Structural
analysis ofBombyx mori silk fibroin peptides with formic acid treatment
usinghigh-resolution solid-state C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Biomacromolecules, 5-5, 1763-1769, 2004.